Chapter 436
Due to its special geographical location, the sunrise in Kaduo County is particularly late. Even in the summer when the sun first appears throughout the year, it is only close to nine o'clock before dawn.

Therefore, it is less than six o'clock in Kaduo County, which is equivalent to the early morning of Yucheng near four o'clock.

After returning to the room, Song He took out the map he had specially asked Liu Yun to find, carefully identified and confirmed the location of the destination, and left wearing black clothes.

After passing the counter, Song He glanced at the innkeeper who was still asleep, picked up his mobile phone, recorded the mobile number, and quickly walked out of the hotel.

In the original plan, if the nighttime investigation did not yield any results, Song He would make trouble on the grounds that the bicycle was lost, and try to obtain relevant information from the hotel owner.

But now that the goal is clear, this kind of method is naturally unnecessary, but Song He still suspects that the hotel owner is related to the person who chased and killed Chai Wendong. He didn't even notice, let alone follow him to the hotel.

Therefore, the possibility of someone reporting or monitoring is much greater, and the easiest person to monitor Chai Wendong's movements is the hotel owner.

After sending the number to Liu Yun for investigation, Song He went straight to the south of Caddo County to eliminate the possibility that he was least willing to face.

More than ten minutes later, a smelting factory appeared in front of Song He. The experienced man found a corner where no one was there, took out the drone he had prepared and took off directly, and flew over the iron smelting factory.

Not long after, Song He saw the situation in the factory from the video sent back by the drone.

"If you are a die-hard fan, this is the only place where you can find them." Song He, who was whispering to himself, looked at the video and suddenly stared blankly, and complained helplessly: "I don't want to install surveillance, but I am willing to employ people, right?"

In the small display screen, there are more than a dozen people patrolling back and forth in the not-so-large factory area, and Song He is not given any chance to sneak in.

Song He, who was temporarily at a loss, could only control the drone to slowly lower its altitude so that the screen could feed back more details.

"With this patrol intensity, it is impossible for Senior Brother Chai to sneak in to investigate." Song He calmly analyzed: "In other words, it became like this after Senior Brother Chai sneaked in to investigate."

"And look at these people, their waists covered by clothes are bulging... I'll go! Gun!"

Through the high-definition camera on the drone, Song He keenly discovered that the silhouettes on the waist clothing of some patrol officers were obviously hidden guns!

Song He, who was in shock, tried to calm himself down. The fact that more than half of the dozen or so patrols were armed with guns made him even more worried about Chai Wendong's situation, and he began to operate the drone more carefully for investigation.

Soon, he discovered that most of the patrol officers were focusing their patrols around a small factory with lights on.

"What's inside?" Song He was curious, felt the wind direction, and immediately felt towards the downwind vent of the small factory in the night.

Not long after, Song He came to the lower air outlet outside the factory area, hid himself, and used his sense of smell to carefully identify the smell in the air. After a while, he caught a strange smell from the air!
"This damn thing is just a weapons processing workshop!" Song He's heart beat a few times unsatisfactorily, and he gritted his teeth and whispered: "Brother Chai, please don't let anything happen to you!"

Holding the drone's display for a long time to observe, Song He never found a chance to sneak in, so he could only send the information he had collected to Shen Jianghe first.

After a while, Song He received a reply, Shen Jianghe's meaning was very simple, let him not care about other things, the only thing to do is to go all out to determine Chai Wendong's whereabouts and life and death.

"Even if you want me to take care of it, you can't take care of it!"

Song He glanced at the iron smelting plant that was still in the dark, knowing what kind of waves the news he just sent would cause waves among the big bosses in Qindu. However, this case was different from ordinary cases after all. It is impossible to solve it in the short term.

So Song He calmed down and carefully searched for loopholes in the factory through the drone's camera.

After a while, Song He murmured thoughtfully to himself: "There is only the roof, so we have to divert their attention away first."

After making a plan, Song He remotely controlled the drone to stay at a safe height for real-time monitoring, and then quickly caught a wild dog from the street.

He first fed a small piece of raw meat to the wild dog, and then threw a piece of raw meat far away to the gate of the smelting plant while the wild dog watched. Then he saw it jolting and running towards the gate.

Song He watched from a distance, and when the wild dog picked up the piece of raw meat, he waved his hand and threw a stone out, and hit the wild dog hard!

A miserable cry resounded through the night sky. Song He stared calmly at the display screen of the drone, but saw that the dozens of people on patrol were all focused on the dog barking in an instant, and several people rushed to check it one after another. .

Thinking of an opportunity in his heart, Song He quickly rushed to the wall closest to the tallest building in the factory and climbed over the wall like a phantom.

As soon as he landed on the ground, he quickly dived to the downstairs, and climbed up at a high speed with his hands and feet climbing the outer wall of the building!
When the patrols returned to their respective patrol areas, Song He had already climbed to the top of the building, squatting quietly behind the wall on the top of the building, and looked around with the clear vision brought by the high-definition binoculars.

Jin is coming in, but how should I get out later...

Song He, who was thinking about how to retreat, did not move slowly. He observed around the roof, or guessed through lip language, or through auditory intake, in short, he did not miss any information that might contain Chai Wendong's clues.

Fortunately, this is just a small smelting plant, and the plant area is not big. In the dead of night, Song He was condescending, and no disturbance in the plant area could escape his eyes and ears.

Finally, the conversation between the two patrol officers caught his attention.

"That person the day before yesterday was really desperate, and he forced Lao Liu to shoot."

"It's useless! It's not that he was killed! If he hadn't rolled to the bottom of the cliff, he would have run away!"

"Lower your voice! He was injured. There is no way he could live and let others hear..."

"What the heck are you afraid of! He is afraid that the boss will deal with him, so why should I cover for him? I will be the first to withdraw after the goods are delivered in a few days! Who knows whether that person is alive or dead and what his identity is! You can't..."

Song He's heart moved, and after listening carefully for a while, he directly equated the person they were talking about with Chai Wendong, but the content of the conversation between the two made Song He feel extremely disturbed.

Being shot, falling off a cliff, no matter what the situation is, not being rescued in time is enough to kill people, let alone two people meeting together!
"God bless you! Brother Chai, you must survive!"

By talking to himself to calm down, Song He had already forgotten how many times he had forced himself to calm down today.

And the moment he calmed down, his stern gaze returned to looking directly at the entrance to the building at his feet!

Three minutes later, a patrolman in the factory suddenly noticed a flash of light in a window of the office building, but before he could recover, the light in the window surged and flames instantly burst out!

"It's on fire!"

In an instant, the factory area was in chaos.

In the chaos, a dark figure climbed down from the other side of the building. As soon as it landed, it disappeared under the darkness of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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