While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 44 Surprising follow-up

Chapter 44 Surprising follow-up
In the Beicheng District Police Station, Ma Xuexian led the special police to quickly and perfectly set up the defense line and intercept the fugitives at the last moment of the operation, which made the Beicheng District Police Patrol Team all the limelight and immediately became a star of the police station.

Ma Xuexian's outstanding performance in the entire arrest operation also proved Wei Zhihai's precise vision, which made him feel proud in front of the leaders and colleagues, so he couldn't help thinking of promoting Ma Xuexian.

As for Wu Kun, after leaving the DC District Police Station, he returned home on the pretext of feeling unwell. His cell phone has been turned off and he has not contacted anyone. Of course, no one is willing to contact him at this time.

While Song He was editing the information, star police officer Ma Xuexian felt a little worried.Because in the Beicheng District Police Station, no matter where he appeared, there would be countless eyes full of envy and admiration staring at him. Although this was the treatment that he would wake up with a smile in his dreams, it still made him a little uncomfortable.

Ma Xuexian, who was hesitating whether to go out and hide for a while, happened to receive Song He's message, so he went to the bathroom calmly and opened it quietly.

He read the text message quickly, but he was so stunned that he couldn't help but read it several times.

The information is very simple, most of which are words to explain the direction of action and reminders. There are only a few sentences at the end, which are descriptions of some people's words and deeds.

And the reason why Ma Xuexian read this text message again and again, the key lies in the time and place where these people were at that time!
In the process of capturing the escaped prisoner!

Operation Temporary Headquarters!
The combination of these two factors, coupled with those ulterior motives, made Ma Xue's scalp tingle after thinking about it for a while.

But at the same time, he was also faintly excited, recalling the exclusion he had suffered and the suppression he had experienced, who could really laugh it off!

Ma Xue closed his eyes first, and firmly remembered the content sent by Song He.After a while, he opened his eyes, controlled his slightly red fingers from excitement, quickly operated on the phone, and deleted the message without hesitation.

When he walked out of the bathroom, he was calm and back to normal, but his hands in his pockets were still firmly holding the phone.

And Song He, who had just finished breakfast, was on his way to the club, recalled the message he had sent to Ma Xuexian, and smiled in his heart: patience, coupled with natural guidance, will yield unexpected results.

At noon that day, the jailbreak incident in the early hours of the morning and the subsequent arrests spread all over the streets and alleys of Yucheng, and became the talk of everyone at the dinner table!

The speed of news dissemination made Song He amazed at the efficiency of the journalists, but he also expressed his understanding: after all, the jailbreak incident is not a trivial matter.

You must know that the prisoner would inevitably be noticed by the residents during his escape in the early hours of the day, and coupled with the fact that almost all the police officers in the city participated in the operation, it is strange that the news did not report it!
Fortunately, the action was fast enough, and the arrests were over before most of the residents went out.In this way, the police also had enough time to communicate with the media in Yucheng City. After focusing on publicizing the precise and rapid arrest operation, the impact of this vicious incident was successfully minimized, so that ordinary people can still live normally as before. .

However, with the passage of time, more and more details have been revealed. After all, the police officers involved in the operation also have family members, and these large numbers of half-informed persons are the outlets for the outflow of details.

Information about prison breaks, scattered escapes, precise siege, pursuit and interception under precise command and so on was passed into the ears of Yucheng residents one after another, and then spread from their mouths, and soon became a phenomenon-level topic of discussion. The heat continued unabated.

As for the patrol officers who are on duty on a daily basis, the attention they have received has skyrocketed. Almost every time they are on duty, they will be approached by passers-by on the road to ask questions, so much so that some of the sleepwalking words of the patrol officers while sleeping are related to this operation!

What's more, there are some media reporters among the people who dragged the police to ask questions, and they did get a lot of information that the government has not disclosed in the process of interviewing on the street.

Gradually, Zhao Congjun, chief of the Nancheng District Police Department, came into the reporter's sight, although he already knew that this chief with sharp eyebrows was the commander in chief of the hunt when he communicated with the police the first day.

However, when the reporters accidentally turned their attention to his police experience, the smart people suddenly realized:

Treasure dug!

A police family with three generations of police officers!
After meritorious service, he was promoted to become the youngest head of the township police station in Yucheng!
Facing the difficulties, please adjust the Nancheng District, which has the worst law and order!
Solve the public security problem in Nancheng District within half a year!

In the eyes of journalists, no matter which one of the various items is enough, it is enough to make a special report on the enthusiasm for hunting escaped criminals.

Therefore, the media requested an exclusive interview with Zhao Congjun from the Nancheng District Police Station, and received an immediate reply:
Refuse to interview!

The reason is because Zhao Congjun didn't want to.
In the end, in order to achieve their goals, the media adopted the method of saving the country with curves and directly made requests to the Municipal Bureau.And Qin Yuanzheng also asked Zhao Congjun to make a compromise out of the consideration of setting an example for the police:
Interviews are still refused, but a few questions can be interviewed.

Finally, a week after the pursuit, Zhao Congjun reluctantly accepted an interview with the media in his office.

When Song He watched Zhao Congjun awkwardly put on a serious look in front of the camera, his heart was already full of laughter.

Standing beside Song He were Zhao Congjun's four favorite students, each with different complexions, but one thing was the same as Song He, that is, they were all holding back their smiles.

"It's easy for Master to lead the charge, but it's hard to face the reporters' long guns and short guns." Sun Xiaohai said with a twitching corner of his mouth.

Cheng Bin and Zhou Kai nodded in agreement, each secretly smiling.Wu Xuerui glanced at Song He suspiciously, wondering what she was thinking.

The interview process lasted less than half an hour, and due to Zhao Congjun's stiffness and unnaturalness, some scenes were destined not to be broadcast due to effect problems.

However, I don't know whether it was Zhao Congjun's luck or misfortune. Song He secretly recorded the entire interview process and sent it to Cheng, Sun, Zhou and Wu.

As for whether the video will spread?How will Zhao Congjun react when he finds out?Song He didn't think about it at all, anyway, he decided to go around Old Zhao recently.

The video will not be deleted even if killed!

It didn't take long for Zhao Congjun's interview with the media to spread throughout the police stations in Yucheng. However, compared to the outside world's enthusiasm for these topics, the atmosphere inside the Yucheng police circle began to become weird.

What led to this change were some remarks circulated among police officers.

When Zhao Congjun commanded the hunt, some people said something in the temporary headquarters. Although they didn't say anything radical, the hints in the words, coupled with their special identities, made them Then everything gets weird.

Wu Kun, deputy director of the Beicheng District Police Department!
Fang Yuanping, deputy director of the XC District Police Department!

Both were candidates for the chief of the Nancheng District Police Department, and they were also the initiators of Zhao Congjun's appointment as the commander-in-chief of the hunt!
All of a sudden, everyone was in an uproar!

Anyone with a bit of a brain, after learning about the remarks and background of the two, will draw a picture of a gloomy picture in their minds.

And just when rumors were spreading in the police station, one of the parties involved in the incident, Wu Kun, was sitting in his office and was upset: How could things evolve to such a situation? I obviously just echoed it casually.
Who spread the word?
This question appeared in his mind countless times, but he couldn't figure it out.

Although there were not many people sitting in the temporary command post at that time, he didn't know any of the police officers who were in charge of collecting information, so there was no way to trace them.And if it was secretly reported by other bureau chiefs, deputy bureau chiefs, or even the leaders of the city bureau
Thinking of this, Wu Kun sighed in his heart: What's the point of thinking about this now.

No matter who spread the news, his current situation will never get better. Rather than continue to suffer, it is better to choose a retreat while there is still a chance.

At the same time, the phone in the Yucheng Police Chief's office suddenly rang, and Qin Yuanzheng picked it up slowly:

"Oh, Fang Yuanping, what's the matter?"

"Exchange and mutual assistance? Yes, there is such a project."

"Yes, we are communicating with Xiangcheng."

"Xiangcheng Niuwei Town?"

"You can think about it carefully. The conditions in that place are very difficult, and you will be there for five years. Once you make a decision, you can't go back on it."

"Okay, I'll think about it."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Yuanzheng tapped his right index finger on the desk lightly, recalling the situation in the temporary headquarters, with a meaningful smile on his face: "This Fang Yuanping, now he has fighting spirit."

A week later, two applications were sent to the Yucheng Police Department.

Due to physical reasons, Wu Kun applied for early retirement!
Fang Yuanping applied to participate in the exchange and mutual assistance program, and was transferred to Niuwei Town, Xiangcheng, as the chief of the police station of Niuwei Town!
What is even more surprising is that the Municipal Bureau quickly approved these two applications!

Soon, news spread that the two parties were exiled as soon as they retired. In addition to focusing on Zhao Congjun, countless police officers were also full of guesses about the positions of the two vacated deputy chiefs.

As for the police station in Nancheng District, it was full of joy. This time, Zhao Congjun had won a complete victory, and the voices of residents in Nancheng District who didn't know the inside story were louder than those in other districts.

Wu Xuerui, who was in the archives room, could still feel the high-spirited atmosphere in the police station even through the door. She couldn't help but take a good look at Song He, and asked curiously, "How did you do it?"

"I didn't do anything!" Song He cried out: "I've been helping you analyze the case every day these days, so there's no chance I can do something small."

"Do you think I believe it?" Wu Xuerui looked at Song He's denial with great interest, and urged, "Tell me, what's going on?"

"You know me so well, how can I hide my private money in the future!" Song He said with a cheeky smile.

When Wu Xuerui heard this, the tip of one ear turned red instantly, and she glared and said, "Who cares about your private money! Tell me!"

Song He laughed and stopped joking, and said seriously: "I asked Ma Xue to do two things first."

"What's the matter?" Wu Xuerui pulled the broken hair around her ears to cover her red ears.

Song He raised a finger: "The first thing is to let him patrol in a friendly manner, meet enthusiastic citizens, and answer the questions he can answer."

Wu Xuerui thought for a moment, feeling a little lost, and asked, "What about the second one?"

Song He raised his second finger: "Second thing, I asked him to ask his colleagues familiar with the Municipal Bureau to help him find out if the leaders of the Municipal Bureau had any comments during his arrest."

"That's all?" Wu Xuerui was a little confused.

"That's all." Song He looked at Wu Xuerui who was rarely in a daze, tilted his head and smiled.

Wu Xuerui thought for a moment, then thoughtfully said: "Explain."

"Actually, the key to the problem is not these two things, but Ma Xuexian's performance and what he said in these two things." Song He resisted the urge to reach out and touch the top of Wu Xuerui's head, and continued: "The first thing, Ma Xuexian, through behavior It affected colleagues on the patrol and enthusiastic citizens, accelerated the spread of news, and made Lao Zhao the focus in a very short period of time."

"The second thing is that Ma Xuexian asked his colleagues from the city bureau to help him inquire. The answer can only be obtained by asking the police officers in the temporary headquarters at that time, and those police officers knew what Wu Kun and Fang Yuanping said at that time."

"I understand." Wu Xuerui suddenly realized: "You let the police officers of the temporary headquarters recall the performance of Wu Kun and Fang Yuanping through Ma Xuexian's colleagues."

"That's right." Song He nodded and said, "You know, the most difficult thing for human beings to keep is a secret. Because a secret can bring a sense of superiority, but if it is not revealed, then this secret will be worthless. And what I did It is to tell those police officers that what Wu Kun and Fang Yuanping said is a secret that can be leaked."

"How do you guarantee that those police officers will tell?" Wu Xuerui discovered the loophole in Song He's plan.

"Because I was the first to know these secrets." Song He smiled mysteriously: "Do you still remember that I chatted with them after the operation?"

"At that time?" Wu Xuerui was surprised.

"That's right, they were still very excited at the time, and they were very good at clichés." Song He shrugged: "But they came back to it later, but it was too late. Secrets are either kept hidden, or they will be hidden." It has been brought up countless times. They leaked the first time, and with a little guidance from me, the next countless times will not be far away."

"After that, things will be easy. Your master has become a star in the police circle, and Wu Kun and Fang Yuanping's reputation in the police station has plummeted. As long as these two things happen at the same time in a short enough time, they will cause great pressure , if you can’t bear it, it’s perfectly normal to fall by yourself in the surrounding public opinion.”

"You have such a long brain, you are simply a monster." Wu Xuerui was amazed.

"No way. If it's really a monster, how could it be possible that he didn't complete all his efforts." Song He shook his head: "Fang Yuanping was aroused under pressure and went to sharpen himself. If there is no accident, he should be able to visit your master in five years. Now at this level."

"If the consequences are more serious, I should be afraid." Wu Xuerui shook her head, looked at Song He and said, "Let's stop here, they are all in the military and police industry, and it's not a deep hatred."

"Huh? Wasn't it you who unreasonably handed over the matter to me back then?" Song He opened his eyes wide.

"Why am I so unreasonable!" Wu Xuerui stood up abruptly upon hearing this.

"Did you hear these four words when you co-authored it?"

Song He looked at her amusedly, feeling that he had discovered the unknown side of Wu Xuerui's cheerful appearance, and secretly thought that he had gained a lot, and said: "I have put in so much effort, but in the end there is no reward! It's a shame!" Already!"

"You deserve it! Who knew you could make trouble so much! You made such a big commotion!" Wu Xuerui tilted her head with her hips on her hips, without showing any weakness: "It's polite enough not to punish you! You still have the guts to reward you! Do you want to reward you for working overtime? ?”

Hearing this, Song He smiled brazenly.

"With you and me, I want it!"

"Fuck off!"

(End of this chapter)

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