While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 462 Dismantling Analysis

Chapter 462 Dismantling Analysis
After the on-site investigation and autopsy, whether it was the suspicious points revealed by the traces in the deceased's home or the information left on the body, this specious suicide case was pointed to murder.

"We unanimously determined that the deceased died of homicide, so we conducted an investigation on the deceased's relationship before his death, and found that he and Li Yunda had always had a suspicion."

The explaining police officer suddenly said an unfamiliar name, which immediately reminded Song He of the white and black mentioned by Yang Haining.

"Li Yunda was imprisoned for multiple crimes six months ago, and many of his subordinates and accomplices were arrested at the same time." The explaining police officer continued: "After investigation, 13 years ago, the deceased had worked under Li Yunda for a period of time."

"During this period of time, the deceased had a quarrel with Li Yunda over salary issues, and then left the other party's company, and he seemed to have some evidence of Li Yunda's crime in his hands."

"After that, although I don't know whether the deceased had blackmailed Li Yunda, but he always spread some bad things about the other party, and was taught by Li Yunda's subordinates."

The explaining police officer paused at this point, looking at Tong Shengwei, as if he didn't know how to continue.

Seeing this, Tong Shengwei signaled him to go down, and then said to Song He and Zhou Kai: "This Li Yunda is not a fun thing, he has done so many bad things that he can't even count them."

"After he was arrested half a year ago, I was transferred here, and he was behind many of the cases that were investigated. This case involved him back then, and the previous captain of the criminal police had been procrastinating for various reasons, and it ended up being procrastinated to me."

"It's a pity that I was too late to intervene. When I re-investigated, I found that many investigations had only scratched the surface. Many evidences and traces on the scene were not collected and investigated in time, which made the detection more and more difficult."

"Later, during the interrogation of the ex-captain, he mentioned that Li Yunda's subordinates had called him, saying that Li Yunda meant that the case should not be pursued in detail."

Zhou Kai thought for a while and said, "Team Tong should have interrogated Li Yunda on this case, right?"

"Yes, just a month ago." Tong Shengwei said very simply: "He said he could remember the deceased, and admitted that he had sent someone to teach him a lesson, but he did not admit that he sent someone to kill."

"When we confirmed the phone call with Li Yunda regarding the former captain's statement, he categorically denied that he had given any instructions to anyone. At the same time, we checked all the people related to him, but we still couldn't find the caller."

"And according to what he said, the deceased had no evidence against him at all, and the lesson was only because the deceased spoke ill of him. Later, we investigated Li Yunda's accomplices and subordinates, but still found nothing."

Zhou Kai thought: "Could it be that the evidence of the crime has been destroyed, so he has the confidence not to admit it?"

"I don't know." Tong Shengwei looked at Song He with burning eyes: "It depends on the interrogation by Consultant Song."

"Someone mentioned me to Dui Tong." Song Hewen said with a smile: "I understand that Dui Tong wanted to test Li Yunda for a lie, but the time is not ripe yet, we need more evidence."

"It seems that Consultant Song has an idea." Tong Shengwei smiled, and shouted at the police officers: "Everyone cheer up and listen carefully!"

Song He stood up and went to the podium, and nodded to everyone: "I will talk about my thoughts, if you have different opinions, please raise them, and let's discuss and resolve them together, okay?"

Seeing everyone nodding, Song He smiled with satisfaction, and said loudly: "Since this case seems a bit difficult to investigate now, we might as well break it down and analyze it one by one."

"First we look at the types of crimes and who they are targeting."

Song He wrote on the whiteboard behind him and said: "At the crime scene, there are three kinds of crimes, namely killing people, destroying computers, and stealing property."

"These three crimes are aimed at property such as the dead, computer information and cash respectively. For different targets, the criminal motives behind the crimes will be different."

"A variety of crimes coexist. What we should do is to clarify the primary and secondary. Because once the main motive of the murderer is clarified, it can help us determine the scope of the suspect."

"First of all, let's look at killing. Most of the motives for killing cannot escape love and financial hatred..."

In this way, Song He wrote and drew on the whiteboard while talking, and soon explained the motives behind the three criminal acts clearly.

Facing Song He's split and crushed analysis method, all the police officers were fascinated by it. During the period, there were only a few small questions, which were all answered by Song He meticulously and lightly. clear.

"...Therefore, the overall criminal motives are mainly limited to vendetta, seeking wealth and preventing leaks, which cannot be further ruled out for the time being. Does anyone have any questions?"

After Song He asked, seeing that no one asked questions, he wrote the word "trace" on the whiteboard and continued: "Next, we will analyze it based on the information contained in the traces at the scene."

"From the perspective of suicide, there are too many suspicious points at the scene. Not to mention the cleaned floor and the household garbage taken away, the disappearance of cash and belongings at home and the deliberately damaged computer are enough to show that this is not a suicide case."

"Combined with the scars on the deceased, it can further tell us that there is definitely more than one murderer who killed the deceased."

Speaking of this, Song He paused for a moment, because a very young policeman suddenly raised his hand: "Consultant Song, why is there more than one perpetrator?"

"Because there are only two scratches on his neck." Song He took out a photo of the strangle marks and scratches on the deceased's neck: "The deceased has no other content except these two scars." trauma."

"Just imagine, if the deceased's hands could move freely, then during his struggle, he would have caused a lot of scratch marks near the strangulation marks, and concentrated on the throat and surrounding areas."

"But this is not the case, which means that he was controlled by someone when he was struggling. At the same time, the style of the person who erased the traces and the person who rummaged through the money is obviously inconsistent."

"The person who erased the traces removed all the footprints, which shows that he has a cautious and meticulous character. The person who rummages through the money is much rougher, and the things in the cabinet are dug out and then stuffed back in a hurry."

"I suspect he wouldn't even put a single piece back if he wasn't forced to do so by the prudent character. And that goes to show that the prudent character was the mastermind of the two."

The police officer was taken aback, and asked again: "Is there no third person?"

Song He nodded: "Judging from the traces at the scene, there is no sign of the third murderer yet."

At this time, another heroic male police officer stood up: "Consultant Song, if a cautious person is the mastermind, why did he leave so many loopholes? He should be able to make the scene more like a suicide incident, right?" ?”

Song He Wenyan grinned: "What's your name?"

The heroic male police officer was stunned for a moment: "Me? Zhang Chong."

"The question you asked is very good, and this is what I'm going to talk about next." Song He waved Zhang Chong to sit down, looked at everyone and asked:

"Why would a man with the ability to make a murder scene look more like a suicide do such a poor cover-up?"

(End of this chapter)

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