Chapter 468 Two Brothers
Jade City!

Zhang Ju!

Zhang Chong, who obtained the key information, instantly understood that this person was the one who sold the stolen goods for Brother Fan Jinyu!
And Fan Jinshui, who didn't know what he said, was trying to keep his eyelids from fighting. His attention was shattered by the sound of Zhang Chong's fingers tapping on the table. Check this person out.


Fan Jinyu, who was in another interrogation room, was facing endless questions from the interrogating police officers when he suddenly heard a name that made him feel even more alarmed.

"Do you know Chen Junbin?"

Fan Jinyu pretended to be tired and dazed, but his heart beat wildly a few times.

broken!golden water...

Fan Jinyu, who was exhausted but still persisting, suddenly realized that tonight's interrogation was not about the theft case, but about Chen Junbin's murder!
Fan Jinyu, who knows his younger brother's personality well, knows that Fan Jinshui will definitely show his flaws if he has not prepared in advance and he is not present!

What should I do……

Thinking about it, Fan Jinyu was in confusion. However, he was too busy taking care of himself at the moment and couldn't help Fan Jinshui. He could only pray that Fan Jinshui could carry on.


"Fan Jinshui, we will contact the Yucheng police tomorrow morning to verify with Zhang Ju the property stolen in the theft case that year."

Zhang Chong looked at Fan Jinshui, who was sweating on his forehead, and exerted pressure little by little through words and actions: "Among those gold, silver and jade wares, there is a jade seal, which is the most valuable one. It is very rare. Do you think he will have it?" impression?"

As these words penetrated into Fan Jinshui's ears, the extremely exhausted him immediately felt flustered, and his eyes began to roll involuntarily.

Zhang Chong was not in a hurry and began to sort out the information in his hands, and neatly placed the photos of all the gold, silver and jade items stolen in the theft on the table, just enough for Fan Jinshui to see clearly.

"Tell me, will this Zhang Ju think of you when he sees these photos?"

Fan Jinshui's waist was slumped and his shoulders were slumped, his lips were dry, and the whites of his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. He felt that his heart was more depressed than ever before.

Zhang Chong stopped talking and looked into Fan Jinshui's eyes with the person in charge of taking notes, faintly observing which photo his eyes rested on.

Soon, they noticed that Fan Jinshui's eyes were frequently lingering on a photo with a gold ring on it!
found it!
After confirming the target, Zhang Chong and his companion looked at each other, and both saw the excitement in each other's eyes.

And Fan Jinshui, who didn't know that he had leaked key information, was still struggling between confession and death, and was extremely entangled.

"Fan Jinshui, think about it carefully, if we don't have evidence, how can we find you so accurately?"

After getting the information he wanted, Zhang Chongyu said earnestly: "Theft is not a felony, and the maximum sentence is ten years. If you plead guilty and have a good attitude, you can get a reduced sentence."

"If you can perform well during your imprisonment, you will be out in three to five years. Your brothers have saved a lot of money over the years. After paying the theft and fines, it will be your property in a fair and honest manner."

"After three to five years, wouldn't it be good for you to run the restaurant cleanly and become the big boss? Think about it, is it really worth it?"

The bewitching words pressed Fan Jinshui's heart one by one, and immediately made his heart flutter.

Finally, under Zhang Chong's hard and soft tactics, Fan Jinshui said what Zhang Chong and his fellow police officers had been waiting for.

"We did it..."

The refreshed two people quickly induced Fan Jinshui to tell more things, but Fan Jinshui still maintained the last trace of caution and described the three-person theft gang as two people without mentioning anything about the other person.

Zhang Chong and the two were not in a hurry, because as long as Fan Jinshui opened his mouth, he would have no chance, because there were plenty of pits for him to jump into.

An hour later, Fan Jinshui, who was extremely exhausted, signed and fingerprinted the transcript, and then leaned on the interrogation chair with a blank mind.

Zhang Chong and his companions handed the transcript to the police officer who was interrogating Fan Jinyu, and then returned to the interrogation room where Fan Jinshui was.

Fan Jinshui yawned and saw Zhang Chong sitting opposite him with a new notebook. He was tired and felt a little confused.

"Do you know Chen Junbin?" Zhang Chong suddenly asked a new question.

"I know." Fan Jinshui was taken aback as soon as the words came out, his mind was sobered up a lot, and he denied it tongue-tiedly: "Uh, I didn't hear clearly, who?"

Zhang Chong rubbed his numb fingers, and said slowly, "Chen Junbin, the victim of a suicide case nine years ago."

"I..." Fan Jinshui thought for a while, then suppressed his mental fatigue and said, "I can't remember clearly. I seem to have some impressions."

"It seems like something." Zhang Chong frowned: "I'm making a record, asking if you know each other or not!"

Fan Jinshui took a deep breath, rubbed his eyes and said, "I've heard of it, but I don't know him."

Zhang Chong sneered, picked up the photo of the gold ring, and said in a cold tone: "At the scene of the theft you did, there was half a fingerprint where the gold ring was hidden. The technology was immature back then, and there was no way to restore it."

"Later, we restored the fingerprints and found that it belonged to Chen Junbin. In other words, Chen Junbin was responsible for the theft, right?"

Fan Jinshui felt as if struck by lightning, and the cold sweat on his forehead soaked the ends of his hair, and Zhang Chong, who was sitting opposite him, smelled sweat.


When Fan Jinshui was under tremendous pressure, Fan Jinyu became more and more panicked as he listened to the interrogating police officer reading his brother's statement word by word.

And he, who has always been meticulous in his thinking, knows that with Fan Jinshui's character, he will never be able to withstand the interrogation that is still difficult for him to handle now!
That is to say, when the police officers interrogating Fan Jinshui entered this interrogation room again, what they were holding in their hands must be the confession of Chen Junbin's suicide case!

Damn it, as long as you refuse to admit it from the beginning, you can escape!


"Fan Jinshui, don't think you can escape if you don't admit it." Zhang Chong shook his head, looked at Fan Jinshui with a little regret, and said slowly: "Do you think we can't track down the property you stole from Chen Junbin's house?"

"This Zhang Ju, the gold, silver and jade wares collected are only Li Yunda's?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Fan Jinshui seemed to have thought of something, and the expression on his face instantly collapsed. He raised his lowered head and whispered word by word: "I killed Chen Junbin."

Zhang Chong was stunned. The police officer in charge of taking notes suddenly raised his head. Just as he was about to say something, he was stopped by Zhang Chong with a wave of his hand.

"Tell me about the crime process." Zhang Chong looked into Fan Jinshui's eyes and said, "Tell me in detail."

Fan Jinshui nodded, as if he had made up his mind, and began to tell the story of how he killed Chen Junbin.

Half an hour later, Zhang Chong opened the door of Fan Jinyu's interrogation room again with the transcript signed and fingerprinted by Fan Jinshui, and handed the transcript to the interrogating police officer with Fan Jinyu's dull eyes.

In the early morning of this day, Zhang Chong, who worked continuously all night, was energetically sorting out the materials, while his companion called Tong Shengwei to inform him, with a smile full of sense of accomplishment.

"These two brothers are also interesting." Zhang Chong's companion hung up the phone, and sighed with a restrained smile: "In the end, they both started to take the blame for each other."

Zhang Chong shook his head: "There is friendship between brothers, but one is ruthless and the other blindly follows. It's a pity."

(End of this chapter)

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