While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 484 Hu County case

Chapter 484 Hu County case
Qin Yuan, who was on duty, naturally also found the police car parked on the side of the road. After a little identification, he realized that it was the vehicle of Song He and others, so he walked forward to say hello with a smile on his face.

"Don't come here!"

"Go back and continue on duty!"

"Spot check the passing vehicles!"

A series of shouts flew across the sky and entered Qin Yuan's ears, making him freeze immediately.

After a while, Qin Yuan, who had some understanding in his heart, smiled wryly, and waved to Song He and the others who were waiting by the car window to watch the show, then turned around and returned to work, and stopped a car that was heading towards Private cars at toll booths.

"Hello, please roll down the window." Qin Yuan saluted, pointed to the car window, and after the other party rolled down the window, he said helplessly: "Hello, please show your driver's license and driving license."

The driver of the car was a middle-aged man. After rolling down the window, a strange feeling of powerlessness flashed through his eyes, but he still obediently reached into his pocket, took out a stack of folded paper and handed it to Qin Yuan.

Qin Yuan, who was alerted by the change in the man's expression, got up his spirits, took the paper suspiciously, and unfolded it slowly.

For a split second, Qin Yuan was stunned, because with a glance from the corner of his eyes, he saw a few words on the paper that were extremely eye-catching:
Proof of Release!

Qin Yuan suddenly felt an uncontrollable sense of absurdity. He glanced at the helpless but extremely cooperative man driving the car, suppressed his doubts, and continued to look through the certificates and documents in his hand.

"You..." Qin Yuan stopped after only one word, as if he didn't know how to speak: "Have you eaten yet?"

The man was stunned for a moment, then followed the conversation and replied: "Not yet, isn't this just released?"

"It's true, the detention center has been on duty for less than an hour." Qin Yuan glanced at his watch and smiled, organized his words and asked: "The last time you were detained for driving without a license and using forged documents, you just came out It's not an hour yet."

"Why are you driving without a license again?"

The man scratched his head: "I originally asked for a driver, but it was too expensive, so I kicked him out in the middle of the trip."

"So you haven't learned your lesson at all, have you?" Qin Yuan couldn't help but rubbed his forehead: "Yeah, 50 yuan is too expensive for a driving fee, and you are willing to pay a fine of [-] yuan and detention for [-] days."

While talking, Song He and Wu Xuerui saw Qin Yuan acting strangely, they each got out of the car with full of expectation, came to Qin Yuan's side, and asked what happened curiously.

Qin Yuan said helplessly, and the two couldn't help laughing immediately, even the man driving the car smiled embarrassedly.

Back in the police car, Song He told Zhou Kai everything with a smile, which made his eyebrows jump twice: "So he rushed back to the police station for lunch?"

"Brother Kai, you are too hurt." Song He laughed and said, "At this point in time, the new detainee has not been sent in yet, so he should still be able to live in his own room."

Zhou Kai nodded and said with a smile: "If I were Director Zhang, I would have to arrange the kitchen to take care of them no matter what happens when I see the people sent out in the morning come back so quickly."

Thanks to Qin Yuan, the trip to Kaicheng Hu County was in a pleasant atmosphere. Song He even found out about the strange cases that Qin Yuan had handled and laughed all the way.

When they arrived in Hu County, Song He and Zhou Kai calmed down, and the moment they got off the police car, they were already in the mood.

"Captain Zhou, Consultant Song, please take care of the case three months ago."

In the meeting room of the Hu County Police Station, the director Wu Fuguo was thin and haggard, apparently he was very troubled by this case.

And the captain of the criminal police, Zheng Yun, who was sitting next to him, had a serious expression, looking at Zhou Kai and Song He faintly revealing a trace of helplessness and expectation.

The case in Hu County was a robbery and homicide case that occurred three months ago. The victim was a local taxi driver.

One morning three months ago, a villager was passing by a water storage pond on the side of a road near the outskirts of Huxian County, and found tire tracks on the side of the road extending into the pond.

The villagers had a bad premonition, and after discussing with their companions, they approached the pond to check, and found a faint light blue metal plate under the water surface, and an object suspected of being a taxi roof lighting, so they decisively called the police.

After the police arrived, they immediately carried out investigation and salvage, and then salvaged a local taxi in Hu County.

Shockingly, there was a male body on the driver's seat in the car.After identification, it was determined that the deceased was Lin Hua, a taxi driver.

Although many traces inside the car were destroyed due to the flooding of the car body, the traces left around the pond made the investigation team conclude that the suspects were two people.

At the same time, the autopsy results also proved that there were indeed two perpetrators. Judging from the relevant wounds and traces, one controlled the deceased while the other committed the murder.

The autopsy report also mentioned that there were many wounds on Lin Hua's body, but most of them were puncture wounds, and they were concentrated in the chest and abdomen.

It was identified that the wound was caused by a very common fruit knife.As for the fatal injuries that caused Lin Hua's death, there were two relatively close wounds, both of which pierced Lin Hua's heart.

During the on-site investigation, the investigation team found that although the two suspects had cleaned up the traces, they left some footprints because they committed crimes at night, so they restored their physical characteristics for the first time.

Both suspects are men, one of whom is between 1.7 meters and 1.7 meters five in height and weighs [-] kilograms.

The other person is nearly 1.8 meters tall, has a strong build, and weighs more than [-] kilograms.

"I read the case story reconstructed by our Hu County police and believe that the assailant was sitting in the passenger seat and the person controlling the deceased was sitting directly behind the driver."

Song He nodded and said: "This conclusion is basically consistent with my guess, but I have some guesses about some details, let's talk about it below."

As he spoke, he walked up to the podium in the eyes of everyone, and drew a simple yet accurate map of Hu County on the whiteboard.

"First of all, this is not a crime of passion, but a premeditated murder." Song He pointed to the location of the crime on the map: "The belongings in the car were looted, and the suspect killed the car and destroyed the body to wipe out all traces."

"The key is the method of destroying the corpse, which shows that the suspect is very familiar with the surrounding environment, and the smell of premeditation is extremely obvious."

Song He paused, gave everyone a few seconds to understand, and then continued: "Secondly, this location is not the first choice for the suspect to destroy the body. Although the place where the crime happened is relatively remote, it is not enough."

"According to the map, compared to the pond where the car was sunk, according to the driving direction of the car marks, after driving for another three kilometers, you will encounter a larger, deeper pond with fewer pedestrians, which is more suitable for destroying corpses."

"According to the traces on the scene, the parking location is less than 50 meters away from the pond. And the car marks were orderly and stable when parking. It was not forced to stop by the suspect, that is, Lin Hua parked the car on his own initiative."

"It shows that the suspect deliberately asked the driver to park near the pond, which means that the suspect is very familiar with the surrounding terrain, so it is impossible for him not to know that there is a more suitable parking spot in the distance, but he had to do it in advance because of the driver's wishes."

Song He wrote the second item on the whiteboard and extended it into two lines: "From this point, we can see two clues. One is that the murderer can't drive, otherwise he could have driven to the big pond."

"The other is that near the big pond, there must be traces left by the murderer's investigation site."

(End of this chapter)

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