While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 486 Warm Welcome

Chapter 486 Warm Welcome
Knowing that Wu Fuguo is an alumnus of Shen Jianghe, Song He took advantage of the time when all the Hu County police officers were dispatched to visit, and chatted with him.

But as they chatted, Wu Fuguo discovered that the apprentice he had always admired, Shen Jianghe, seemed a little... out of tune?
The reason why Wu Fuguo felt this way was because Song Heyu asked for attention intentionally or unintentionally. It was all gossip and rumors about Shen Jianghe when he was young. After chatting for a long time, he didn't care about serious things!
Zhou Kai on the side felt helpless. Although he was also quite interested in these things, his curiosity was defeated by Wu Fuguo's increasingly weird eyes. In the end, he couldn't stand it anymore and decisively interrupted Song He's conversation .

Thanks to the more detailed characteristics of the suspects, the police officers who visited finally did not have to search like a needle in a haystack. They quickly found people who matched the characteristics, and locked several people as key targets for investigation.

"From the current point of view, these few people who left Hu County after the incident are the most suspected." Zheng Yun happily summarized the visit information, and arranged for his police officers to conduct group investigations.

Seeing Zheng Yun and his police officers grouping in full swing, preparing to go to various places to pursue the suspect, Wu Fuguo approached Song He and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Song, tell me the truth, do you already know who the suspect is?" gone?"

"Why did Uncle Wu have such an idea?" Song He looked at Wu Fuguo curiously and did not answer his question.

"I see that you are so calm, you are not nervous at all." Wu Fuguo smiled, trying to get some clues from Song He's face.

Seeing this, Song He grinned and said, "I do have some ideas, do you need me to talk to them?"

Wu Fuguo thought for a while, sucked his teeth and shook his head, "Forget it, let them find out for themselves. You can help for a while, but not for a lifetime."

"Uncle Wu, our team actually has another aid project." Song He leaned into Wu Fuguo's ear and whispered, "Actually, we can give some training to our brothers in the bureau while handling the case..."

Song Heyue said that Wu Fuguo's eyes became brighter, and at the end he directly said: "That's it!"

Soon, the time came to the morning of the third day after the case in Hu County was closed, and Song He, who had finished his training, left Hu County under the welcome of the police officers.

"Brother Kai, the team has been established for almost a year now." Wannian co-pilot Song He suddenly spoke in an inexplicable tone.

Zhou Kai nodded and said: "If we count it according to the first case that Mr. Shen invited us to assist, it will be a year in a few days."

Song He pondered for a moment, then suddenly narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Xiaoxue said that since half a year ago, many places that have applied have submitted applications again, but some places have not applied from the beginning to the end."

Zhou Kai thought thoughtfully: "So you want to say that there are problems with those places that didn't apply?"

Song He nodded, with a serious expression on his face: "Brother Kai, you also know that we are not just doing cases. If there is something abnormal in the local police station where the mission is, we need to investigate and report."

"In recent months, the place where I applied for assistance was either clean or an old place I had been to once. If you hadn't laughed at me often, I would have almost forgotten how many rats I had tossed down."

"There are no idiots in this world. It's normal for you to frighten people because you were too aggressive at the time." Zhou Kai snorted and recalled with his increasingly flexible mind recently: "The places in Ling Province that are eligible to apply are near 23, so far there are [-] who haven’t applied once.”

Song He nodded and said: "These places may not all have problems, but I don't believe it if you say there are no problems."

Zhou Kai was noncommittal, but his brows and eyes sank.

"Forget it, I don't need to worry about this matter." Song He shrugged and said with a smile: "I don't believe that what Xiaoxue can perceive, the inspector team and master in Qindu can't think of it, maybe they are already researching countermeasures."



"Old Pao Zhan, did you speak ill of me behind my back!" Shen Jianghe rubbed the tip of his itchy nose in the room Qin didn't know where, and casually yelled at Zhong Lao.

"Shen Baozi, why don't you stay here!" Mr. Zhong paused twice on the crutch in his hand: "There are too many people who say bad things about you! You have caught eight hundred if not a thousand guys in most of your life! If you do it like this Forget it, you've already choked to death with yellow snot!"

"I only caught so many people in half my life?" Shen Jianghe raised his eyebrows: "Besides, why is it yellow nose?"

"Hey, you don't find it disgusting!" Mr. Zhuo frowned and scratched the top of his head with a worried hairline: "We are discussing something, can we be more serious!"

Mr. Zhong said indifferently: "You and Shen Baozi can make an agreement, I have no objection."

Zhuo Lao heard the words and looked at Shen Jianghe: "Old Shen, what do you mean?"

Shen Jianghe sneered and said, "Since the kid is willing to play hide-and-seek, we should show some sincerity and play with them!"

A few days later, when Song He submitted another case-closing report, he received an email from Shen Jianghe.

"Brother Kai, this is interesting!" Song He read the email to Zhou Kai with a smile on his face, and said with a sneer, "This time we have to mobilize all of us, otherwise it will be difficult to get stuck accidentally."

Zhou Kai smiled meaningfully: "Training? It's a good way, it depends on how they respond."

"Inform Xiaoxue and go back to Yucheng to discuss countermeasures first." Song He moved his neck and said eagerly: "Let Ma Xue play a trick of making friends out of nothing first and see how deep the water in this pool is!"

In the evening of that day, Song He and his party gathered in the conference room of the Yucheng Case Detective Center, and discussed until late at night before they dispersed.

Although I don’t know what they discussed, when they left the center, everyone had an expression of unknown meaning on their faces, which was very strange.

The next day, Ma Xuexian drove the car, carrying Song He, Wu Xuerui and Huya, to Hong County.

"Xuexian, is your comrade-in-arms reliable?" Song He asked a little puzzled: "It's not clear, it's vague, we have to guess for ourselves, what does it mean?"

Ma Xuexian frowned: "I don't know, I got in touch after turning two corners, I feel like he has no idea."

"It seems that he has no confidence in the Hong County Police Station." Song He waved his hand and said, "Then give him some confidence when you go. If you cooperate well, it will also be an opportunity for him."

Ma Xuexian nodded slightly, thinking silently in his heart.

A few hours later, as soon as the car approached the Hong County Police Station, it was spotted by police officers waiting at the door.

After the waiting police officer waited for the car to approach, he saluted and waved his hand to direct Ma Xuexian to drive to the parking space.

"This parking space has been cleaned specially, it's amazing!" Song He glanced at the outside of the car, and said with a smile: "I'm so enthusiastic, I'm too embarrassed to do it."

"Are you still embarrassed to do it?" Wu Xuerui rolled her eyes: "When you make a plan, aren't you the one who catches and bites whom?"

Song He laughed, and got out of the car first with a kind smile on his face.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen police officers walked towards the police car, their expressions showing their enthusiasm.

Upon closer inspection, there was another policeman holding a camera to shoot. Both the equipment and the movements were extremely professional, obviously he was used to this kind of thing.

With a smile on his face, Song He snorted coldly in his heart: This face is really enough!

(End of this chapter)

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