While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 495 Competitors

Chapter 495 Competitors
In the early morning of the next day, on the outskirts of Lun City, in the manor where the mixed-race man stayed, the servants stood cautiously at their posts, busy back and forth or waiting for orders.

But no matter what they were doing, they tried their best not to make a sound, as if the slightest movement would wake up the sleeping dragon in the manor.

In fact, an old man who has worked in the manor for many years knows that since 15 years ago, this strange tranquility has come every year with the appearance of mixed-race men.

But fortunately, the excessive silence will only last for three days, and will dissipate with the departure of the half-race man. By then, the manor will return to its vibrant appearance.

Just when the people in the manor were trying to keep quiet, under a big tree hugging two people on the lawn of the manor, a mixed-race man was wearing a pure black uniform, wrapped in an old blanket, sitting in front of a tombstone, watching Tombstone was in a daze.

The material of the tombstone is not high-quality, and the style of the tombstone is very different from Ding Guo's tombstone, but it has the charm of Qin Xia's tombstone.

Looking carefully, a line of characters engraved on it from top to bottom is actually the authentic Qin Xiawen: the resting place of mother Li Jiahui.

If Song He saw the words on the tombstone, he would be able to connect this line of coherent, neat and extremely tenacious handwriting with the mixed-race man in the first place.

After a while, after a few birdsong, the mixed-race man sitting under the tree came to his senses, but he was still staring at the tombstone in front of him, his eyes full of nostalgia.

Uncle Zhong, who never left the mixed-race man, stood not far behind the mixed-race man. He was in a position where he could see the mixed-race man and the tombstone. He had a complex expression on his face, and a faint sadness emanated from it.

The mixed-race man in front of the tombstone seemed to be infected by Uncle Zhong's aura. He glanced back, then turned his attention to the tombstone again, with a smile on his face: "Mom, I didn't go to many places this year, but there are not many interesting things. few……"

"Remember that pocket watch you gave Uncle Zhong? It's the one I often stole from him when I was a child, and it's broken again..."

"Uncle Zhong went to many places to fix it, but the person who repaired the watch said that one gear was broken, and if he didn't replace it, the whole watch would be affected, so he agreed to change the gear..."

"But seeing his sad look, I put the broken gear on a ring and gave it to him..."

"Mother, you should really see his expression. But then I found out that he actually put the ring on the ring finger of his left hand, making it look like I proposed to him. I was so mad, haha..."

"Also, mother, don't you always worry that I'm too smart to make friends? This year I met an interesting guy..."


The mixed-race man just gossiped like this, talking about his experience in the past year to the tombstone.

During the narration, his eyes often had a moist luster, and his voice would also have a slight tremor.

And at this time, he would slowly close his eyes, trying to maintain a smile on his face while stopping the conversation, as if he didn't want the tombstone in front of him to notice his abnormality.

Behind him, Uncle Zhong's gentle gaze has complex meanings, and his expression changes with the mixed-race man's narration, just like a kind elder watching a mother and child chatting about trivial matters in life.

Two hours later, the mixed-race man who had been talking a lot on and off finally showed a trace of fatigue. Uncle Zhong walked up to him in good time, leaned over and whispered, "Master Wei, go back and rest for a while."

The mixed-race man raised his head slightly, glanced at Uncle Zhong, nodded towards the tombstone and said, "Mother, I'll have something to eat first, and I'll bring your favorite tea from my hometown to see you later."

After all, the mixed-race man got up slowly, and accompanied by Uncle Zhong, walked into the small castle-like villa in the center of the manor.

Along the way, the servants they met all bowed their heads in fear and apprehension, like small animals trembling in front of a tiger.

Lying back on the bed, the mixed-race man suddenly asked, "Uncle Zhong, what has Nathan been doing lately?"

Uncle Zhong immediately replied: "He will participate in an auction tomorrow to bid for several pieces of Qin Xia's cultural relics."

"A boring life." The mixed-race man sneered, his eyes suddenly turned cold: "If he succeeds in the auction, he will be very happy, right?"

Uncle Zhong nodded and said, "It must be, after all, there is a valuable Qin Xia national treasure in the lot."

"Success makes you happy? But I hate to see a smile on his face!" the mixed-race man said coldly, "Besides, at such a time, what right does he have to be happy!"

When Uncle Zhong heard the words, there was also a trace of coldness in his eyes: "I'll arrange it right away, and let him know that we did it."

The mixed-race man then relaxed, smiled and said: "Sure enough, life in Lun City still needs to be decorated with Nathan, so as to have a little fun."


"So the competitor we need to pay most attention to is Nathan Bedmond."

In the hotel where Song He and his party lived, in the room of Yue Ningsong and Song He, a group of five people sat together and discussed the possible situation.

Chu Guodong nodded and said: "This guy does often appear in auctions, he is an old acquaintance of ours."

"According to his past auction records, this guy is fond of Qin Xia cultural relics." Song He opened his laptop, pointed to a few lines of information and said, "According to official records, he will participate in auctions every year."

"In these auctions, cultural relics of our country will appear without exception. And judging from his record of successful bidding, he doesn't mind using a bidding price that exceeds the value of the cultural relics by [-]% to win the auction."

"And our chance is that he likes each cultural relic differently, and the premium he can accept will also fluctuate."

Chen Cong said thoughtfully: "So we have to stick to the premium he can accept? But it will cost a lot, right?"

"This is just a strategy of last resort." Song He said, looking at Yue Ningsong with burning eyes, with a mysterious expression: "Mr. Yue, since you have determined that the lot in question is indeed a counterfeit, we are here Let go of his blood!"

Zhu Shiping's eyes lit up: "You want to defraud him of his bidding funds!"

Song He nodded, raised a finger and said, "Not only that, but I also want to shrink his bidding budget!"

"Xiao Sun, can you really do this?" Yue Ningsong looked at Song He in surprise, as if he was meeting him for the first time.

"I'll try." Song He smiled and showed two rows of white teeth: "However, our country's cultural relics are still very popular in Ding Kingdom, and there will be others if you step on Nathan, so it's best to be able to do it one by one." The poles were all killed."

Everyone looked at each other curiously when they heard the words, and asked Song He what kind of plan they had, and after he explained, everyone was amazed.

The next day, before the auction started, Song He and his party came to the auction house, led by the staff into the venue, and sat in the seats specially arranged for them by the auction house.

Afterwards, people kept entering the venue, most of them were natives of Ding country, only [-]% were from other countries, and the only people from Qin Xia were Song He and his party.


Song He whispered, and the four of Yue Ningsong pretended not to look around, and soon found Nathan Bedmond, who was handsome but ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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