Chapter 503
Shen Jianghe understood that Song He had accepted his suggestion and began to think about the content of his future work, so he nodded in relief, cleared his throat and added to the many leaders of the Niecheng Police Station:
"This case is different from the past. They learned lessons from Lei Guomin, honed their skills in these six cases, and planned bigger cases."

"Therefore, we cannot let them prepare. Now I will correct the omissions in the information on these six cases. Please take note of them..."

Everyone in the conference room began to take notes seriously, without the slightest bit of displeasure.

"Therefore, the direction of investigation should be focused on two aspects. The first is the suspicious personnel who traveled between the crime scene and the workplace before and after the time of the crime. The other direction is to screen gold stores that meet the above scale."

"Everyone, the workload of the first task is extremely huge, and the time is also very urgent, so we must complete it in the shortest possible time."

"Therefore, my assistant Song He will assist you in personnel screening..."

Song He was taken aback when he heard the words, but saw that everyone in the meeting room focused their eyes on him. While cursing Shen Jianghe secretly for driving ducks to the shelves, he could only smile at everyone with a calm and confident expression.

After introducing Song He's expertise in screening information, a sly gleam flashed in Shen Jianghe's eyes, and he began to arrange specific tasks.

An hour later, a large amount of information from the railway department gathered in the task force, and Song He also sat in front of the computer with concentration, and started the work that only he could complete quickly under the dubious eyes of everyone around him.

Soon, in the eyes of a group of police officers who were called to assist but were actually observing most of the time, Song He stared at the computer screen without blinking. The scroll wheel of the mouse in his hand rotated rapidly, and the information on the screen changed rapidly. Song He Afterimages are reflected on the eyes.

Half an hour later, Song He memorized all the personnel information in the first document, put down the mouse, rubbed his eyes, and clicked on the second folder.

There are far more materials in the second folder than in the first one, but fortunately, it is only to screen out the duplicates in the two, and there is no need to memorize it again, so the speed is even faster than when looking at the first file.

"I'll go! Flash so fast, can you remember?"

"I don't know! To be honest, I can't see any of them clearly!"

"You're not trying to fool people, are you?"

"I am Professor Shen's disciple, so it should be...maybe there will be no problem..."

The low-pitched discussions haven't stopped since Song He sat in front of the computer, but he didn't have time to pay attention.

After all, it can be said that Shen Jianghe has entrusted him with the task of screening out suspicious persons. If he can't reflect his own value, not only will he lose face with Shen Jianghe, but he will also encounter resistance in the joint mission with the Eastern Province in the future.

"Remember these people!"

Song He spoke suddenly, which immediately stopped the discussion around him, and shocked the police officers in charge of assisting.

When they came back to their senses, several sheets of A4 paper had already appeared at the paper output port of the printer.

A male policeman reacted very quickly. While picking up a few pieces of paper, he secretly glanced at Song He, only to see that he had already opened the third folder.

"The response is very fast." Song He still stared at the computer screen intently, sifting through the list of repeated personnel, and at the same time urged: "Go and urge the information department of the railway department, tell them to act faster, and don't slow down my progress. "

"Ah?" The male police officer was stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood Song He's meaning, and quickly responded and started to contact.

Soon, the third personnel information was screened, and the list of duplicate personnel suddenly shrank to only two.

As the railway department continued to package and send information, the list continued to shrink.

And the doubts in the hearts of the police officers who were responsible for assisting Song He were also eliminated by Song He's supernatural and efficient screening, and in the end, only shock was left!
"It should be these three guys, send them to Professor Shen."

In the evening, Song He closed his bloodshot eyes and handed the paper with the detailed information of the three men printed on it to the male police officer who responded very quickly.

"Song Zhu..." The male police officer took back half of his words as soon as he spoke, and changed his words: "Teacher Song, are you sure there is nothing wrong? Do you want to screen again?"

"No need." Song He endured the dryness of his eyes, turned to the male police officer with his eyes closed, and said confidently: "Time is running out, what if they prepare to take action tonight?"

As he spoke, he turned his face to the assisting police officers who were full of disbelief, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "As for your questions, I'll explain to you when I send the information over."

"Okay." The male police officer responded and ran out.

In the conference room, Shen Jianghe was paying attention to the progress of the case when he suddenly saw a male police officer with sharp eyes running in with a piece of paper and heading straight towards him.

"Professor Shen, this is the suspect's information screened by Mr. Song He." The male policeman handed the paper to Shen Jianghe.

"So fast?" Shen Jianghe took it in surprise.

Shen Jianghe's reaction stunned the male police officer, and he couldn't help but feel a jump in his heart: Nothing could go wrong...

However, before the thought stopped, Shen Jianghe smiled and said to the person in charge of the Niecheng Police Station beside him, "We have been screened out, go and check the recent whereabouts of these three people."

The male police officer was taken aback again. This unreserved trust made him even more curious about Song He, and hurried back to Song He in the name of assistance.

"Back?" Song He still closed his eyes, but his expression was much more relaxed: "Then let's start."

The male police officer quickly moved the chair and sat down, and saw Song He preaching with his eyes closed: "Actually, if the sample size is not too large, the computer screening should be faster than me."

"So, you don't have to worry too much about the speed of screening. The focus is on the screening principle of this case. We all know that this case has learned from Lei Guomin's crime methods in many places..."

While Song He was explaining the principles of information screening to several police officers, the investigation team arranged by Shen Jianghe had found the work units of the three suspects.

However, after contacting the local police to conduct an investigation, it was discovered that the three had resigned from their original work units half a month ago, and now they don't know where they went.

After hearing the news, Shen Jianghe and the Dong Province police immediately became nervous and immediately stepped up their investigation efforts!
Finally, after comparing the driving records of the three people, it was found that they had frequently traveled between a second-tier city in Lian Province and their workplace before resigning.

"Blue City?" Shen Jianghe had an idea: "They are planning to smuggle out of the country after committing the crime! Quick, contact the Blue City police! We will collect information on gold shop owners in the city and confirm whether it is safe!"

A kind of police officer from the Niecheng Police Station was startled when he heard this, and quickly got busy!
More than half an hour later, Shen Jianghe and the police officers breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the news that the owner of the Lancheng Gold Store was safe and sound.

"Go! Call Song He!" A light flashed in Shen Jianghe's eyes.

After a while, Song He, who finally recovered his eyesight, hurriedly ended the temporary lecture, came to the conference room, and learned about the progress of the case from Shen Jianghekou.

"Tell me, what's your opinion?" Shen Jianghe looked into Song He's eyes, his nurturing intentions were obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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