Chapter 510 Fraud Gang
"My Nima!"

As Hu Sanzhu fell to the ground, Brother Niu, who was waiting to watch the show in the distance, quickly woke up after a brief daze, and rushed up with a swinging stick with a roar!

However, Song He's goal had been achieved, and he pretended to be afraid and panicked, and ran away into the distance.

"Come on! Everyone! Someone is causing trouble!"

Brother Niu kept yelling while chasing Song He, and called his companions into the chasing team one by one. Even the toll collector in another toll booth put down his work and rushed up with a stick. !

"Why do I feel like I've seen this scene before?" Gu Xiaole, who was watching from the car, muttered softly.

Zhou Kai snorted angrily when he heard this and drove the car back to make room for Ma Xuexian's car ahead.

"Murderer! Help! The bandits and bullies of Yang Village are taking human life like a fool!"

Song He relied on his good physical fitness to dodge flexibly when being pursued by Brother Niu and others, while using all his strength to shout loudly. The volume was so loud that it completely drowned out the shouts and curses of Brother Niu and others. The news spread far and wide!

During the chase, Song He rushed left and right, taking the opportunity to destroy the landing poles next to the two toll booths, causing everyone to pursue him even more.

However, no matter how grand the chase was, Song He not only did not let the opponent touch even a corner of his clothes, but instead used his amazing endurance to drag a group of people around, constantly consuming their physical strength!
Just like that, as the first exhausted person stopped, more and more people began to stand there panting, supporting their companions who still refused to give up.

"Give me...his...his legs...break!"

"My Nima!"


Brother Niu was the first person to start chasing Song He, the first person to stop, and the first person to be knocked down by Song He when he came back.

The moment before he lost consciousness, Brother Niu saw Song He with a sinister and cunning smile on the corner of his mouth, and went straight to an exhausted companion through his tilted and dizzy perspective!

Seeing this scene, Brother Niu suddenly figured out something in his half-hearted mind, and all the shock and anger in his heart turned into three words:

After Song He knocked down the three of them one after another, the remaining two or three people stopped one after another, staying far away from Song He, just watching with sticks in their hands, not daring to approach at all.

Seeing this, Song He sneered, and walked to the side of two simple toll booths, only to see him standing firmly, accumulating strength under his feet, exhaling and making a sound!

With a loud sound, Song He's foot drew an afterimage, and kicked hard on the toll booth in front of him!

Song He kicked the not-so-strong toll booth down a wall, and then fell down crookedly due to inertia!

Seeing this, the three or two people in the distance dared not approach even more, stepped back two steps and roared twice, and then watched Song He kick down another toll booth!

Song He was counting the time and glanced at the fierce crowd appearing in the direction of Yangcun. Shi Shiran returned to the car and drove away.

Seeing Song He leave, the two or three people who didn't dare to get close breathed a sigh of relief, and complained to the brigade who rushed to the scene.

Back at the police station, Song He handed the video in his hand to Zhao Jiangde and called the police. After cooperating with the filing of the case, he ignored the subsequent events and returned to the guest house.

The next day, when Song He and others came to the police station to bid farewell to Zhao Jiangde, they were stopped by him with a smile: "Consultant Song, come, let's go through another scene."

"Zhao Ju moved fast enough." Song He knew at a glance that Zhao Jiangde had made a move last night, so he eagerly followed up with Zhou Kai and others.

The crowd came to a closed room with a one-way mirror embedded in one wall that could see into another room.

Through the mirror, you can see eight people standing side by side against the wall in a row, with different expressions on their faces facing the one-way mirror, and Brother Niu and Hu Sanzhu who attacked Song He yesterday are impressively in line.

"To be honest, this is the first time I have identified a criminal, and I am still a little nervous." Song He laughed excitedly, and casually pointed out the few people who chased and beat him yesterday.

Zhao Jiangde commanded his men to take notes and looked at Song He with bright eyes: "If Consultant Song is interested, you can stay in Yuxin County for a while. I promise to let you identify them all."

Song He was taken aback, and suddenly noticed something strange in Zhao Jiangde's eyes, when he looked at himself, he was clearly looking at a tool man!

"Haha, let's forget it." Song He laughed, did not answer the question, and left with his companions, leaving Zhao Jiangde chewing his teeth regretfully.

In this way, after the group left Yuxin County talking and laughing, they split into two groups and went their separate ways to two mission locations, starting their respective busy lives.

Two weeks later, everyone gathered in Yucheng again, but instead of returning to the case center, Qin Yuanzheng invited them into the small meeting room of the city police station.

In the small conference room, in addition to Qin Yuanzheng, who summoned them, there were also Zhao Congjun and Central District Police Chief Li Zhengguo.

"To be honest, you have been in the limelight this year. Many of your comrades have asked me about you!"

Li Zhengguo's mouth is the iconic mantra, which makes Song He and others who haven't seen him for a long time feel very cordial.

Song He responded with a smile: "Director Li, your comrade's affairs are not your business, your affairs are also our business. So if you ask for something, we will definitely take it to heart."

"It's reasonable, it's only you who can speak." Li Zhengguo smiled with satisfaction, and subconsciously glanced at Qin Yuanzheng. Seeing that the other party didn't make a statement, it was not easy to make any requests at this stall.

Qin Yuanzheng waited for Song He and others to sit down, and said with a smile: "This time, I asked you to put aside the matter at hand, in fact, it is because of the case in other provinces."


Song He's heart moved, he glanced at Li Zhengguo and Zhao Congjun, and an idea flashed in his mind: Boss Qin's opportunity has come!

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Qin Yuanzheng say: "A fraud gang has emerged from other provinces and has defrauded many places. But so far, except for the appearance of some of the people, there is no useful information at all."

"This group of people has very high means. They never use bank transfers, and the cash is settled on the spot. There are three people, two men and one woman, on the surface, but there should be more accomplices behind them, but so far they have not uncertain."

"A week ago, police from other provinces said they found out that this group of people may have arrived in our province and seemed to be operating in the northwest area. They asked us to help arrest them."

"After Yuancheng learned about the case, he also knew the seriousness of the situation. I happened to be there, so I took care of it for you. This time, I made my own decision. Don't blame me."

Song He and the others looked at each other in confusion upon hearing this, while Zhou Kai nodded slightly while looking at Song He.

Knowing that it's time to reciprocate, Song He nodded and replied: "Leader, is it convenient for us to study and study the case?"

"What's the inconvenience?" Qin Yuanzheng smiled even more sincerely when he saw this: "The case has been handed over to Bureau Zhao and Bureau Li. You decide how to allocate manpower and other matters, and you decide all actions yourself!"

Facing Qin Yuanzheng's decentralized trust, Song He was very excited.

But when he was conceiving a grand and magnificent plan in his mind, the two broad eyebrows danced, and the owner of the eyebrows' menacing eyes had cut through the air and pierced Song He's eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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