Chapter 513 Hot scene
Song He was also a little speechless, because judging from Liu Fu's description alone, this is an agricultural technology company that benefits the people and the people, and provides chemical fertilizers at preferential prices to farmers through the market.

And if it weren't for Chu Zhongxin's extremely accurate case analysis and summary, and the task objectives with clear names in the murder-hunting system, Song He would also be dubious, wondering if someone made a mistake.

"It's a beautiful move." Zhou Kai looked at the photo Liu Fu took on his phone, shook his head and sighed: "There is an agreement signed on the spot, which is really good enough."

Song He nodded and said: "There is still a long time before spring watering. Farmers who have ordered fertilizer will only find out that they have been cheated and call the police at that time."

"But by then the scammers are gone, and that's enough time for them to travel across the country repeating the scam many times without fear of being caught."

"It's improved, they haven't done this before."

Wu Xuerui thought: "It is actually quite easy to expose it. Whether it is a fake agricultural technology company or an agreement that has no legal effect, they can be sent to the police station."

Lin Hui said, "The key is that their deception is too strong, and it is difficult for ordinary people to verify it."

Song He thought for a while and said: "It's not difficult to expose them. The key is to catch them all in one go and prepare the layout."

The next day, the ancient water town market.

Just after 40 o'clock in the morning, a stall in the market was crowded with people, all of them were men and women over [-] years old, bustling with people, the stall was completely surrounded!
"Everyone line up! Don't squeeze, don't squeeze! Register one by one! Get your ID card and household registration book ready!"

A man held a loudspeaker in his hand, but he was still shouting at the top of his lungs. He blocked the crowd and struggled to maintain order, and took the trouble to remind the crowd in front of the stall to stand in a row.

Behind the booth, a woman in professional attire wearing a black suit and white shirt was sitting upright, holding a pen in one hand and pressing a thick stack of agreements on the table with the other, guiding a farmer in her fifties to sign the agreement with a smile on her face.

Beside her, a bald man in his fifties was talking with a farmer. Whether it was his neat overalls or the delicate glasses on the bridge of his nose, he looked extremely professional.

Coupled with his outstanding conversational skills and profound knowledge, he easily gained the favor of the farmers in front of him.

After a while, the seat in front of the woman in business attire became vacant, and the original farmer left happily after receiving the prize.

"Brother, go over and sign the agreement, remember to read it carefully, and we will explain to you what you don't understand."

The bald man smiled kindly at the farmer in front of him, led him to the woman, then turned his head and shouted at the man maintaining order:

The man who maintained order smiled, let the farmer at the front of the line come over, and then stood motionless in front of the line, refusing to let anyone jump in line to disrupt order.

After more than 20 minutes, seven farmers signed their names and left, but the queue in front of the booth did not shorten, but increased, which immediately amazed other stall owners in the market.

At this moment, the siren sounded from a distance, and the man maintaining order was startled, and subconsciously looked at the bald man.

The woman in professional attire also changed her complexion slightly, she glanced at the farmer in front of her who was signing and imprinting her hand, and looked at the bald man with worry.

Although the bald man's heart jumped a few times, his face was very calm, and he looked up at the place where the siren sounded, as if he was watching curiously.

After a while, two male police officers wearing police uniforms and various equipment around their waists came to the booth. One had dark skin and the other had clear eyes.

The male police officer with clear eyes stood still in front of the booth with a smile on his face, saluted the man maintaining order, the bald man and the woman in professional attire behind him, and then said in an extremely authentic ancient water town accent :
"Hello, the township knows that your company has a policy of benefiting farmers, and is worried about the order of the scene, so they sent us to maintain order."

The bald man smiled as usual when he heard the words, and walked forward in two steps: "Thank you very much, we are kicking the back of the head. With you here, we will feel more at ease."

The man with the top of his head said, glanced at the man maintaining order with an unnatural expression, and said with a smile: "Xiao Li, you come to assist Xiao Zhang to register, and after the registration, you come to send gifts."

"Let the work of maintaining order at the scene be left to the two police officers."

Hearing the words, the man named Xiao Li acted as if he had received an amnesty. He quickly bowed to the two police officers to thank him, and then ran to the woman in business attire named Xiao Zhang.

Seeing this, the two police officers smiled and nodded at the three bald men, and stood in front of the booth to maintain order.

This time the order really improved a lot, and with the presence of the police officers, the credibility of the three of them seemed to have risen gradually, which made the farmers who were still holding a wait-and-see attitude excited and ran home to get the registration The documents to be used.

In the police car in the distance, Ma Xuexian and Liu Fu were also on standby in police uniforms. Huya in the back row was panting with his tongue out, his ears twirling vigilantly, as if he was about to jump up at any time.

"Can you really determine the location of those guys?" Liu Fu suddenly asked, "What if they are far away?"

"Don't worry." Ma Xuexian smiled and said: "This scam gang attaches great importance to efficiency, so in order to maintain efficiency, they cannot store gifts too far from the market. There will be friends watching."

"Besides, when it comes to tracking, we have an ace, one that cannot be detected by radar."

"Don't tell me, that Gu Xiaole in your group is really scary." Liu Fu seemed to recall something, and said with a lingering fear: "The elusive ghost really looks like a ghost!"

Ma Xue didn't answer first, but looked around seriously, and after confirming that a certain stalking master was no longer nearby, he said in a low voice: "Generally, when we discuss her, we will carefully check whether she is around, Brother Fu should pay attention .”

"Oh, that's right." Liu Fu looked around subconsciously, swallowed his saliva and said, "Neglected, be careful next time."

At the same time, Gu Xiaole, who was standing in front of the scam gang's booth, was dressed in normal clothes, and sneezed with an itchy nose.

Rubbing her nose, she looked melancholy at the people who saw her as nothing, sighed softly, and continued to pay attention to the few gifts at the back of the booth.

It seems that it won't be long before they replenish the stock...

The pre-scheduled scene, which was even more heated because of the presence of two police officers, made the bald man realize that the gift was about to run out.

So, after glancing at the police officer who was doing his best to help him maintain order, the Xieded man said to Xiao Li in a low voice: "Go and bring the rest, and leave as soon as they are finished!"

Xiao Li nodded when he heard the words, looked fearfully at the two police officers in front of the booth, turned around and walked away quickly, without noticing an inconspicuous little tail behind him.

In front of the booth, Song He and Zhou Kai, who knew Gu Xiaole's whereabouts clearly, smiled at each other, and they still tried their best to help the beheaded man maintain order.

(End of this chapter)

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