While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 519 like a duck in water

Chapter 519 like a duck in water
At nightfall, the two groups that had been split into almost enemies by Song He each fell asleep with anger.

And he also learned through the contact phone hidden in the ring that the doctor at the clinic where Chen Yang took Wu Hui to the doctor not only did not call the police, but also left the clinic not long after Chen Yang and others left, and rushed to the residential building where Song He and others were located. go.

Fortunately, Song He notified the police in advance to monitor all kinds of shops in the surrounding area, so as to control the doctor first, otherwise it would be unknown what treatment Chen Yang would have tonight.

"Interesting, sure enough, someone nearby has already been bribed."

Song He glanced at Chen Yang who was lying down, saw that the other party was worried but pretended to be nonchalant, and said in his heart: "If your method is useful, how can Wang Weiqi and his gang be active until now, but thank you very much Tried it, confirmed my guess."

After thinking about it, Song He closed his eyes and began to recharge his energy, conceiving various action plans in his mind.

The next day, Chen Yang, who had been waiting all night, did not wait for the police to rescue him, which made him a little surprised.Seeing that everyone was getting up to prepare breakfast as usual, they could only suppress their anxiety and continue to pretend to be cooperative and obedient.

However, after what happened yesterday, Wu Hui's relationship with him has improved by leaps and bounds.This made him feel a bit of spring even though he was trapped in a wolf's den and tiger's den, while feeling anxious.

Song He looked at Chen Yang who was becoming more and more determined to be the guardian of Wu Hui, nodded in secret satisfaction, and looked at the two groups that split yesterday.

After waking up in the morning, the two groups still disliked each other, but the MLM group had fewer childcare workers, so they lacked confidence and did not dare to make troubles blatantly.

However, not taking the initiative to cause trouble does not mean that trouble will not come to your door. Therefore, under Song He's invisible hints and inducements, the confrontation between the two groups became more serious.

This antagonism was especially evident when everyone was preparing breakfast. The small number of nursery children were completely excluded from the cooking group, and they couldn't even arrange the tables, chairs, dishes and chopsticks.

Song He watched all this contentedly, offered the souvenirs he brought, and steamed a pot of long yam with his own hands, saying that he would give everyone a taste.

And when everyone was sitting closely around the dining table and preparing to eat breakfast, the opportunity Song He had been waiting for finally arrived.

"Brother Yang, this is the long yam from my hometown." Song He picked up a steamed long yam and handed it to Chen Yang graciously: "This is a good thing. It can strengthen the spleen and stomach, nourish qi and resist aging. In good health."

Chen Yang was taken aback by Song He, but suddenly found that Song He was winking at him, and his eyes kept signaling him to hand the long yam to Wu Hui, he couldn't help showing hesitation.

Doubtful Chen Yang's thoughts flickered, although what Song He said during the meal yesterday really disgusted him, but when he was beaten by the group, Song He was the first to rush up to defend him.

At this time, Song He clearly supported him in pursuing Wu Hui, and he seemed to make up for yesterday's mistakes.

"That's okay, I'll try it." Chen Yang, who thought he had figured out Song He's thoughts, acted as if he was doing good, picked up a long yam and handed it to Wu Hui, and said softly: "Huihui, you can eat it too. Come on, make up your body."

Wu Hui was wearing a hat at this time, with gauze on her face, she gave Chen Yang a grateful look, and took the long yam.

Song He smiled when he saw this, and directly pushed a pot of long yam in front of Chen Yang, and smiled honestly: "Brother Yang, my mother asked me to bring this specially, and it tastes very good."

"But according to my family's customs, I'm not qualified to share meals with everyone at the dinner table, so Brother Yang, don't just care about Sister Hui, give us a share."


The two words in Song He's words were especially loud in the cramped restaurant. Everyone looked at the long yam that had been pushed in front of Chen Yang, and their thoughts kept coming and going, but they didn't speak out against it, as if they acquiesced to Song He's words!
Chen Yang glanced at Song He in surprise, looked around involuntarily, and settled on Wu Hui.

Wu Hui also looked at Chen Yang, and the inexplicable meaning in his eyes fell into Chen Yang's eyes, which turned into eyes full of encouragement.

Finally, under the watchful eyes of his sweetheart, Chen Yang stretched out his hand to the long yam pretending to be free and easy, and began to distribute it to everyone.

Song He still looked simple and honest, watching the food that he specially selected was distributed by Chen Yang one by one, the smile in his heart became brighter and brighter.

In fact, Song He was already preparing for this scene when he was preparing to cook, so when he selected the long yam, he strictly selected the ingredients according to the number of people, and sorted the pros and cons according to the two opposing groups.

So, under the guidance of Song He's suggestion, Chen Yang's subjective likes and dislikes, and everyone's antagonism, the beautiful and delicious long yam came to the hands of a large group of people.

And the long yams in the hands of several nurses were either rotten, ugly, or rotten and ugly!
Looking at Chen Yang and the others who were at ease and the nurses with gloomy faces, Song He even felt that the tasteless breakfast in front of him exuded a fragrance called a good show is about to be staged.

Sure enough, after Chen Yang finished handing out the long yam, the usual pleasant dining atmosphere reappeared, but this time there were several people who were isolated from the atmosphere, either expressionless or gloomy, with no good looks on their faces.

Finally, the nurses, who felt that they had been wronged and excluded, brought their negative emotions into the training, and failed to respond to the lecturer many times in time, resulting in a sharp decline in the on-site effect.

And even if they responded in time, the rest of the people under Chen Yang's leadership would not cheer and applaud with them at all, and the scene was once very embarrassing!
"what happened!"

At noon, after Wang Weiqi learned that the morning's brainwashing training had almost no effect, he called a nurse to the office to ask why.

The nurse immediately poured out bitterness, describing Chen Yang as a heinous scheming man.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Wang Weiqi has been cheating for many years, so he naturally knew not to listen to one side, so he asked the lecturer, "What is the reaction of those guys?"

The lecturer gave Tuoer a disdainful look, and replied as he recalled: "It's okay if they don't respond, but once they respond, everyone stops talking! If it doesn't cause public outrage, I can take their last name!"

"Also, this group of people listened to what Chen Yang said, and there was a guy named Sun Xiaohai who was very positive, and the atmosphere was basically set off by him."

Wang Weiqi glared at Tuo'er, and pondered: "Sun Xiaohai..."

During lunch time, Song He cooked specially. He cooked the specialties and cheap seasonal vegetables he brought and cooked two dishes with full color, fragrance and flavor. Chen Yang led the crowd to give him cheers and applause.

Shortly after Song He sat down with a shy and complacent smile, Wang Weiqi suddenly visited. After chatting with everyone for a while, he directly called him by name and took him to the office on the first floor.

"Xiao Hai, how are you? Are you still getting used to it?" Wang Weiqi smiled with concern, but the plot hidden in his eyes still fell into Song He's eyes.

"Excellent!" Song He said excitedly: "The lecturers are very good, and everyone is very enthusiastic! I plan to call my uncle and brothers tonight and ask them to come too!"

(End of this chapter)

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