Chapter 52
A-level mission!
Steal guns!

Song He forced himself to calm down and clicked Receive, hoping that the mission introduction could overturn his guess and clear the suspicion for the two Yuncheng police officers in Zhao Congjun's office.

A-level task: deliberate gun thief (to be completed)
Mission target: Cai Mingwu.

Mission brief introduction: Three years ago, in the police station of Huayun District, Yuncheng, Yuwei Province, a single-handed aiming firearm, model H-89, was stolen and hidden in the dead wife's urn.Please bring him to justice and accept legal sanctions before he commits more serious crimes! (case details)

Target distance: 5 meters.

Task success reward: 5 attribute points, 50 chasing points.

After glancing at the mission introduction, Song He sighed weakly, opened the case details, read it once and then slowly closed his eyes, his brain spinning rapidly.

In the winter of four years ago, Chang Mou, a police officer in charge of firearms maintenance at the Huayun District Police Station in Yuncheng, found that a pistol was missing during routine maintenance of firearms.Immediately after notifying the superiors, the investigation was launched immediately, but no clues were found.For fear of causing panic to the society, the incident was not publicized, but the case was secretly investigated.

As for the results of the investigation, of course there was nothing to gain, but it also meant that the Yunhua District Police Department had to accept punishment for mismanagement of guns.

In the end, a bureau chief, two deputy bureau chiefs, and several police officers were demoted or dismissed.The Yunhua District Police Station's assessment results for the year have been cancelled!Bonuses and holidays of the year are cancelled!

One gun implicated nearly ten police officers in the entire district police station and at all levels, not to mention affecting the upper police station!

And this also reflects Qin Xiaguo's emphasis on gun control.

As for Cai Mingwu, he was not on the punishment list, and he didn't even work in the Huayun District Police Station at the time.Because in the details of the case, his name was not included in the investigation report of all the police officers in the Huayun District Police Station.

Therefore, Song He speculated that the reason why he stole the gun was probably related to his wife's death. After all, the special location where the gun was hidden could give Song He a lot of hints.

"System, can I give up this task temporarily?" Song He opened the system dialog box.

"Young master, the number of times you can give up the same task is three times. After giving up three times, the system will automatically determine that the young master is incapable of completing the task, and the task will never be displayed again. May I ask the young master whether to give up the task."

"Give up, for now."


"The young master gave up the A-level mission: the deliberate gun thief, the number of times he gave up: 1."

After the notification sounded, the A-level task that had just been received returned to the task list to be received, but there were a few more words at the end of the task: Number of abandonment: 1/3.

Song He sighed when he saw this. It's not that he doesn't want to take care of this case, but that he can't take care of it now!

Cai Mingwu just came to receive Zhang Hu, and he will leave soon. Besides system tasks, he has no witnesses or evidence. How can he report it?Is it possible to forcefully demand that Cai Mingwu's home be searched?

I'm afraid that I will be regarded as a lunatic when I just bring it up!

Besides, the confidentiality level of this case is not low. When people ask me where I got the news, how do I answer it?

What he can do now is to try his best to understand Cai Mingwu, figure out what he is going to do with that gun, and try to stop him before he uses that gun, so as not to let things slip into an irreversible abyss!
Thinking of this, Song He came to Wu Xuerui's office, skillfully turned on the computer to enter the police system, and searched for information about Cai Mingwu.

Soon, relevant information about Cai Mingwu appeared on the screen. Song He flipped through his memory quickly, and after a while, he recorded all the information related to Cai Mingwu in his mind, and quickly exited and turned off the phone. The whole process took less than 10 minutes.

After deducing it in his mind for a moment, Song He frowned slightly, because Cai Mingwu's intentions had been exposed to Song He's eyes just now when all the information in the system was combined!

In Cai Mingwu’s data in the system, the name in the spouse column is Cheng Hui, and the note is widowed.

Song He then searched for Cheng Hui and found that she was the victim of a robbery and homicide in Yuncheng six years ago. The criminal is still at large, and the case happened within the jurisdiction of the Huayun District Police Station.

Next, Cai Mingwu submitted an application five years ago to be transferred to the criminal police team.After the application was approved, he began to train marksmanship in the shooting range dedicated to the police station, and the frequency was maintained at once a week.

Four years ago, a missing gun case occurred in the Huayun District Police Station, involving many people, and the entire police station is only now recovering.

On the other hand, Cai Mingwu, after he was transferred to the criminal police team, made great achievements repeatedly, performed excellently, and was excellent in the assessment from the beginning to the end. He was promoted to the deputy captain of the Yuncheng criminal police team a year ago.

Song He sighed lightly, with complicated emotions: shooting range, did you start stealing bullets before stealing guns?

He can understand Cai Mingwu. If he were in Cai Mingwu's position, his revenge would only be more subtle and exaggerated.

However, from the perspective of a bystander, he couldn't bear to watch Cai Mingwu step by step towards an irreversible situation.

So for the current plan, Song He can only stop Cai Mingwu if he solves the case first.

As for persuading Cai Mingwu to change his mind, Song He asked himself that he couldn't do it. You must know that this is a man who can hide his minions and endure it until now. The obsession in his heart is so deep that no one can resolve it except his late wife Cheng Hui, who he misses deeply.

"When I went to the bathroom, you made small moves. After all, what did you check in my system just now?" Wu Xuerui suddenly appeared in front of Song He, and just after asking, she felt that his expression was wrong, and said concerned: "What's wrong? "

"There are browsing records in the system. You will understand after reading it." Song He had no intention of hiding it from Wu Xuerui. Of course, he couldn't hide it. He couldn't delete the browsing history of the police station system. That was another set of permissions. , Wu Xuerui did not give it to him.

Wu Xuerui looked at Song He suspiciously, turned on the computer and entered the system, and was shocked by Song He's highly targeted browsing records after a while.

When she deleted the record and shut down the system, and returned to Song He with an expression of disbelief, Song He smiled helplessly: "Understood?"

"This is no small matter!" Wu Xuerui lowered her voice, fearing that others would hear: "Once something happens, Cai Mingwu will be finished!"

"And it will also implicate the entire Yuncheng criminal police team and the Yuncheng police community. Once public opinion can't be controlled, it will turn into a major incident that endangers the prestige of the police." Song He also lowered his voice, but his tone was much calmer: "Look , I know it all."

"Knowing that you are still so calm?" Wu Xuerui noticed Song He's strangeness.

"We don't know where the gun is, so we have no way to investigate Cai Mingwu. The only way now is to solve the case first, so that this matter can be properly handled to the maximum extent." Song He said very seriously, He revealed a strong self-confidence: "Case analysis is our strong point. I don't believe that Cai Mingwu alone can be as powerful as we add up."

Wu Xuerui's anxiety was calmed down by the confidence in Song He's words, but she didn't know that Song He had lied.

Song He knew the whereabouts of the guns, but he didn't want to say it.Ordinarily, Youguo Daoyin is extremely simple for him, but he always has mixed feelings of admiration and pity for Cai Mingwu in his heart, so he would rather spend some effort for him.

In his mind, Song He had already deduced something based on the case information of Cheng Hui's murder.

"I read the case files of the robbery and murder. There are traces of two people committing crimes left at the scene of the crime. It is not ruled out that there are more than two suspects. The owners of the traces are two men, and Cheng Hui was killed by one of them. Before Hui died, there were signs of violent struggle, and her clothes were damaged in many places. It cannot be ruled out that the perpetrator had evil thoughts because the robbery process was too smooth. When he committed the crime, Cheng Hui resisted vigorously, and finally became angry and killed him."

Wu Xuerui nodded, what Song He said was the analysis in the case file.

"The following is my conjecture." Song He continued: "As you have seen, Cheng Hui's death was tragic. The fatal injury was on the aorta, but based on the amount of bleeding, the fatal injury was not the last wound."

Wu Xuerui recalled it for a while, nodded and said, "That's right, the perpetrator still didn't stop after Cheng Hui's death."

"The Yuncheng police investigated Cheng Hui's social relationship after the incident, and the result was that she had no enemies, basically ruled out the possibility of a vendetta." Song He looked into Wu Xuerui's eyes and said, "Then why did the criminal hate her so much?" Where's Cheng Hui?"

"You mean that Cheng Hui caused harm to the criminal?" Wu Xuerui made it clear.

"Yes, it should be enough pain or serious injury. On the one hand, this can effectively prevent the criminal from infringing, but on the other hand, it also causes him to lose his mind and kill Cheng Hui." Song He paused and said: " This kind of injury should meet the following conditions. The first is the vital point, the second is that it is serious enough, and the third is that a woman can perform it in resistance."

Wu Xuerui thought for a moment: "The eyes or the crotch, these two places are the most vulnerable. In a hurry, Cheng Hui can't control the strength, and it may cause repeated injuries, resulting in permanent or semi-permanent trauma."

"It's the eyes, because the attack on the eyes will cause traces of bodily fluid or blood on Cheng Hui's hands. During the autopsy, Cheng Hui's hands were incomplete and artificially destroyed. So there is a high probability that she caused damage to the criminal's eyes." Song He sighed slightly when he said this, and said with difficulty: "The method of harming the criminal may be taught by Cai Mingwu."

Wu Xuerui understood, and felt uncomfortable. Perhaps Cai Mingwu was obsessed with revenge because he thought of this, because in his heart, he also had his own share in the cause of his wife's death.

"Over the years, that guilt must have tortured him." Wu Xuerui shook her head, feeling complicated.

"There is no way to judge whether this kind of thing is right or wrong. No one knows whether Cheng Hui will feel worse than death if she survives." Song He's mood was also a little low.Shifting the topic to the case again: "Most of the wounds are concentrated on Cheng Hui's abdomen. Most of the wounds here are stab wounds caused by single-edged sharp objects. There is only one wound with a large opening, which is an obvious stab wound. This It shows that when the criminal caused the wound, the sharp object had an obvious movement, and the movement trace was irregular, and it was biased towards the upper left of the criminal."

"Someone pulled him away?" Wu Xuerui guessed.

"Yes, the perpetrator is right-handed. He should have knelt down beside Cheng Hui on one knee. He held Cheng Hui's collar with his left hand to keep her in a sitting position. He stabbed Cheng Hui's abdomen repeatedly with a fruit knife in his right hand until his accomplices pulled him away. open."

Wu Xuerui closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, she breathed a sigh of relief, trying to dispel the depression caused by the pictures in her mind, but it was not very successful.

She only heard her cold voice: "So you said that it is not ruled out that there are more than two people?"

"Yes." Song He nodded: "Except for the traces of the murderer and another criminal three meters to his right, there are no traces of anyone's activities left on the left. But the murderer was stopped by the person on the left." , so there is a high probability that there are three criminals in this case."

Wu Xuerui recalled the case file, and said puzzledly: "At that time, Yuncheng attached great importance to this case, and quickly determined the physical characteristics of the suspect based on Cheng Hui's wounds, but after a long investigation, they did not find it."

"This is the second speculation I want to talk about." Song He said: "The criminal who killed Cheng Hui may have died."

(End of this chapter)

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