Chapter 522
In the police's rapid, efficient and highly targeted arrest operation, no member of the MLM gang was able to organize effective resistance. In this arrest operation based on the information provided by Song He, the police also None of the suspects escaped.

But it was precisely because the operation was too successful that all the people on the scene were arrested. The workload of just screening their identities was unimaginably huge.

Fortunately, when the local police formulated the arrest plan, they had already figured out the countermeasures. After investing a large number of police officers and equipment for screening, the follow-up work of the arrest plan was finally carried out in an orderly manner.

And because Song He's identity is a secret known to a few people, after he passed the preliminary screening, he was included in the category of people advised to return to his hometown.

As for the "third brother" who has just joined the MLM gang but has yet to make a difference, he can only patiently squat with Song He in the corner of the crowd who are being persuaded to return to their hometown.

"I haven't done anything yet. Is this the end?"

The undercover police officer Song He called the third brother looked at their busy colleagues with complicated expressions, and looked at Song He with deep admiration and a little bit of sadness.

"Your role is not small." Song He laughed softly: "You are an excellent help for me to gain Wang Weiqi's trust! Without you, I would not be able to get so much confidential information."

When the undercover police officer heard this, he immediately felt that he was still useful, and the frustration in his heart dissipated. He asked curiously, "Officer Song, how did you pass on the information? Teach me."

Song He secretly glanced at the storage ring, and changed the topic calmly: "Communicators are easy to hide, and there is always a way to use your brain. But when the MLM gang is undercover, the key lies in how you collect effective information .”

"Yes yes yes, Officer Song, tell me quickly." The undercover police officer moved and moved closer to Song He.

Seeing that the people around him persuading them to return home were either in a state of anxiety or at a loss, Song He didn't notice himself and the undercover police officers at all, so he explained in detail what he had done in the MLM gang.

"To put it bluntly, if it is pyramid schemes that deceive people, it is better to say that those who use pyramid schemes as a means of profit are deceiving others." Song He said seriously: "So instead of saying that I am targeting pyramid schemes, it is better to say that I am targeting people."

"You also know that people who are trapped in pyramid schemes can't be persuaded to wake up in a short time, so we don't have to work hard to bring back one or two. It's best to use their weakness in human nature to help us To achieve the goal of smashing the MLM gang."

"After so many years in the police force, I believe you can also find that no matter how greedy and deceived people are in pyramid schemes, they actually want to get money and a sense of accomplishment. It's something to look forward to..."

Listening to Song He's narration, the undercover police officer felt as if his mind had been enlightened, and countless thoughts about human nature appeared in his mind, which combined with his experience in handling cases in the past years, set off a wave of thinking storms.

Song He looked at the undercover police officer whose eyes kept rolling, and gradually slowed down his speech: "The way to create a split is very simple. It is to find the point of opposition between the two, and try every means to amplify it."

"For example, I help Chen Yang become the leader of those who are deceived. In this way, Chen Yang's natural position will lead those people to oppose another group, and the split will be inevitable..."

The undercover police officer nodded frequently after hearing this, and finally concluded: "Officer Song, I understand! Only crooked ways can defeat crooked ways!"

Song Hewen hesitated, raised his eyebrows slightly and said: "There is nothing wrong with your conclusion, but why does it sound a bit unpleasant to me..."

The two chatted, and the surrounding crowd dispersed wave after wave under the arrangement of the police officers. Finally, the police officer in charge of arranging the departure of the returnees noticed them.

"Both of you! Get in the car!"

Song He and the undercover police officer raised their heads, only to see a male police officer approaching them, pointing to a bus lane in the distance: "Get in the bus! This bus will take you back to the city. Just go home."

"I've been out for such a long time, my family must be very worried, hurry back and report that I'm safe..."

The two smiled helplessly when they saw this, stood up and got into the car at the same time, went back to the city and found a place, called the upline and continued to chat.

It wasn't until after lunch that the on-line police officers of the two got away from their busy work and found the two.

"Officer Song, thank you very much this time!" The online police officer directly brought the two of them back to the police station, and enthusiastically poured a glass of water for Song He: "There are more than 1000 people! There is a history of such a large pyramid scheme in Min Province." It's the first time since!"

"It's still thanks to your deployment." Song He naturally knew what it meant to the online police officer to crack such a large-scale pyramid scheme, so he congratulated him in advance: "You are busy with this case. Words have to be thought out in advance.”

"Haha! Then I'll borrow Officer Song's auspicious words!" The upline police officer was very happy when he heard the words, and he was in a great mood.

The success of the arrest operation made both of them very happy. They finished their work while talking and laughing, and then they said goodbye.

After Song He left the police station, the upline police officer brought the undercover police officer back to the office, closed the door and immediately asked, "Have you learned anything?"

The undercover police officer nodded and replied, "Got it! Officer Song has talked a lot."

"What did you say?" The online police officer showed curiosity: "Repeat it again!"

The undercover police officer hurriedly tried to recall every word Song He had said to him, repeating as he recalled, and the on-line police officer nodded frequently.

And when the undercover police officer finished Song He's last sentence, the on-line police officer sighed: "As expected of the detective's close disciple! People have already guessed your intention to ask the question, this time it is intentional to give you money." Grant!"

The undercover police officer was startled when he heard the words, and couldn't help but look out the window in the direction Song He was leaving, and his heart suddenly became full of respect.

Two hours later, when Song He was about to board the plane at the airport, he looked back at the direction of the police station thoughtfully, and said with a smile: "How much you can learn depends on your skills, anyway, I have taught everything I can teach. "

Back in Yucheng, Zhou Kai and others were still performing missions in other places. Feeling bored, Song He went to rest at home for the night, and came to the Canglong Club early the next morning, and saw Fang Ming, who was getting stronger, and Feng Zhihui, who was getting fatter.

"Fang Ming, long time no see, you're good at skills!"

"Huizi, married life is very happy, the belly is coming out."


Song He, who hadn't appeared in the club for a long time, warmly greeted everyone he met, even the new members.

"Are you crazy?" Fang Ming looked at Song He in surprise: "It's hard to come back. You're not at home with your uncles and aunts. What's the fun in the club?"

Song He gave Fang Ming a white look: "I don't believe your parents didn't urge you to get married."

"No!" Fang Ming said very proudly: "My father found my mother only when he was a young man. It's a family tradition. I'm not in a hurry."

Song He stared viciously and said, "I'm afraid it's useless if you are anxious! Compared with the female members of the club, I think the male members are more interested in your tendons!"

(End of this chapter)

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