Chapter 524
Twenty or ten minutes later, when the car pulled into the gas station, both Cao Jinshan, who had been severely beaten, and Datou, who had been driving for three hours, breathed a sigh of relief.

Even Ergui, who had done nothing but was very tired along the way, felt refreshed the moment he stopped the car, as if he came alive.

"Er Gui, hurry up and buy some food and drink." Cao Jinshan directly handed several hundred-yuan bills to Er Gui, and urged when the cars started queuing up for refueling: "Move quickly!"

Ergui snatched up the banknotes, got out of the car and walked towards the convenience store inside the gas station without saying a word.

After Ergui got off the car, Cao Jinshan carefully observed the environment inside and outside the gas station, sized up the passing vehicles and pedestrians, and was very cautious.

A moment later, when their car started to refuel, Er Gui returned to the car with big and small bags of food and drinks, and Cao Jinshan finally relaxed his vigilance, picked up a bottle of drink, unscrewed it, and poured it into his mouth.

Soon, the gas tank was filled, and Big Tou decisively put down the half-eaten bread, puffed out his cheeks, chewed and swallowed hard, and started the car and drove out of the gas station.

Feeling the vibration of the car, the three people in the car felt a lot more at ease, and each had a trace of relief and a smile on their faces.

However, seeing the car drive out of the gas station, and when it was slowly picking up speed and was about to enter the national highway again, a car suddenly rushed out from the sideways, and stopped in front of the three-person car with a sudden brake!

The big head of the driver was startled, and in a hurry, he slammed on the brakes, and the car stopped suddenly, causing Cao Jinshan and the second ghost to rush forward in inertia!

Immediately afterwards, before the three of them could react, another car suddenly stopped behind the three-person car, firmly blocking their retreat!
The sudden change made the keen Cao Jinshan realize that something was wrong. However, before he could regain his balance, six men quickly rushed down from the two blocking cars that had not turned off, and in the blink of an eye, Cao Jinshan and the three of them were killed. Cars surrounded us tightly!

"Put your hands up!"

"Turn off! Get out of the car!"

"Police! Come down!"

Hou Yi, Liu Hui, and a police officer pointed their pistols at Cao Jinshan and the three inside the car. Song He and the other two police officers opened the door while shouting, exposing the three of Cao Jinshan to gunpoint in an instant. !

The shouts full of warning, under the blessing of the muzzle of the black hole, were extraordinarily deterrent, and Cao Jinshan and the three immediately obeyed, and got out of the car slowly with their hands raised, allowing Liu Hui and others to handcuff them. on the wrist.

"How do you know they're going to run in that direction?"

Serious crime team, observation room, while watching Hou Yi and Liu Hui interrogate Cao Jinshan, Lu Jie asked curiously: "The positioning is so accurate, satellites can't do it, right?"

"I've already told them about it." Song He smiled, but he didn't refuse. Instead, he thought about it and asked, "Cao Jinshan is very interesting. I wonder if you have studied it?"

"Even if you've studied it, you haven't studied it thoroughly, so you can just say it." Lu Jie's attitude is very bachelor.

"Are you already so arrogant in the serious crime team?" Song He joked and explained: "Actually, it has been 13 years since Cao Jinshan was first wanted."

"It is recorded in the files that he was imprisoned for five years for fraud and was released from prison seven years ago. After Liu Hui said that his identity was suspicious, I checked all his case files and prison sentences. .”

"As a result, I found that he is really good at disguising and persuading others. At the same time, some of his behavior patterns are also very interesting. Among them, he has been at large since he was released from prison seven years ago. Interesting habit of mind."

Lu Jie was successfully aroused by Song He's words: "What kind of thinking habits?"

"The thinking habit of summarizing experience and lessons." Song He looked at Cao Jinshan in the interrogation room with interest, and said with clear eyes: "Five years ago, Cao Jinshan began to cheat around under the name of a genius doctor, and then once He was exposed during the treatment process and fled in a hurry."

"Since then, the mistakes he made when he was exposed have never happened again. In the next five years, he made mistakes in the deception process several times, but all mistakes will only occur once, absolutely No more offenses."

Lu Jie wondered, "This has something to do with where you can guess where he appears?"

"13 years ago, he took an unfamiliar path while fleeing, and was blocked by the police." Song He laughed: "So he will never take an unknown path again."

"In the direction of his escape, although the national road is not the straightest, it is the most free in the general direction. Then connect with his past experience and mistakes, and a little reasoning can tell how he will escape."

"So that's it." Lu Jie was stunned, but then he became more confused: "But the test results of that vomit showed that the ingredients that caused the child's poisoning were the same as the one he had put to death."

"This means that the medicine that the child is taking is not prescribed by Cao Jinshan." Song He shrugged and said meaningfully: "It is likely that someone used the name of Cao Jinshan's 'miracle doctor' to deceive the child's grandparents in private."

Speaking of this, when Cao Jinshan in the interrogation room saw the two photos in Hou Yi's hand, he suddenly showed a confused expression: "I have never seen them, let alone sold them medicine!"

Hou Yi stared and said, "My grandson almost died after taking your medicine! You still don't admit it!"

Cao Jinshan immediately shouted anxiously: "My pills are all mixed with hawthorn, jujube paste, starch and spices! At most, add some laxatives for fire, it is impossible to eat dead people!"

Hearing the words, Hou Yi and Liu Hui looked at each other, thinking that Song He was right.

In the observation room, Song He showed such an expression as expected, turned to Lu Jie and said, "Check it out, ask who the child's grandparents got the medicine from. The poisoning ingredients in the two cases are the same, which means that they are members of their gang."

"In case the real culprit is let go, I'm sorry for the child who walked through the gate of hell."

Lu Jie nodded, with a cold look in his eyes: "Don't worry, I can't run away!"

An hour later, Song He, who returned home, received a call from Lu Jie, saying that the medicine was sold to the elderly at a high price by a person nicknamed Er Gui, and that the price of the medicine was twice as expensive as the fake medicine sold by Cao Jinshan when he saw a doctor, and all the money was paid. In the hands of the second ghost.

After sighing a few words on the phone, Song He ended the call, then turned to Song's mother who was staring at her big eyes, and said sadly, "Mom, look at this case, how much evil has been done!"

"A child of eight or nine years old almost died..."

Song's mother, who was about to go all out to urge the marriage, heard the words, her attention was immediately drawn to the case Song He was talking about, and she temporarily forgot her real purpose of talking to Song He.

Song He secretly breathed a sigh of relief while telling his mother the case vividly, while making up his mind in his heart that he would join Zhou Kai and others tomorrow, and he would definitely not be at home for another day!
Twenty hours later, when Song He was sitting in the case discussion room of a certain county, Zhou Kai who was at the side obviously felt that Song He breathed a long sigh of relief.

Just when he was curious and ready to ask, he saw Song He looking at the case materials in front of him seriously, with his chest raised and his head raised, showing a bit of fighting spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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