While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 526 Unify 1 Target

Chapter 526 Unified Target
The five police officers in the reception room seemed to be prepared, and when they saw Shen Jianghe and Song He coming in, they all stood up and saluted.

"You're welcome. From now on, you will be comrades in the trenches." Shen Jianghe saluted with a smile, sat down and said, "I believe you already know the purpose of going abroad this time."

"Now, let's briefly introduce ourselves to each other and deepen our familiarity. Let's start with your team leader."

Shen Jianghe pointed at Song He as he spoke, and directly focused everyone's attention on Song He.

Seeing that they were staring at him unabashedly, Song He stood up nonchalantly, smiled and nodded at the five of them and said, "My name is Song He, and I am the case consultant of the Yucheng Case Detection Center in Ling Province. The name I used this time to go abroad is Sun Xiaohai. "

After finishing speaking, Song He sat back in his seat with a smile, indicating that his introduction was over.

The five police officers obviously knew Song He's name. The moment they heard Song He's name, their eyes flickered inexplicably. After looking at each other, they nodded at Song He and began to introduce themselves one by one.

Song He felt the various meanings in everyone's eyes, and his heart immediately relaxed: They are all sensible 'good boys'. Although they want to weigh my quality, their obedience and team awareness are still in place.

Knowing that what he was most worried about would not happen, Song He relaxed a little and began to listen carefully to their self-introductions and compare each person with the information in his memory.

"My name is He Yujue..."

After Song He, the man on his right who began to introduce himself was a male police officer. He was tall, tall, and handsome. His pair of glasses made him look very polite, but his Mandarin was not very standard.

On the right side of He Yujue is Qi Weigang, a strong man with a tough style and a thunderous voice. He introduces himself briefly and powerfully. His bronze skin and tall figure make him look like a fierce general who is not worthy of being a man.

After Qi Weigang, there are the smiling police officer Xing An who is short, stocky and bright-eyed, the serious police officer Lu Jing with outstanding military demeanor, and the sunny police officer Wei Kai who smiles before saying anything.

"Not bad." After everyone introduced themselves, Shen Jianghe said with a serious expression: "You have to pay attention to many things when you go out this time, not only the other party's relatively complete knowledge system in the police field, but also... …”

Shen Jianghe endured the burning sensation caused by the inflammation of his throat, and insisted on repeating the precautions before handing over the follow-up matters to Song He.

An hour later, everyone who had finished communicating on relevant matters received their certificates and information, said goodbye to Shen Jianghe, and returned to the hotel where they stayed.

However, when they returned to the hotel, they did not disperse. Instead, they chose a quiet corner in the hotel lobby to sit down and start a real communication.

"Everyone, although the task of going abroad this time is relatively heavy, we all know that the really critical work will only be carried out after returning to China." Song He said straight to the point:

"So this operation is not so much an exchange and study, but rather an opportunity for us to get acquainted and understand each other, so as to facilitate the development of some work after returning to China."

As soon as Song He said this, these long-prepared opening remarks immediately captured the hearts of He Yujue and others, and the effect was extremely good.

The five people looked at each other, and Qi Weigang said in a deep voice: "The work efficiency of the Ling Province Case Detection Center is obvious to all. What I want to know is whether this success can be replicated in other places."

Song He saw that Qi Wei, who was the leader of the five, had just opened the chat box, and his heart suddenly settled down, and he said with a smile: "If you are interested, you can come to Ling Province for inspection after you come back..."

Half an hour later, the way the group of people kept a distance from each other and treated each other with respect when they first met has completely dissipated under Song He's wonderful communication skills. They are talking smoothly and joking with each other, and they all look like they regret meeting each other so late.

After Song He successfully evolved the people who implied competition into a team working towards a common goal, he finally became the leader recognized by everyone, and he was completely relieved.

The next day, Shen Jianghe, who came to see off Song He and others, was amazed when he saw how happy Song He and others were. At the same time, he also felt more confident in Song He's future achievements.

While waiting for the plane, Song He and his party wore well-fitting police uniforms, coupled with the elite flavor revealed intentionally or unintentionally in their words and deeds, they instantly gained countless attention.

"I have worked as a criminal police officer in the police station for eight years, and I have never encountered this kind of treatment!" Qi Weigang laughed like thunder: "Today is really a long face!"

Passing through the boarding gate, Xing An, who was walking beside him, plucked his ears, turned his head to look at Qi Weigang's throat, and said with a smile, "Old Qi, you have been complained about disturbing the people with your loud voice, right?"

"I'm not just blowing my voice!" Qi Weigang raised his thumb when he heard the words, gestured at his throat, and said proudly: "I think back then, I could..."

"Stop, stop!" He Yujue, who was walking in front, quickly made a gesture: "Brother Qi, you have said this three times!"

"Five times." With a serious face, Lu Jing glared at Qi Weigang, and said expressionlessly, "I told me twice in the guest room last night."

"Haha! Lao Qi is so cruel!"


Song He, who was the last to pass the boarding gate, glanced at the people talking and laughing in front of him, breathed a sigh of relief, and followed slowly.

Nearly [-] hours later, the plane landed at Weiguocheng Airport. As soon as he got out of the pick-up gate, Song He saw a Weiguo police officer holding up a pick-up sign with the words "Gecheng Police Academy" in foreign language. words.

"There." Song He immediately pointed out the target.

Seeing this, everyone packed up and lined up the moment the eye contact ended, dragging their suitcases and walking neatly towards the Weiguo police officer.

All of a sudden, everyone on the side of the road paid their attention to them again. Even the policeman from Wei State was taken aback. He didn't come back to his senses until Song He and others came close.

"Hello." Song He's expression is friendly and polite, and his foreign language is correct: "We are a police officer from Qinxia who came to meet for exchange and study. Are you the reception police officer of Songcheng Police Academy?"

"Oh, yes." The Weiguo police officer quickly put down the pick-up sign, shrugged and said, "Wow, you guys, your uniforms are really energetic. Come with me."

Song He and others smiled and followed the Weiguo police officers out of the airport.

An hour later, Song He and others checked into the room arranged for them by the Songcheng Police Academy after completing relevant procedures.

"It seems that we have returned to the time of the police academy?" Wei Kai, who lived in the same room with Song He, looked at the room they stayed in, and teased: "Looking at the traces in the house, the life of the original residents should be quite free. "

Song He also looked at the room, suddenly his nose twitched, he pointed to the corner behind the bed and sneered, "The cleaning work is also not in place."

Wei Kai was stunned for a moment, moved away from the bed suspiciously, and examined it carefully. After a while, he opened an inconspicuous hidden compartment along the crack of the wall.

However, what was wrapped in a small plastic bag made Wei Kai change his expression: "It's a very troublesome thing!"

"It's nothing more than specious, let's go." Song He shrugged indifferently, and walked out the door: "I'll go to Lao Qi's room to have a look."

Wei Kai's eyes turned cold when he heard this, and he decisively took out the contents and threw them into the toilet, then flushed them and dried them!

(End of this chapter)

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