Chapter 534
At three o'clock in the morning, the anxious Canadian police officer finally received the long-awaited knock on the door.

And when he and his companions opened the door as quickly as possible and chased it out, there was only a dark and empty corridor outside the door, and a handout lying on the floor.

Seeing the handouts, the Canadian police officers, who felt overwhelmed, looked at the time in unison, feeling worried.

"Captain, I'm afraid it's not good to contact Mr. Kahn now." A police officer looked at the leader with a embarrassed face, and the rest nodded.

"Let's rest first, and send the handout to him tomorrow morning." The team leader ordered helplessly.

So, when Bart Kahn got the handout from the Canadian police, it was already seven o'clock in the morning.

At this time, it was only an hour before the start of the class, but he didn't feel nervous, but he was relieved: "Fortunately, it's just that the quality of the content has declined, and it's not that I can't get it."

In fact, after secretly contacting the police officers from the three countries of Gao and Sang yesterday, before ten o'clock in the evening, he received the handout photos from Austria and Sang.So he is not worried that he has no time to adjust the teaching content, but he is a little worried about the experience of the Canadian police officers and the corresponding impact

Although he imagined the possibility that Canadian police officers would be completely rejected by Song He and others, once this situation occurred, other people who provided him with handouts might suffer the same fate.

At that time, the two groups of police officers who know differently will not only make it difficult for him to adjust the teaching content, but will also turn the entire learning exchange into an extremely chaotic farce.

"That is to say, you think that maintaining the normal operation of learning and communication is the bottom line of this confrontation, right?" Bart Kahn understood the message conveyed by Song He's move, and nodded slightly.

While speaking, he compared the three handouts from different sources again, made the final fine-tuning of the lecture content and exclaimed: "No matter how much trouble your means bring me, it can't cover up your outstanding ability."

"But it is precisely because of your outstanding abilities that your actions have brought me so much trouble! Just wait, you will taste the regret!"

Bart Kahn, who was talking harshly in the office, didn't notice it. When he compared the three handouts, he once again ignored a trap that was covered up because of human nature.

Last night, because Sang Guo took pictures and sent handouts in San language, Bart Kahn didn't understand what was said.

However, policeman Sangguo said very humbly on the phone that he would try his best to translate, and sent him a translation at [-] am.

At that time, he had already finished reading the Austrian lectures, and adjusted the content of the next day's lecture according to the lectures.

Therefore, when he was about to take a break, he just briefly read the handouts translated by the Sang State police officers. In addition, the Sang State people deliberately translated it into a very awkward way, which led to his understanding of the differences in the handouts from the two countries. The place is unaware.

Soon, when the teaching time came, Bart Kahn, who was full of confidence, stepped into the lecture hall again, glanced at all the police officers, and briefly met Song He and others' eyes.

In an instant, Song He had already read the meaning in Bart Kahn's gaze, and said in surprise: "This old man is so bloody? His fighting spirit is so high!"

Qi Weigang and the others also noticed that Bart Kahn was in high spirits, but they didn't know what move the other party would make, so they could only concentrate on preparing to deal with it.

"Everyone, today's lecture involves the theoretical knowledge of multiple knowledge systems, please pay attention and don't fall behind."

Bart Kahn seemed to have forgotten about the lecture notes and started teaching directly: "We all know that society is a whole, and individuals are the individuals that make up the society. Those individuals who violate the law are special cases among individuals."

"In my opinion, society as a whole has the ability to correct mistakes, and this ability to correct mistakes is not only reflected in our law enforcement officers and the judicial system behind it for individuals who have committed wrong behaviors."

"At the same time, this error-correcting ability will also be reflected in the criminal behavior of those individuals in a special way, causing them to leave sociological traces that are difficult to detect from an ordinary perspective..."

In the blink of an eye, Bart Kahn, with his deep background, took control of the audience through fascinating theory and ingenious teaching methods.

Song He, who was taking notes quickly, also gradually discovered that although the adjusted lecture content was completely improved based on the Austrian handouts, Bart Kahn's eyes did not only show kindness to the Austrian police officers.

"It turns out that there is still Sangguo. It's really an expected surprise." Song He narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in his heart, "In this case, why don't you help Aoguo to cover it up?"

"Looking at the self-satisfied appearance of the Sang people, you should have suffered from not knowing the Sang language, and were misled by their 'poor' translation, so you didn't discover the trap at all..."

After thinking for a moment, Song He had made a rough guess about what happened between the old man and the Gaosan Three Kingdoms police officers, and made corresponding plans for the subsequent methods.

But at this moment, he suddenly noticed that Bart Kahn on the podium said with a little pride: "According to my research, this kind of sociological trace can be found on almost all lawbreakers."

"For example, thieves, each of them is a special individual in society, so when committing crimes, they will follow the logic imprinted in their consciousness by society and leave corresponding traces."

"Like this case..."

Song He felt a strange feeling in his heart, looked at Bart Kahn in surprise, and thought to himself: "The rhythm is wrong, why did you enter the case analysis link so quickly?"

And those who also felt strange in their hearts were Qi Weigang and others who had studied the handouts in depth, and a few police officers who were themselves very sensitive.

However, this strange feeling did not affect their listening to the lecture. Instead, they were amazed by Bart Kahn's research results.

After a while, Song He, who was also immersed in it, finally understood what went wrong!
"It's time!" Song He exclaimed in his heart: "The books referenced in the lecture notes were published two years ago. At that time, they only proposed theories, and there were very few cases that could be used as arguments."

"Compared to now, heh, this is the advantage brought by the time difference! By the way, old man, you are so good, why don't you jump ship to Qin Xia!"

Song He had no doubt that Bart Kahn, who had received the handouts, would be able to sort out courses that were better than the handouts, but he did not expect that the spirit of striving for perfection made the old man obtain the certificate here after two years of hard work. A harvest beyond all expectations.

As Bart Kahn revealed his two years of research results little by little, the police officers in the classroom were gradually heartbroken.

And when Song He felt that more and more people were feeling convincing, he knew that after today's class was over, Bart Kahn would use his own ability to re-establish the psychological advantage he lost yesterday .

Thinking of this, Song He secretly said in his heart: "It seems that the questions handed over to Brother Mao Guo are useless, and at the same time, you have dragged me into the battlefield of confrontation between brain and background."

After clarifying the situation, Song He smiled freely and nodded at Bart Kahn on the podium.

But Bart Kahn, who understood the meaning of Song He's move, felt his heart cleared up, and his expression became more confident and proud.

(End of this chapter)

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