Chapter 553
"Based on the information provided by the village party secretary, joint defense captain and neighbors of Zhang Chuan's village, we can confirm that Zhang Chuan has not appeared in the village in the past three months."

"At the same time, many villagers, including the village party secretary and the joint defense captain, claimed that someone had sought Zhang Chuan many times to collect gambling debts, so we can be sure that the casino that Zhang Chuan owed gambling debts has not yet found him."

"After searching Zhang Chuan's residence, I found that apart from his ID card and bank card, Zhang Chuan's daily necessities were not taken away. Moreover, the dust and related traces in the residence proved that although someone entered Zhang Chuan within three months Chuan's residence was searched for belongings, but it was not Zhang Chuan himself."

"It can be concluded from this that Zhang Chuan disappeared after the incident." Song He said and picked up a piece of investigation material: "This is the record of Zhang Chuan's purchase of train tickets within two years."

"Eighteen months ago, that is, the second year after he started going to the casino, the number of times he went to other places increased, and the length of time was different. According to the existing information, he is very likely to avoid debts."

"After analyzing the records of his purchase of train tickets, we can find that there are three places where he hid his debts, and the farthest is only a county town [-] kilometers away."

"So, based on his fleeing habits, there is a high probability that he will buy a train ticket to leave Heshan County. However, we have not found any record of his ticket purchase."

Song He paused as he spoke, looked at the people in the meeting room with different faces but all were extremely dignified, pointed to a few blank spaces on the whiteboard and said: "Not only in Heshan County, but even in other places, there are no purchases from him." ticket record."

"At the same time as the ticket purchase records disappeared, all Zhang Chuan's communication records and bank card transaction information, combined with Zhang Chuan's personality and previous behavior habits, this is an impossible situation."

"That is to say, after committing the crime and before fleeing Heshan County, Zhang Chuan disappeared from the world."

After all, Song He manipulated the projector to enlarge several pictures, each of which was a screenshot of a text message.

"This was collected and provided by the joint defense captain of Zhang Chuan's village. It is a text message that Zhang Chuan sent to different people at different times." Song He pointed to the middle one and said: "This is the last message, and the time is the case. The next day after posting."

Everyone looked intently, and saw that the text message interface read:

I go to other places to work, and I will return the money I earn. If someone comes to me, they say they don’t know where I am.

Song He waited for everyone to finish reading the text messages, pointed to the other text messages and said, "Pay attention to the language and wording habits of these text messages, and then compare the previous text messages, what can you find?"

Everyone heard the words and followed Song He's guidance. Zhou Kai noticed the problem almost instantly, while Deng Hong was two beats behind him, but much faster than the rest of the police officers.

As for the rest of the police officers, no one raised their hands hesitantly until a minute later.

"Fan Ning, tell me." Song He immediately called Fan Ning's name.

Ever since Guo Jianyu was put down by Song He, Fan Ning has been anxious and positive all the time, hoping to get Deng Hong's forgiveness and acceptance through his actions all the time.

He stood up courageously, pointed to several text messages in the projection and said: "There is no typo in the last one, and several typos in the previous ones have been corrected in the last one."

"Very good." Song He waved him to sit down, and Fan Ning's heart was filled with relief and excitement immediately after a word of praise, and he felt a little lighter in his body.

"Of course, there is one more thing besides typos." Song He pointed to the projection and continued: "The last text message is organized and logical, and there is even a reason for someone to keep it a secret for him. It seems very calm and calm."

"But in this text message, there is no panic of him fleeing after killing someone!"

Seeing the contemplation on everyone's faces, Song He continued: "It can be seen that the person who sent this text message is probably not Zhang Chuan himself."

Deng Hong, who had guessed for a long time, his heart skipped a beat, and he blurted out, "Zhang Chuan is dead!"

"Team Deng is right. This is the most likely situation at present." Song He nodded with a solemn tone: "This is the last message related to Zhang Chuan. The person who received the text message is his relatives and friends. Of course, He is also his creditor!"

"Although these people are not all of Zhang Chuan's creditors, they all lent money to him without exception. That is to say, no matter whether this text message was edited and sent by Zhang Chuan himself, the person who sent it is very concerned about Zhang Chuan's creditors. The degree of familiarity is beyond the reach of ordinary people.”

"It can be judged from this that the person who sent the text message is very close to Zhang Chuan!"

Speaking of this, Song He's cell phone vibrated suddenly. He glanced at the incoming call, signaled everyone to be quiet and pressed the hands-free button at the same time: "Hey, Big Brother Chen, has Zhou Jinhong left the village yet?"

"How do you know?" The voice of the joint defense captain came from the mobile phone, with a rather embarrassed tone: "I'm sorry, Officer Song. Zhou Jinhong found out that I was following him, and he secretly ran away over the wall from his house. No motorcycles!"

"It's okay, Big Brother Chen." Song He comforted the defense captain who was a bit self-blaming, and then asked the time with a roll of his eyes, "When did he leave?"

"Less than 10 minutes." The defense captain said firmly: "He just returned home 10 minutes ago. I saw it with my own eyes. Later, I pretended to come to look for him, and he disappeared."

"Okay, Brother Chen, thank you very much." Song Heyu was grateful, hung up the phone immediately, and said to the police officers: "We have no evidence to prove that Zhang Chuan has been killed, so we can only let the mouse show its feet. "

Everyone looked at Song He in confusion, not knowing what the call meant.

Deng Hong, who reacted quickly, already understood the meaning of Song He's phone call, and immediately got up anxiously and said, "Officer Song! Do you already have a plan?"

"That's right." Song He quickly adjusted the projection, enlarged an ID photo and said, "This is the target we want to investigate. Now he is very likely to flee!"

"Team Deng, please make arrangements immediately, control the key positions of the station and out of the county, and ask him to come back to help investigate Zhang Chuan's affairs when he sees the target! Remember, make the request first, and force him to show his feet!"

"The time is urgent, let's talk about the specific situation through the communicator!"

When Deng Hong saw this, he immediately agreed, and directly sent people to guard key locations such as the station in groups, and at the same time notified the patrol team to coordinate the search.

After a while, Song He, who got into the police car, turned on the communicator and continued to analyze: "This time, the target Zhou Jinhong is familiar with Zhang Chuan. Before I knew that Zhang Chuan was the murderer, I found something unusual about him."

"But at that time, I found that his physical appearance was obviously different from Zhang Chuan, so I just cared about him a little bit. After I learned the follow-up information about Zhang Chuan, I realized that Zhou Jinhong was full of doubts."

"So while continuing to collect information about Zhang Chuan, I entrusted the captain of the joint defense of Zhang Chuan's village to follow Zhou Jinhong. The purpose is to scare the snake and see his reaction."

"Facts have proved that after Zhou Jinhong learned about our investigation of Zhang Chuan, he became a little bit desperate, and now he fled in a hurry. Based on the information we have so far, Zhang Chuan's 'evaporation' is definitely related to him!"

(End of this chapter)

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