Chapter 562 go all out
"This case happened at five o'clock in the morning today, and the on-site investigation is underway..."

"The case resulted in three deaths and nine injuries, causing great social panic..."

"We are investigating the source of the explosives, and we are also arranging for people to visit nearby residents, looking for possible witnesses..."

Listening to the live voice of the case discussion meeting coming from the earphones, Song He rushed to the scene of the crime under the leadership of a police officer.

This is a two-story small building in the urban-rural junction of Yangcheng, but the original building has completely collapsed into ruins at this time, and the two surrounding small buildings have also been affected.

Passing through the crowd of onlookers, Song He approached the ruins after showing his ID.

I saw more than a dozen police officers scattered on and around the ruins, constantly investigating.Judging from the moving traces of the partially collapsed walls and roof, all the people inside have been found, but the glaring bloodstains indicate the tragedy of the people inside when they were found.

Song He pressed the earphones on his ears with a gloomy expression, listened to the voice and began to investigate.

"The house that was blown up belonged to a quality inspection manager of a local mining company. He moved to Yangcheng from other places ten years ago. Although he has a strict temperament, he has no major problems in his life, and he is on good terms with his colleagues... "

"Now we have ruled out the possibility of a gas explosion or a hidden explosive explosion, and it is confirmed that the accident was deliberately caused by someone. And we dispatched relevant professionals to investigate the scene as soon as possible..."

"Because the previous work was mainly focused on rescuing the victims who were trapped in the collapsed house, there was a certain degree of damage to the scene, and efforts are now being made to restore..."

"At the same time, after confirming that it was man-made sabotage, we investigated the relationship between the family of the deceased. Although no major suspects have been found for the time being, several suspicious persons have also been found. They are..."

As the live voice of the case discussion meeting continuously spread into Song He's ears, he gradually learned a lot of information while investigating the scene.

After a while, Song He suddenly discovered that there was some dust-like powder attached to the collapsed wall, but the look of his eyes was different from the dust. If his vision had not been strengthened, it would be difficult to detect it.

"Have you found the remaining explosives at the scene?" Song He immediately asked the accompanying police officers.

The police officer turned on the walkie-talkie and asked the on-site commanding officer, and quickly said: "I found it, and a colleague has already sent it to the laboratory."

"Where did you find it? Take me there!" Song He said immediately.

The police officer asked about the location, and brought Song He to a severely damaged collapsed wall, pointing to a marked location: "Officer Song, this is it."

Song He squatted down to check carefully, and he found that there were also a lot of the powder he found here, and the powder attached to the surrounding area was obviously more than that just now.

Wearing a glove, he picked it up a little, moved close to his eyes and used his eyesight. Song He quickly came to a conclusion: "There are more impurities than the standard, and they are self-made by the people. Either the suspect made it himself, or he bought it."

The policeman was stunned for a moment, not knowing whether he should report it, but hesitating, he saw Song He wandering around the ruins, and hurriedly followed.

Song He carefully observed the damage and collapse method of each section of the wall, and quickly identified eight explosion points.

Then they searched carefully at these eight explosion points, and finally found a few pieces of gravel from the ruins with great effort.

The police officer who had been following Song He saw him squatting on the ground playing with a piece of gravel that was no bigger than his thumb. He couldn't help but curiously asked: "Officer Song, what is this?"

"The remains of the explosive hole where the suspect placed the explosives." Song He tried to reconstruct the explosive hole dug out by the suspect while piecing together broken stones: "Judging from the remaining traces of the explosion, the suspect placed the explosives in the explosive hole he dug out. Inside."

"This helps him use a smaller amount of explosives to achieve a greater degree of damage, and judging from the degree of damage to the wall, the explosion points he chooses are all near the load-bearing structure of the house or near the connecting nodes, so he has the appropriate capabilities. expertise in demolition and construction.”

"At the same time, if we can restore the precise height of these medicine holes from the ground, we can guess his approximate height and body shape. In addition, digging medicine holes needs to stay in one place for a long time. If you are lucky, you may be able to find them near the blasting point." Find his footprints."

The more the accompanying police officers listened, their eyes widened, and Song He continued to say: "With the height and footprints, we can determine the suspect's more detailed physical characteristics."

"And he is so familiar with the load-bearing structure and connection nodes of this house, so he must have stepped on it. There is a high probability that he will meet someone during the stepping process, so that he can determine his appearance from witnesses."

"Once you have a general appearance, confirming your identity is a very simple matter."

After Song He finished speaking, he had already restored the scale of the medicine cave in his mind, and then began to restore the height of the medicine cave.

When the accompanying police officers saw this, although they were full of doubts, they were worried about interrupting Song He's thoughts and did not dare to speak. It was not until Song He determinedly compared the height that he finally mustered up the courage to speak: "Officer Song, digging on the brick wall Yaodong, you need to use tools, right? Wouldn’t it make a lot of noise?”

"This is where the suspect is clever." Song He began to move away the rocks near the explosion point, and explained while searching for footprints with his eyes: "This building was built more than ten years ago, and the main body and load-bearing parts are Masonry."

"After I restored the medicine cave, I found that he first removed the mortar around the masonry, and then unloaded the bricks. After the medicine cave was enlarged, he filled the medicine. The whole process took nearly 10 to [-] minutes."

The accompanying police officer nodded and asked a few more questions.Song He was multitasking, answering questions while searching for footprints, and at the same time listening to the messages coming from the headphones, without any delay at all.

Finally, when Song He turned over the bricks near the third explosion point, he finally found half a footprint!
"Go find the camera!" Song He Chong said to the accompanying police officer, then took out a pen and paper and began to restore the complete footprints.

The accompanying police officer was moved when he heard the sound, and immediately asked a colleague for a camera, but when he returned to Song He, he saw that Song He had already drawn a complete footprint on the paper.

The accompanying police officers were stunned, Song He had already picked up the camera, and took pictures of half of the footprints on the ground and the footprints he had drawn.

"Keep looking. It is still not 100% sure that this is the suspect's footprint." Song He returned the camera to the accompanying police officer: "Let all the police officers involved in the investigation pay attention to this footprint."

After Song He finished speaking, he rushed to the next explosion point to search.

After he searched the ground near the eight explosion points, he found seven of the same footprints, three of which were found by the remaining police officers involved in the investigation.

"It's confirmed. The suspect is about 1.7 meters five in height, weighs more than [-] kilograms, and has a fat body."

"The shoes worn by the suspect are cheap sports shoes. Judging from the footprints, they are popular models 12 years ago. It is deeply suspected that the suspect was released recently. It is recommended to investigate the relationship of the deceased 12 years ago."

Song He immediately reported his investigation basis and results, instantly shocking everyone in the meeting room.

For a moment, only Song He's voice echoed through the loudspeaker in the entire conference room.

(End of this chapter)

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