Chapter 585
Fang Ming, the supreme member of the Canglong Club and the darling of all members, has countless nicknames, and is often called Xiao Ming or Muscle Ming.

However, behind these identities, he also has many identities, such as:
The grandson of real estate tycoon Hao Jianguo;
The only son of building material giant Fang Shengjie;
The boss of a start-up construction company and so on...

And after many people get along with him for a long time, these shining identities will be naturally ignored.

Therefore, only in the Canglong Club where there are many old acquaintances, Fang Ming can completely relax his mind and act recklessly, enjoy the fun of fighting to the fullest, without worrying whether his words and deeds will lose face to his grandfather and father.

Just like at this time, in the octagonal iron cage surrounded by the cheers and booing of many members, Song He walked around with Fang Ming relentlessly, exhausting Fang Ming who was chasing him like a dog.

But Fang Ming still pursued Song He relentlessly, tried every means to drag him into the ground battle he had just mastered, obviously he had devoted himself wholeheartedly to this duel.

"Brother, who is this person who fought Fang Ming?"

The man with the mustache was giggling and laughing at Fang Ming whose rhythm was out of order, when a soft voice suddenly sounded in his ear, which immediately made his heart tremble.

"Huh?" The man with the mustache turned his head to look back, only to see a girl with ponytail wearing black top and pink sportswear standing beside him, looking curiously at the octagonal iron cage.

Suddenly, the eyes of the mustache man trembled!
I go!

this face...

This body...

This curve...

This, who can bear this...

Even if I've gotten used to seeing it every day, it's still too exciting!

"It's you! You scared me!" The man with the mustache coughed unnaturally, and said with a smile, "What did you ask just now?"

The ponytail girl's smile spread from the corners of her mouth, and two cute pear dimples appeared on her cheeks. Then she blinked and repeated her question.

The man with the mustache swallowed, pointed to the iron cage and explained carefully: "This is an old member of our club, he is also Fang Ming's good friend, and he is also the number one expert in the club."

"He's usually busy with work, so he doesn't come here very often. You haven't been here for a long time, so naturally you don't know..."

"He is very good, he can learn everything in one go, but the only problem is that he likes to be clean, so he doesn't use all the ground skills and twisting skills very often..."

After a while, the man with the mustache explained the relationship between Song He and Fang Ming and Song He's history.

But he didn't know that his words were heard clearly by Song He in the iron cage. While avoiding Fang Ming's pounce, the latter was scolding him for being obsessive in his heart.

However, all of this is still within Song He's expectation. After all, his identity cannot be hidden from others, and he can find out after a little inquiry.

And if he could scare off this woman named Jiang Yuyan based on his job status alone, he would still be happy to see it happen.

But for now, it seems that after Jiang Yuyan heard that she was serving in the police station, she just nodded and returned to normal, without any signs of shrinking.

"Hey, it seems that you are determined to bite Fang Ming. If this is the case, I will push you from C-level to B-level!"

Song He, who made up his mind to punish Jiang Yuyan, withdrew his attention and looked at Fang Ming, who was covered in sweat and pounced on him again, feeling resentful in his heart: I tried to beat you as a vixen, but you wanted to make me look stinky sweat!
With a flash of thought, Song He no longer backed away, his short body stepped sideways past Fang Ming's arm, and his left shoulder moved forward, as if a jab was about to be thrown in an instant!

Fang Ming was overjoyed when he saw this, he lowered his head and shrugged while protecting his arms, and firmly protected his chin.

Unexpectedly, Song He's action was a feint. Taking advantage of Fang Ming's line of sight being obstructed when he was defending, he kicked with a low-sweeping lightning, which coincidentally broke Fang Ming's balance!

But seeing Fang Ming staggered by being swept away, and when he was trying to regain his balance by stepping back, Song He caught up with a stride, and the left hand jab that had already been in the posture was struck out like lightning!

"You hit me!"

Fang Ming stared at Song He excitedly and in disbelief, as if he was looking at a brand new creature!

"That's right! I'll fight!" Song He said with a rascal face: "If you have the ability, you can fight back!"

Fang Ming obviously didn't care about Song He's attitude, his eyes flickered: "Does this mean that I have improved again? Sure enough, using Ba Rou to deal with you is effective!"

Song Hewen said angrily: "You are using Ba Rou to disgust me!"

"I don't care!" Fang Ming curled his lips proudly: "If you fight back, I've improved!"

In the distance, many members were also shocked by Song He's punch that hit Fang Ming's jaw. Although that punch was soft and did not achieve any results, no one would think that Song He had no ability to achieve results.

"How could Xiao Song do this?"

"That's right, such a good opportunity was missed!"

"If it were me, I would never be soft!"

"Hmph, if you hadn't even had a chance to be soft, you would have been beaten down by Xiao Ming!"

There were waves of discussions one after another, and when the discussion got heated, some people would even enter the octagonal iron cage and make two gestures like a cat and a tiger, which shows how strange it is for Song He to beat Xiao Ming.

Feng Zhihui, who was also surprised by Song He's counterattack, sat in the rest area, tsk-tsk and said, "It's a good opportunity to relieve your anger, you just let it go, really, let me tell you what's good about you! Compassion and pity?"

"Get out!" Song He rolled his eyes.

"Go to hell!" Fang Ming raised his middle finger.

Suddenly, Feng Zhihui with a smile on his face stopped talking, and his eyes moved to Song He not far behind.

Seeing this, Fang Ming also looked along, and saw a ponytailed girl in black and pink sportswear walking towards the rest area Shi Shiran.

Song He, who has keen senses, already knew that Jiang Yuyan was coming here. Seeing the two of them acting like this, he pretended to be curious and looked behind him.

Jiang Yuyan was holding a water glass in her hand, sweating slightly on her forehead, she seemed to be aware of the eyes of the three people, she gave them a small smile, and then walked to the water dispenser to drink water as if nothing had happened.

Seeing this, the three of them withdrew their gazes, but compared to Fang Ming's calm state, Song He and Feng Zhihui seemed much more enthusiastic, but this enthusiasm was mainly concentrated on Fang Ming.

"What do you see me doing?" Fang Ming was curious.

Song He stared at him, controlled his voice, and teased with Jiang Yuyan's vaguely audible volume: "You are the only bachelor among the three of us. I want to know if you are a man or not?"

"Comparing our body types, I'm obviously more like a man!" Fang Ming gave Song He a disdainful look.

"Like?" Feng Zhihui laughed and said, "So you also admit that you are not?"

"The defeated general dares to shout, who gave you the courage?" Fang Ming despised Feng Zhihui's provocation, glanced at Jiang Yuyan who seemed to be pricking up his ears as if nothing was true, and said decisively: "Too thin, I don't like matches."

"Matches?" Song He almost dropped his jaw in shock, glanced at Jiang Yuyan, and said with an exaggerated expression: "Your match is made of gourds? A box can hold a gourd's mouth!"

Feng Zhihui on the side leaned forward and back with a smile, peeking at Jiang Yuyan, but saw that the other party had already left, but his hands were holding the water glass tightly, as if he was choking someone's neck.

(End of this chapter)

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