Chapter 592
A moment later, a policewoman posing as the baby buyer sat in the car, guarding the woman who ranged from sluggish to hysterical to bewildered.

Meanwhile, Song He, Feng Zhuoshu, and the policeman from Luo Province, who played the role of the baby buyer, stood outside the car, discussing something together.

"This is Wang Zhun's wife. She was almost killed by Xue Guang. She should know a lot of inside information." Song He pointed to the car, and then said, "Xue Guang is at Wang Zhun's house now, and I tied him up. I won't wake up for another hour."

"He thought I was sent by the buyer to investigate the truth of the matter, and would not contact me with the police. If the layout is still needed, the arrest can also be suspended."

"Although I smashed his mobile phone, keeping an eye on Wang Zhun's house can prevent him from notifying other gang members. But he is a core member after all, and it might have any impact if he let it go rashly. most"

"And this list." Song He took out a pen and paper as he spoke, quickly wrote down the drug-related mission objectives in the murder-hunting system, and handed it to the male policeman: "This is the information I dug out from Xue Guang's mouth. , all local drug-related personnel."

The male policeman took the paper with an exaggerated amount of information, but saw that the name, location and charges were all there, and it seemed that he only needed to follow the arrest.

"This..." The policeman scratched his head, not knowing what to say.

Song He waved his hand and said: "I know that the credibility of this information is doubtful, but I think the authenticity is still very high. If it is not possible, you can observe it before making a decision. After all, a lot of information above cannot be made up. "

"Besides, Xue Guang, as a core member of a drug-related gang who knows a lot of information, the sooner he is arrested, the more information he will give in order to get rid of the crime, and the more help he will be to us."

The male policeman thought for a while, put away the information and nodded, "I will report to the captain, thank you, you have helped us a lot."

"It's nothing, it should be." Song He smiled, chatted for a few words, then said goodbye to the male warden, and left quickly with Feng Zhuoshu.

"Brother Feng, how many people in Luo Province know about dolphins?" Song He suddenly asked in the car.

"Not many." Feng Zhuoshu shook his head: "Boss Ren only told three or two people that there are people from us, and no one knows the specific identities except us."

"No wonder the two people who came to meet us didn't even ask us why we came. It seems that the higher-ups said hello." Song He scratched his head, and suddenly said: "Xue Guang said that Wang Zhun was going to steal a batch of goods. The two got into a fight and the car fell into the hills."

"Then the dolphin desperately called the drug-related gang at the last moment of losing consciousness, and was rescued in time. But when the accident happened, his mobile phone could not be found, so he used Wang Zhun's mobile phone to make the call."

"I have searched Wang Zhun's home, and there is nothing that reveals the identity of the dolphin. I have also tried Wang Zhun's wife, and she does not know the identity of the dolphin. So why did the dolphin lose contact and can't download it yet?" conclusion."

Feng Zhuoshu thought for a while, and caught Song He's train of thought in a flash, and asked, "Do you want to visit their clinic?"

"That's right." Song He nodded seriously: "According to Xue Guang's explanation, the loss of contact itself makes sense. But there has been no news of the dolphin for a long time, which only shows that he is in a state where he cannot contact us."

"I'm worried that he was seriously injured, and I don't trust the medical level of that clinic. Also, if the dolphins need our cooperation, they can't inform us in time because they can't contact us..."

Song He didn't say the following words, but Feng Zhuoshu knew it clearly, so he asked, "What about the action plan?"

Song He smiled: "First, find a breakfast stand near that clinic, the kind that requires the boss to be unkind and the things are not clean."

Soon, it was seven o'clock in the morning, and Song He and Feng Zhuoshu were also sitting at a breakfast stall, looking at the egg drop soup in front of them without appetite, and pretending to drink it.

After a while, Song He got up to pay the bill. Because of his specially chosen location, he passed a porridge bucket with the lid open when he walked to the boss.

The moment he passed the porridge bucket, he pretended to wipe his mouth, and at the same time, a very faint white smoke fell into the porridge bucket accurately.

Back in the car, Feng Zhuoshu unscrewed a bottle of mineral water, frowning and cursing while rinsing his mouth: "The dog has eaten my conscience! The pickles are made of rotten cabbage! The oil used to cook the pies is obviously gutter oil! There is also egg drop soup, which tastes rancid!"

"Brother Feng, don't talk about it, I'm disgusting." Song He showed a nauseous expression, closed his eyes for a while before recovering: "Who made the two of us have a conscience, it's really hard to cheat honestly A person who buys and sells."

"Are you sure your laxative is okay?" Feng Zhuoshu looked worriedly at the breakfast stand.

"Don't worry, the results are great." Song He replied firmly, urging Feng Zhuoshu to drive: "Jinhetian is the only clinic within one kilometer, and people nearby will most likely choose here to buy antidiarrheal medicine. "

"Let's go for a walk, and in another hour, we will have an excuse to go in and find out the truth."

An hour later, Song He disguised himself as a young man with a pale face and painful expression, and walked into the Jinhetian clinic with sloppy steps.

As soon as he entered the door, Song He yelled loudly: "Boss, you have a stomachache, there is..."

"Antidiarrheals, right?" A bald man in his fifties interrupted Song He without raising his head, and took out a box of antidiarrheals from the counter: "Fifty."

"Huh?" Song He clutched his stomach and asked in surprise, "How much?"

"Fifty." The Xieded man said calmly: "There are too many people buying the medicine, and it will be out of stock soon. Do you want to buy it or not?"

Song He Zhengchou had no reason to quarrel with him, he wondered if he was dozing off and gave him a pillow, so he yelled at the top of his voice, "You are sitting on the ground and raising the price!"

"Hey, my laxatives are at this price." The Xieding man glanced at the two young men sitting idle in the store, and put the antidiarrheal medicines back on the counter confidently: "Buy it or not? If you don't buy it, go out!"

"You, you!" Song He smiled secretly, pretending to be extremely angry: "You stinky and shameless old bald donkey! You dare to bid fifty yuan for a box of ten yuan medicine, you are crazy about money! "

"What are you talking about, little bastard!" The bald man seemed not to believe his ears, and glared at Song He angrily. Even the two men who were sitting idle stood up and walked towards Song He.

Song He was not afraid of making matters worse. He danced and pointed at the bald man and the two young men and cursed: "Shameless things! Such a special greed for money, your eyes will turn green if you wear a cuckold every day!" "

"Things with sores on the top of the head and pus on the soles of the feet! The rotten goods in the eyes of the money!..."

The extremely vicious cursing sounds kept coming out of Song He's mouth, startling the other customers in the clinic at a loss, but they also scolded the bald man and the two young people into a rage!

"Looking for death!"

"You are tired of living!"

The two young men rushed towards Song He cursing, but they saw Song He ran out of the clinic with oil on the soles of his feet, and he kept spitting on his feet. What kind of ugly scolding was it? The two young men became more and more angry. Heavy, chasing Song He around outside the clinic!

(End of this chapter)

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