Chapter 60
Soon, the one-day training was over, and Song He, with his super strong memory, memorized the contents of Shen Jianghe's words in his mind, ready to understand and transform them into his own things.

The rest of the police officers were not as comfortable as Song He. After a whole day of high-intensity operation, their brains were already hungry. After entering the hotel cafeteria in an orderly line, they swept away all kinds of food within 10 minutes!
Song He's physical attributes soared, and his food intake also became huge. However, the hotel miscalculated the combat effectiveness of the police officers, and prepared less food and water. Even Ma Xuexian, who was traveling with him, did not have enough to eat.

"Let's go, let's go out to play the tooth-fighting festival." Liu Hui glanced at the hotel lobby manager.

I saw him on the phone non-stop. Although the police officers were very qualified and did not say anything due to the lack of water, the invisible pressure still made the lobby manager sweat profusely.

"I agree." Jiang Hai nodded: "I have to go out and change my mind."

"Together together." Song He urged with a smile, and Ma Xuexian and Lu Jie also nodded in agreement.

There were many people in the restaurant who had the same idea as them, and many police officers had already left the hotel before them.

When the five people walked out of the hotel, Song He had already quietly opened the system panel, and saw several high-level tasks lying quietly in the task collection list, and couldn't help but feel eager to try.

"You have studied here for four years. What are the outstanding places nearby?" Song He asked Liu Hui and Lu Jie with a smile, but he was screening the tasks that he had the opportunity to complete.

"It's really quite a lot." Liu Hui mentioned a few places, and said with a smile: "You asked me like that, but it made me greedy! Let's go, take you to a good place!"

Soon, the five of them took two taxis to the entrance of a restaurant, and the parking lot was full of cars, which also showed the popularity of the place.

Walking into the restaurant, a lively atmosphere came over us. The restaurant was almost full of people, and the five of them managed to sit down.

"No way, it's dinner time." After ordering the dishes skillfully, Liu Hui poured water for everyone.

While chatting with his companions, Song He looked at the high-level tasks in the system, thought for a moment, and clicked on the second-ranked B-level task: Thief.

The reason why he made this choice is that on the one hand, the system likes to arrange tasks according to their location, and on the other hand, compared to other task targets, thieves are the most timid and timid.

Of course, if you encounter an extremely cautious type, Song He will naturally give up the mission after trying to catch the horse's feet to no avail. He still has some flexibility.

B-level task: Stealer (to be completed)
Mission target: Chen Song.

Mission brief introduction: Three years ago, a mobile phone was stolen.Three years ago, five hundred dollars in cash was stolen
Target distance: 1630 meters.

Task success reward: 3 attribute points, 30 chasing points.

Song He's Adam's apple rolled, and Chen Song's crime history, it still took him a full minute to read it with his super brain!
Hundreds of crimes were committed!
All are small denomination amounts and property!

However, these stolen properties totaled more than [-] yuan!

Song He shook his head. This is still registered. Generally, when encountering the loss of small denomination cash, most people will find it troublesome and choose not to call the police. Therefore, there will only be more theft cases that have not been registered!

Thinking of this, Song He couldn't help but think to himself: No wonder it was classified into B-level tasks by the system. Sure enough, the thieves at this level are not simple people.

Spending one point, he made a short reservation for Chen Song. Song He wrote down the address, and asked calmly, "Where is Tongluo Pedestrian Street?"

"Yo? Xiao Song has done his homework." Liu Hui said with a smile, "Yuancheng is the capital of Ling Province, and Tongluo Street is the most famous folk tourist attraction in Yuancheng. It is the busiest at night. After dinner, Lu Jie and I Take you around?"

"That's good." Song He nodded with a smile.

The three of them finished eating, and when it was time to pay the bill, they realized that Liu Hui had already paid the bill in advance while going to the bathroom on the way, causing everyone to laugh and curse.

Seeing this, Ma Xuexian reacted very quickly and suggested that each person should be responsible for two days of food during the ten-day training, which made everyone let Liu Hui go.

After leaving the hotel, Liu Hui and Lu Jie led the crowd to Tongluo Street on foot.

Halfway through the walk, Song He pretended to be interested in a men's clothing store by the side of the road, pointed to his police uniform, and suggested to the four of them, "Do you want to change into a new suit?"

"Change clothes?" Liu Hui and the others were puzzled.

"I was thinking, what if I meet someone who takes out the bag?" Song He smiled: "This police uniform is not convenient for arresting people."

Liu Hui turned his head when he heard the words, and seemed to think of something, and said with a smile: "Good idea, there are indeed thieves in Tongluo Street who target tourists from other places."

"Then what are you waiting for, change quickly." Ma Xuexian took the lead to agree, and led everyone into the men's clothing store.

The five of them quickly chose some of the cheapest short-sleeves to change into, and Song He took on the heavy responsibility of finding the price, and pressed the price firmly on the minimum transaction amount, causing the boss's face to turn black for a while. It didn't slow down until a long time after they left.

After Song He had finished his disguise, he began to talk about the basis for the judgment of the thief intentionally or unintentionally, frantically hinting at everyone, and made enough preparations for his action later.

Soon, the five people came to Tongluo Street, Song He raised his eyes and raised his eyebrows slightly!
I saw an ancient street with no end in sight in front of Song He. The street was not spacious and could only accommodate two cars in parallel, and the fence set up at the street entrance obviously did not allow cars to enter rashly.The bluestone bricks on the ground are very shiny because of how many people have stepped on them.

In this street, what surprised Song He the most was that no matter the small shops in ancient buildings selling various commodities on both sides of the street, or the streets for tourists to visit, they were all crowded with people!
"Is there too many people here?" Ma Xuexian was in a daze.

"Is this called too much?" Liu Hui asked back, with some pride in his tone: "This is only the off-season, if you come here during the long holiday, just jump in place in the crowd, and you will be able to float along with the crowd!"

Liu Hui's exaggerated description made everyone laugh, and they followed him into Tongluo Street.

Song He followed behind Liu Hui, turned on the system to look at the distance between himself and Chen Song, and secretly guided everyone to the direction where Chen Song was.

After a while, Song He pretended to have discovered something and said secretly: "Right ahead, black above and gray below, male between 30 and [-] years old."

Liu Hui was taken aback when he heard the words: It sounds familiar.

The rest of the people also heard it, and secretly observed the person Song He was referring to.

This is a young man in his twenties, of medium height, with fair skin, his facial features are very marked, and he looks very handsome, but his clothes and hairstyle are very ordinary, and he obviously doesn't take care of it very much.

I saw him walking slowly along the crowd, and glanced at the surrounding shops from time to time. He looked like an ordinary tourist, and there was nothing particularly suspicious, which made Liu Hui and others who observed him suspicious.

Song He could tell what they were thinking just by looking at their expressions, and said in a low voice, "He is alone, and he is a little calm."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone suddenly realized.

Tongluo Street is a famous tourist attraction. Most of the people who come here are tourists who travel together. There are not many people who come alone, but there are absolutely a small number of them. Most of them are foreigners who are very curious about the surrounding environment.

The person Song He refers to can be explained by being alone, and by being calm, but the combination of these two points is a bit suspicious.

And the police officer is precisely the most vigilant profession, not to mention the leader among these few people.

The five people looked at each other, and asked the question on the train with their eyes: who will catch this third-class work?
Song He and Ma Xuexian took a step back as usual, and got unanimous gratitude from the remaining three.

But at this moment, Chen Song, who had no idea that he was being targeted, was moving slowly, observing the passengers around him from the corner of his eye, searching for the target.

As he walked, his eyes glanced at the thinly dressed tourists one after another, Chen Song secretly sighed in his heart: It's better in winter, summer is too hard to do anything.

In his eyes, he prefers the winter when tourists wear thick winter clothes and are not easy to perceive the movement of pockets and bags compared to summer when people wear thin clothes with few pockets and close-fitting clothes.

After shaking his head and letting out a sigh of relief, Chen Song sighed in his heart: If you don't like it, you can still have it, and life has to go on.

After a while, he stared at a female tourist's handbag and slowly approached it.

I saw this female tourist excitedly buying a few pieces of unique antique jewelry, then stuffing the remaining money into her bag and handing it to her boyfriend who was looking at her cell phone. With the help of the store clerk, she started to prepare the money. Ornaments are pinned to the head.

And at this moment, Chen Song stretched out two slender fingers, secretly inserted into the satchel that was still open in the man's hand, quickly clipped it, no matter how much money he got, he turned around and left.

At this moment, three men in cheap short-sleeves surrounded them. Among them, a man as strong as Zhang Fei and a man like a scholar moved very quickly, and they grabbed Chen Song's left and right hands in the blink of an eye!
And a fat man walked towards the couple who were still unaware, and reminded: "Pay attention to your bags!"

The woman who hadn't put on the accessories immediately turned her head when she heard the words, while her boyfriend finally looked away from the phone, but his expression was still a little dazed.

At this moment, Lu Jie and Jiang Hai twisted Chen Song's hands behind his back, and Lu Jie handed the stolen money to Liu Hui.

"Is it your money?" Liu Hui spread his palms to show the woman.

Only then did the woman come to her senses, and after glancing at her bewildered boyfriend, she quickly nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "Yes, yes, it's my money."

"Keep an eye on your bag in the future, don't be so careless." Liu Hui handed the money back to the woman with a smile, took out his ID and held it up, showing it to the tourists who were pointing and watching: "I'm a policeman, and I'm handling a case. Boy, let's go!"

But the tourists who love to watch the excitement didn't care about this. Only a few people left. More tourists who didn't know the truth but were extremely curious gathered around. Tongluo Street suddenly became a little crowded.

Fortunately, Song He asked Ma Xuexian to notify the patrol police in Tongluo Street, who arrived in the blink of an eye and began to maintain order.

Twenty or ten minutes later, Song He and others finally waited for the police officers who came to receive Chen Song. Unexpectedly, the leader, a middle-aged police officer with a high rank, was stunned when he saw Chen Song, and he couldn't laugh or cry: "Why?" you again?"


The Yucheng five who arrested Chen Song were also taken aback.

Song He was thinking about how to punish Chen Song as he deserved, when he heard the words of the middle-aged policeman, his eyes rolled and his heart suddenly became brighter!
(End of this chapter)

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