While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 622 finally woke up

Chapter 622 finally woke up
"Officer Song, do you think that when handling this case, can we try not to affect the children's college entrance examination?"

Not long after Song He stood outside the intensive care unit, he heard Lu Yuanjie worryingly mention the matter of the third middle school students' college entrance examination again.

"Principal Lu, sometimes I really admire you." Song He turned his eyes away from Wang Ruiyun, turned to Lu Yuanjie and said in an inexplicable tone: "I can see that you really care about the children's college entrance examination results, and Not for utilitarian purposes."

"But you still have the idea of ​​​​pacifying the situation when you know that it may become this situation. This makes me a little bit confused. Not to mention what the truth of this case is, don't you know that 'murder' 'How serious are these two words?"

"If Zhang Chenliang and the others really took action, and most of the people in the class knew about it and no one came forward to stop it, do you really want such a group of people to walk into the college entrance examination room and send them to a higher institution? Further studies?”

Lu Yuanjie looked at Song He speechlessly, his lips twitched but he couldn't utter a word.

"Principal Lu, Wang Ruiyun is a student of your school, a seedling from a top-notch school." Song He pointed to the intensive care unit, his gaze piercing into Lu Yuanjie's heart as if it were real: "The case card hanging beside her bed reads: How Dirty The organs were ruptured and both legs and left arm were broken."

"Until now, she is still in a coma. Don't you want to find out who made her like this? She is now lying in the intensive care unit. There is a chance that she can take the college entrance examination that you like so much." How big, have you thought about it?"

"She can participate..." Lu Yuanjie's face looked a little ugly, but he still faced Song He's gaze and whispered: "There was a meeting in the school about Wang Ruiyun. If she can wake up, whether she participates this year or next year, The school will provide her with some necessary help for her college entrance examination."

"Our teachers will give her individual tutoring, and after she is admitted to university, we will advance all her tuition fees before graduation, and..."

Watching Lu Yuanjie talk a lot, Song He suddenly discovered that Qing County No. [-] Middle School was planning to use almost everything they could do on Wang Ruiyun!

Suddenly, Song He's heart trembled: If Wang Ruiyun really led all this, would all of this be in her plan, and Zhang Chenliang and his five families are not poor families...

Thinking of this, Song He became more and more irritable.

"Principal Lu, why don't you do this." Song He thought for a while and suggested, "Tell me what kind of help the school is going to provide to Wang Ruiyun. I will stay here and guard her. As soon as she wakes up, I will go in and talk to her." Let's have a chat, and convey your thoughts to her by the way."

"The reason for this is because I was worried that if you stayed here, it might have counterproductive effects. After all, you are the vice principal, and Wang Ruiyun is hard to protect, and because Zhang Chenliang and the others are resistant to the school."

"If you say something that she doesn't want to listen to, don't say that the big thing will be reduced to a small one, and the incense will burn if things don't get out of control."

Lu Yuanjie thought for a moment, finally nodded in Song He's gaze, and explained in detail the various assistances Qing County No. [-] Middle School had provided to Wang Ruiyun, and then left the hospital worried.

After sending Lu Yuanjie away, Song He turned his eyes to Wang Ruiyun who was in a coma again, and his thoughts turned. He wanted to sort out the context of the incident clearly, but he found that the image of Wang Ruiyun that was clear in his mind had become somewhat blurred.

Gradually, Song He looked at Wang Ruiyun with complicated eyes: If it was really you who planned it, what was the purpose of doing this...

After waiting in the hospital for a day and a half, Zheng Zewei rushed to the hospital from the police station to find Song He, and brought with him the fingerprint identification report that he desperately urged.

Looking at the thick stack of reports, Song He was surprised and said, "Have you sent it to Hecheng for appraisal?"

"Otherwise?" Zheng Zewei's footsteps were a little vain, with dark circles hanging sullenly on the two eye sockets: "My father's contacts and connections were used to get this done so quickly. If this case can't be won this time, my father can Skinned me!"

Song He knew what Zheng Zewei meant by taking it down, and shook his head while receiving the report: "Then you also have to see if Wang Ruiyun is willing to let you take it down."

"It's almost fatal." Zheng Zewei lamented: "Now all the evidence points to those five idiots. If Wang Ruiyun insists that they partnered to push her down, those five idiots are waiting to leave a mark on their files. Let's lay down the murder case!"

"Looking at you like this, you are sure that Wang Ruiyun designed the current situation?" Song He asked curiously.

"Look at this." Zheng Zewei pointed to the three fingerprint identification reports in Song He's hand: "Theoretically speaking, since the notebook was stored in the consignment cabinet of the stationery store, only Wang Ruiyun and the owner of the stationery store."

"However, during this period, even if they touched the package, they should have only left fingerprints on the outer skin. But I found fingerprints on the outer skin of the package and in the notebook that are exactly the same as those in Wang Ruiyun's workbook."

"And from the perspective of coverage, she was the last person who touched the notebook before the package was sent. But instead of calling the police, she sent the notebook to the police station, and the time was still stuck after her own accident. Wouldn't it be too coincidental? "

Song He shook his head slowly, and quickly flipped through the appraisal report in his hand: "Even if there are these, it can't prove that she was not pushed downstairs. Those five fools have so-called motives, and there are more than one set of plans. What happened is basically consistent with the plan they planned to fall from the building."

"The key point is that Wang Ruiyun can say that she doesn't know whether it's a joke or whether Zhang Chenliang and the others are really going to kill her. Therefore, if you can't or dare not ask for proof, you can only make preparations in advance, so as not to be regarded as a criminal after encountering an accident. Accidental handling."

"So you see, even if Zhang Chenliang and the others insisted that they did not push Wang Ruiyun down, there is no direct evidence to prove their innocence. There is a lot of evidence proving their guilt, and once the public knows these things, they will definitely side with Wang Ruiyun Here."

Zheng Zewei felt a headache. From an emotional point of view, he thought that Zhang Chenliang and his group should be taught a lesson.

However, Wang Ruiyun's plan to risk her life and Zhang Chenliang's group made him worry that once Wang Ruiyun succeeded, she would use similar means to solve problems in the rest of her life.

At this moment, the big iron door of the intensive care unit suddenly opened, and a nurse walked out.

She came directly in front of Song He, and said very quickly: "Wang Ruiyun's vital signs have stabilized, and she has regained consciousness. If you want to talk, hurry up."

Song He and Zheng Zewei nodded quickly, put on the sterile clothes that the nurse found, put them on quickly, and followed her into the intensive care unit.

Arriving at Wang Ruiyun's hospital bed, Song He saw that her closed eyes had opened and she was looking at himself and Zheng Zewei who appeared in front of her hospital bed.

"Hello, we are from the Qing County Police Department." Song He said as kindly as possible: "This is Team Zheng, the deputy captain of our criminal police team. We want to confirm with you about the fall."

(End of this chapter)

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