While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 635 A successful solution

Chapter 635 A successful solution
After being enlightened by Luo Yu from the perspective of a bystander, Song He instantly conceived several plans in his mind. Although they were all somewhat utilitarian, they could solve the problem effectively and quickly.

But before implementing it, Song He has to confirm whether the actual situation of Li Jiale's girlfriend is what Li Jiale said. After all, although he didn't see the lie on Li Jiale's face, there is a very small probability that Li Jiale was fooled. up.

Therefore, Song He took advantage of this spare time to come to the most prosperous electronics city in Yucheng, wandered around pretending to buy a mobile phone, and came to a rather lively store after a while.

After taking a quick look outside the store, he saw that the store was clean and tidy, the advertising posters were well placed, and the various promotional methods were novel, unique and not offensive. Song He couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction and walked slowly into the store.

Just entering the store, a young woman with an ordinary appearance but a bright and lively look through proper attire came to Song He and asked with a smile: "Hi, are you going to buy a mobile phone?"

Song He looked around and found that although there were many customers in the store, none of them was ignored, and the one-on-one communication between the store staff and customers was basically achieved.

"I want to buy a mobile phone for my girlfriend." Song He smiled and nodded and asked, "Do you have any recommendations?"

Hearing this, the female clerk stepped aside half way and reached out to a counter with several display machines: "Sir, you can come here and take a look. There should be a mobile phone that your girlfriend likes."

In the next ten minutes or so, Song Heji played the role of a slightly difficult customer. However, even so, the clerk still responded well, which shows that the usual training is in place.

Combined with Song He's observation of other shop assistants and many details in the store, he soon had a detailed understanding of the store manager.

The ability is not bad, let's look at the person...

Song He had a change of thought, and directly proposed some bonus conditions for the purchase, and raised the price to a position that was difficult for the clerk to accept but could not categorically refuse.

Seeing the female shop assistant looking a little embarrassed, Song He said in a coaxing way: "Let's go and communicate with your store manager, explain my requirements and see if we can be accommodating."

The female clerk thought about it, looked at the manager's room, hesitated for a moment and said: "Sir, please wait a moment, I will ask the manager, and I will be right back."

"Okay." Song He smiled, watched the female shop assistant enter the manager's room, listened intently, and followed the movement in the manager's room.

In the store manager's room, a 25-year-old woman is sitting behind a desk and writing something. The woman's facial features are three-dimensional and beautiful. She is dressed in a decent professional attire and has long black hair, revealing an intellectual beauty.

The woman noticed the movement, stopped working and slowly raised her head, curiously looking at the female shop assistant who gently closed the door.

"Store manager, there is a customer who has a strange request." As she spoke, the female clerk involuntarily glanced at the hearing aid attached to the female store manager's ear. Then she realized that her gaze was a little rude, and she quickly looked away and looked at Song He. The request was quickly stated.

The female store manager pulled her hair, frowned and thought for a moment, and realized the weirdness in Song He's request.

In fact, in the eyes of ordinary people, Song He's additional request after bargaining is just a manifestation of love to take advantage of small advantages, but in the eyes of people in the mobile phone industry, this is a request that only professionals in this industry can make.

Therefore, in the eyes of the female store manager, Song He is either a colleague or a senior expert in the industry, but no matter which one, there should be a channel to get the same mobile phone at a lower price than this price. It is necessary to go to the store to do these redundant things.

The fact that someone who shouldn't be in the store just appears here represents an anomaly that cannot be ignored.

"It's okay, you handled it very well." The female store manager said with a smile, got up and said, "Take me to meet this customer."

Hearing this, the shop assistant quickly took the shop manager to find Song He.

"Hi sir, how do you address me?" The female store manager bowed to Song He, and there was nothing wrong with the smile on her face.

"My surname is Sun, Sun Xiao...uh... Wukong's grandson." Song He coughed lightly to cover up his subconscious mistakes, smiled politely, and secretly looked at Li Jiale's girlfriend: "Are you the store manager?"

"Yes." The female store manager nodded and confirmed: "Sir, do you want to buy a mobile phone for your girlfriend?"

"Yes." Song He nodded: "I also want to give her the earphone I chose. If you buy a mobile phone to give her earphones, I will take the phone down."

"You really dote on your girlfriend." The female store manager smiled and asked curiously: "Can you tell me about your girlfriend's job?"

Song He shrugged: "She has a lot of rules in public office."

"Public office?" The female store manager frowned slightly, and tentatively said: "In this case, the earphones you picked may not be suitable for her. After all, the shape and color matching are a bit too exaggerated. Let's discuss."

"Why don't I give you a smaller Bluetooth headset, the sound quality is good, and it's easy to carry. The key is bone conduction, and it won't damage your hearing if you wear it for a long time."

"Oh?" Song He knew that the Bluetooth headset recommended by the female store manager could adjust the overall price to an acceptable range for her, but he still showed a hint of curiosity: "Which one is it? Can you show it to me? ?”

Afterwards, the two reached an agreement on the earphones, Song He paid the money very readily, and the female store manager felt relieved.

After leaving the mobile phone store, Song He collected the gifts for his girlfriend, took out his mobile phone and dialed Lin Xuefei's number.

"Hello, sister-in-law." Song He shouted into the phone with a smile, and said mysteriously: "Sister-in-law, does the company need talents? Do me a favor and dig a corner to help you manage the market!"

A few minutes later, after Song He told the whole story about Li Jiale's girlfriend, Lin Xuefei on the other end of the phone agreed and promised that if Li Jiale's girlfriend was capable enough, she would definitely give her enough room for development.

Seeing this, Song He knew that the matter was half done, so he promised to help her keep an eye on Zhou Kai and hung up the phone happily.

When I got home, it was already dusk, Song's mother asked Song He how the investigation was going, Song He hid it, but told Song's father the truth.

"You stinky boy!" Song's father carefully put away the four treasures of the study that he had been playing with for a long time, and then glared at his son and whispered: "Can't you also deal with me perfunctory? It's fun to drag me down!"

Song He glanced at the closed study door, spread his hands and said with a rogue smile: "This kind of thing must be shared with someone who can keep the secret. It's not cost-effective to carry it alone."

A month later, when Li Jiale learned that his girlfriend had changed jobs and was promoted to the head of the marketing department of the Lingzhou branch of a multinational electronics company, he also heard that the Economic Investigation Detachment of the Yucheng Police Department had delegated the work of the general manager to him. The whole family checked the bottom line, and the violations of laws and regulations that were found really affected many people.

After vaguely guessing who was behind all this, Li Jiale felt extremely grateful, but he didn't know that Song He almost broke his teeth because of a case.

(End of this chapter)

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