While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 643 Time and place

Chapter 643 Time and place
In the eyes of ordinary people, retrieving surveillance video is extremely boring, but it is one of Ishikawa Hayato's favorite links among the many investigations to solve the case.

Because in his opinion, compared with various visits and investigations, surveillance video can provide clues more intuitively, and is cheap and easy to obtain. It is simply the best assistant for case detection.

Sometimes Hayato Ishikawa even fantasizes that if one day Sandu can be built into a city with 100% surveillance coverage, then the infinite number of mediocre people in the police department will be able to do a lot less stupid things.

However, the theft of the Santo National Museum did not allow Ishikawa Hayato to find any valuable clues from the surveillance that he had always regarded as an assistant.

Even though he had repeatedly studied all the surveillance videos, he had nothing to gain except the conclusion that the surveillance had been tampered with.

Watching Song He retrieve the video in an unimaginable way, Ishikawa Hayato expressed admiration for Song He's ability, but actually didn't have much expectation in his heart.

However, Ishikawa Hayato complied with Song He's request.Because he knows that there is distrust among practitioners in any industry, especially in the detective industry, where the mutual distrust among famous detectives is almost insane.

Therefore, Ishikawa Hayato fully understands Song He's behavior of wanting to check the scene and monitoring again, because he himself is a guy who does not trust his peers!

Two hours later, when Hayato Ishikawa began to lose his mind because he couldn't keep up with the rhythm of Song He's retrieval of the video, Song He's voice suddenly sounded: "There are non-periodic unstable fluctuations in some monitoring screens, which is a normal phenomenon. ?"

Ishikawa Hayato came back to his senses after hearing this, and immediately came closer and asked: "Where?"

Song He operated the computer, closed eleven of the sixteen windows, leaving only five, and then dragged the progress bar of each video to a different time point, and finally clicked the play button one by one.

Seeing Song He's serious expression, Hayato Ishikawa concentrated on looking at the computer screen.

After a while, the monitoring interfaces of the five videos vibrated very slightly and briefly one after another!
"Huh?" Ishikawa Hayato frowned because he found that except for the different times, the rest of the details of the vibrations in the five videos were almost identical!
Song He saw that Ishikawa Hayato was silent in thought, so he didn't bother him. After all, if this kind of fluctuation similar to a bad signal is not concentrated in this way, it is easy to be ignored as a normal phenomenon such as a line problem.

And until this time, Song He finally determined that, compared to the crime scene that is easy to be discovered and destroyed, the mixed-race man did hide another piece of information left to him in a place that would not be falsified or deleted by the Sangguo police. In surveillance video.

At the same time, Song He also thought that the mixed-race man knew that he had a partner who could fight with his hackers, so when the other party didn't know his specific identity, he considered in advance that he could take the money through Liuyun under the restriction that he could not get close to the scene of the crime. to this message.

After thinking about this, Song He felt speechless and couldn't help cursing inwardly: If the last gift doesn't satisfy me, you're finished!

"Mr. Sun, I would like to ask. Is there no such situation in other videos?" Ishikawa Hayato's voice suddenly sounded, calling Song He's attention back.

"Among the videos I checked, only these five happened, and each of them happened twice." Song He said firmly, "I'm not sure about the rest, so I need to check them all."

"Then I will trouble you." Hayato Ishikawa unceremoniously opened a few more video screens, and then looked at Song He expectantly.

"No problem." Song He smiled, and continued to search the video seriously, and soon found the same screen tremor as in the previous five videos from another video.

In the end, after retrieving all the surveillance videos, Song He found a total of six videos that had shaken the screen.

However, after reaching this point in the investigation, it stalled again, because no one could understand the hidden meaning of the vibrating surveillance images, and Song He, the only one who understood the meaning, was not ready to speak out easily.

"Ishikawa, have you noticed that the person who stole the classics is actually very confident." Song He said in a slightly seductive manner while having lunch with Ishikawa Hayato.

"Mr. Sun, it is indeed as you said." Ishikawa Hayato nodded and said: "Besides self-confidence, there is also some inexplicable. Because in the museum's vault, there are so many things of great value."

"Although I cannot deny that these three books are also very valuable, from the perspective of money, these three books are in the middle and low price range among many collections."

Song He nodded, and smiled mysteriously: "So this is a personal show, a show where the thief declares his presence and talent to the Sandu police!"

Hayato Ishikawa nodded thoughtfully, and while agreeing with Song He's statement, he also caught a glimpse of the smile on the corner of his mouth, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Did Mr. Sun find something?"

"Those six abnormal videos." With a confident smile on his face, Song He began to talk nonsense seriously: "Although the numbers left at the scene have not been deciphered, I think they either point to surveillance or are hidden. Stealer's information, and I'm personally leaning toward the former."

"Since it's a show, so much information he left must be to guide us to find something. And the end point pointed by the clues he left should be the three books lost in the museum."

"So, if I think about it from my personal point of view, let's put down the string of numbers at the scene and focus on those monitoring with abnormalities, which may be more helpful for us to solve the case."

"Mr. Sun's analysis is very reasonable." Ishikawa Hayato didn't realize that his attention had been unconsciously taken away by Song He: "Does Mr. Sun already know what's wrong with these abnormal surveillance videos!"

Song He nodded proudly: "In the videos with abnormally shaking images, except for the different timing of the shaking, everything else is the same, so the information must be hidden in these time points."

"After assumptions and analysis, I found that the time points of the first abnormal tremor in these videos each represent the latitude of a latitude line. The time interval between the second tremor and the first tremor respectively represents the longitude of a meridian !"

"So that's it!" Hayato Ishikawa was shocked when he heard the words, and wanted to confirm the time when he left the bowl and chopsticks.

"Shi Chuan, calm down." Song He waved his hand calmly, took out a pen and paper and quickly wrote down the time point in his memory, and said while drawing: "This is the specific location marked with six latitude and longitude, and if according to the surveillance camera If you connect them in the sequence of numbering, the entire Sangdu will be included in a hexagon."

Seeing this, Hayato Ishikawa quickly sat back in his seat, and leaned over to the paper to observe carefully.

I saw Song He draw a hexagon on the paper consisting of three long sides and three short sides. The long sides and short sides are connected at intervals, making the entire hexagon look like the three vertices of an equilateral triangle. What it looks like after a small piece of the corner has been chopped off.

(End of this chapter)

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