Chapter 656
Xu Maoguo's detailed explanation of the case lasted for a full two hours. During the period, not only the investigation and interview records of the year, but also some gains from the continuous investigation for more than 20 years.

"The most regrettable thing is that we couldn't find the suspect's biological information from the scene." Xu Maoguo sighed after explaining, and returned to his seat: "But with those two incomplete fingerprints, if we can't collect the suspect It is basically useless to compare all the fingerprints."

Zhou Kai looked at Xu Maoguo with respect, admiring his tenacity and perseverance in continuous investigations for more than 20 years, and comforted him: "Please rest assured, Director Xu, your efforts will definitely be rewarded."

Xu Maoguo waved his hands, looked at Zhou Kai and Song He, and said seriously: "I won't stay in this position for long. This case is a stone that has been stuck in my heart for more than 20 years. If I don't remove it, where will I go?" It won't be solid."

"So, please, let me see the outcome of this case before I go."

Song He and Zhou Kai nodded solemnly upon hearing this.

"It has to be said that Bureau Xu's investigation work was extremely meticulous." Song He looked around the crowd, pointing to the hill-like information and said, "Thanks to Bureau Xu's seriousness and responsibility, we couldn't do much about it back then." The details of the case have also been completely preserved."

"In addition, Xu Bureau continued to investigate and analyze these details, and obtained some valuable clues from it."

Song He got up and dug out a few books from the stack of materials and said, "Among them, the most valuable are these materials."

Xu Maoguo was extremely familiar with the materials, and he could tell at a glance that most of them were photos of the crime scene and relevant trace analysis, while the rest were the autopsy reports and pre-mortem investigations of the deceased.

"Let's take a look at the photos and traces of the scene first, and sort out the achievements of Bureau Xu over the years." Song He extracted a large number of photos and analysis reports from them, and projected them on the large projection screen: "Bureau Xu took a lot of photos of the scene that year. , can help us clearly restore the situation at the scene of the crime.”

"And these analysis reports on the traces of the scene can help us clarify the behavior of the suspect."

As Song He spoke, he drew a bird's-eye view of the small store on the whiteboard. The counters and shelves were all available, and he even indicated what products were on the shelves.

"Before the victim was killed, she was sitting at the counter." Song He drew a circle on the inside of the counter on the whiteboard, and then circled on the outside of the counter: "This is where the murderer stood."

"Assuming we are in the position of the murderer, if we want to attack the proprietress of the small shop by surprise, there are only two ways."

"One is to pretend to be buying something, and let the proprietress go back to pick up the goods on the shelf, and then strike while her back is facing the counter. The other is to buy something at random, and attack when she is looking down for money."

Song He took out the autopsy report as he spoke: "From the description of the wounds on the deceased's head in the practice report, the murderer's first blow to the deceased's head fell on the left side of the deceased's head."

"After the deceased was hit, due to inertia, the head was lowered and turned to the right side at the same time, which happened to expose the back of the head to the murderer, so the second stick that followed fell on the back of the head, which also caused a fatal blow. hurt."

"The two scars were caused by steel bars, and the wounds were roughly linear. Although there was a certain angle between the two linear wounds, the impact of the inertial deflection of the deceased's head after the first blow could be eliminated. The angles of the two hits are basically the same."

"That is to say, no matter what posture the deceased was attacked in, the murderer never moved his position."

Putting down the autopsy report, Song He picked up a piece of paper and rolled it into a tube, held it in his left hand and waved it twice before saying: "If I stood in the place of the murderer and caused scars on the deceased's head, the deceased should be punished at that time." sitting position."

"At the same time, through the investigation of the deceased's condition and the regular customers of the small store, it was determined that when she took the cigarettes and alcohol on the shelf behind her, she did not turn around completely, but only turned sideways to take it."

"So regardless of whether the murderer is left-handed or right-handed, it is impossible to cause that kind of wound when she is taking things sideways. Therefore, it can only be done while the deceased is looking down for money from the drawer."

"At the same time, we can also confirm that the perpetrator is a right-handed person..."

Listening to Song He's description, vivid pictures appeared in the minds of all the police officers, and they couldn't help nodding frequently.

However, Xu Maoguo's expression did not change, because what Song He said at this time was basically the result of his 20 years of investigation.

The reason why he didn't stop Song He's behavior similar to retelling was entirely because he understood that Song He was analyzing the case to the police officers who didn't know enough about the details of the case to deepen their understanding.

"...To sum up, the two suspects are of similar age, and the assailant's physical appearance is uncertain, and the approximate range can only be judged from the footprints. The suspect who released the wind is well-proportioned. Based on witnesses and footprints at the scene, he is about 1.7 meters tall and weighs Sixty kilograms."

"The perpetrator was right-handed, and the perpetrator was not sure. After the perpetrator killed the deceased, they ransacked the store together."

Half an hour later, Song He finally led a group of police officers to sort out Xu Maoguo's investigation results for many years, then coughed lightly, and began to talk about his understanding of the case.

"Bureau Xu's investigation of the case is meticulous, so I can only find another way and analyze it from other angles." Song He stood by the whiteboard and clicked on the outside of the counter where the murderer was standing.

"This point is not only the entrance of the small shop, but also the starting point for the two suspects to start looting the small shop." Song He began to follow the dotted line: "Judging from the footprints at the scene, the two murderers ransacked the small shop. The sequence is very clear."

"The first thing is money. After the murder, the assailant went around the counter with the venter and ransacked all the money in the drawer. Then the two came out and started looting the goods in the small shop."

"From here we can see that the actions of the two are inconsistent, which means that there is a subconscious difference between the two in their understanding of the importance of the goods in the small store."

"We can see that although the two first looted expensive cigarettes after they robbed the money, the assailant then focused on the food that was beautifully packaged in a gift box, and the venter took a large amount of money. Potato chips, ham and instant noodles, and then the more famous wine."

"Although there were not many types of goods in the small shop at that time, it can also be seen that these two people are smokers who know cigarettes very well. Then, considering that the New Year is approaching at that time, they should also be buying New Year's goods through looting. "

"However, judging from the difference in the commodities they choose, the perpetrators have better face than the unleashed ones, and the unleashed ones are more likely to be dominated by their inner impulses than the perpetrators."

"As for the wine that was taken away, we can see from the accounts that although the names of these wines are familiar to everyone, anyone who has bought wine knows that the prices of these wines are very different, so we can basically be sure that they usually buy wine. No alcohol."

(End of this chapter)

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