While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 659 The target character

Chapter 659 The target character
As soon as Song He finished speaking, Xu Maoguo felt an unknown force surging in his heart, and even his originally even and stable breathing became a little disordered.

Taking a deep breath to stabilize his mood, Xu Maoguo looked at Song He with a bright smile: "That's right, it's time for them to do something."

After finishing speaking, he chatted with Song He, and actually let the police officers under him to screen suspicious targets.

Song He, who intended to do this, was happy to accompany him, because in his opinion, the person in the entire conference room who needed to be solved the most was Xu Maoguo, who had been obsessed with this case for more than 20 years but could not relax.

In fact, as early as when Xu Maoguo explained the case, Song He discovered that his obsession with this case was much deeper than he thought.

At the same time, Song He also discovered that Xu Maoguo put tenacity first in the construction of the police force and the training of the basic capabilities of police officers.

Therefore, in order to find an opportunity to resolve Xu Maoguo's deep obsession, Song He simply profiled Xu Maoguo and put himself into the other party's perspective.

And in this way, Song He quickly discovered why Xu Maoguo valued tenacity so much.

It turned out that since Xu Maoguo joined the police force, he had handled quite a few cases, and some of them were serious, big, and difficult.

These cases are time-consuming and laborious to deal with, and sometimes a clue may be found after a long time to be a broken line, and it is necessary to start from the beginning.

Therefore, after examining himself and the police officers around him, Xu Maoguo gradually understood that in the police force, those who can find the right path from the intricate clues of the case at a glance are really rare, and most of the police officers are still members of the police force. common people category.

However, the occurrence of a case does not care whether there is a capable police force in your locality. It is even said that the less capable the local police force is, the easier it is for cases that are difficult to handle.

So in this case, when the police officers who encounter complicated cases are unable to do what they can, they have to use their own tenacity to grind out the case!

To understand this, Xu Maoguo used his extraordinary tenacity as a weapon to solve all the cases that came into his hands, and actually solved many difficult cases.

But he himself did not expect that it was precisely because of this extraordinary tenacity that he built a mountain of obsession in his heart during more than 20 years of investigation, and pressed it firmly in his heart.

Therefore, Song He, who understood what he was thinking, simply used the tenacity that Xu Maoguo valued as an opportunity to resolve his obsession, and guided him to turn his obsession with the case into a belief that would be passed down from generation to generation.

This method really worked. Xu Maoguo, who hoped that his police officers also had extraordinary tenacity, would be directly recruited. He wanted to use this case to teach his police officers a lesson before leaving.

Finally, after three days of screening, the police officers of Hulin County, led by Xu Maoguo, screened out more than [-] suspects from the case materials he had worked so hard to investigate.

"This list of more than 20 people is what we spent three days and nights in exchange for food and sleep." Standing on the podium, Xu Maoguo said in a calm but extremely serious tone:

"But I want to tell you a fact that you must realize, that is, no one in this world dares to guarantee that there must be suspects we want to arrest!"

"I know you will murmur when you hear this sentence. Some people will say in your heart: If there is no one we want to arrest, three days of work will be wasted. But this is the truth!"

"Your time was wasted, so what about my previous 20 years? Is it also wasted? I can tell you responsibly, from the police to solve the case, you have to constantly correct mistakes in the process of investigation until you find the right one. Answer!"

"I have corrected this case for more than 20 years. Now, it's your turn!"

All the police officers stood up: "Yes!"

Song He and Zhou Kai, who were standing in the corner, looked at each other, and both saw the respect in each other's eyes.

"The word old and strong refers to Director Xu." Zhou Kai sighed.

Song He nodded. Seeing that the police officers received the investigation tasks in groups, they walked out of the meeting room one by one, and said with a sigh of relief: "After this case is solved, Director Xu will probably be a few years younger."

Zhou Kai looked at the ruddy Xu Maoguo on the podium, and nodded slightly.

A day later, one-third of the police officers who went to various places to conduct investigations came back and ruled out the suspicion of nearly ten target persons.

Two days later, the investigating police officers came back with a third, and there were still seven target persons who were not ruled out as suspects.

In the past two days, Xu Maoguo kept receiving reports from various groups. He was calm on the surface, but he couldn't help becoming nervous in his heart.

Song He, who was also waiting for the results of the investigation at the Hulin County Police Station, smiled confidently after reading the basic information of the remaining seven suspects: "It's stable."

"So confident?" Zhou Kai looked at the basic information in Song He's hand, a little confused.

Song He smiled and said nothing, pointing directly to a person named Wang Heqiang in the message.

Zhou Kai looked along, but saw that there were only Wang Heqiang's age, birthplace and current location written on it, and there was a passport photo in the household registration information, and the rest of the messy information had nothing to do with him.

"According to the records in the household registration information, this photo was taken five years ago and was used to replace the ID card." Song He explained without waiting for Zhou Kai to ask: "Look at his head, the skull is not big, and the facial features The meat is too thick."

"At the same time, this person's skin is not good, he looks a little old relative to his actual age, and has signs of angular cheilitis. In addition, he also has some physical manifestations of lack of vitamins and minerals."

"Combining these characteristics, it can be concluded that this is a guy with a sweet tooth. So, check him out."

Xu Maoguo's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and immediately contacted the team in charge of investigating Wang Heqiang.

In a certain city in Lian province, the potbellied Wang Heqiang sat in his imposing office. After signing a document, he leaned back in his chair and thought about things.

But after a while, his eyes narrowed, his heavy head gradually lowered, and then there was a loud snoring sound, and he fell asleep just like that!
However, before he snored a few times, Wang Heqiang suddenly woke up with a jerk, his eyes widened, and sweat soaked his forehead instantly.

After taking a few short breaths, Wang Heqiang wiped the sweat from his brow with a shocked face, picked up the water glass and drank the water in one gulp, and then gradually calmed down.

Tuk Tuk Tuk.

There was a sudden knock on the door. Just as Wang Heqiang was about to speak, he saw the door of the office suddenly pushed open. Several police officers walked into the office, followed by a secretary with a troubled face, obviously not daring to stop him.

Wang Heqiang's heart skipped a beat, but he still tried his best to maintain his superficial calm, and said to the secretary, "You go out first."

Upon hearing this, the secretary immediately left the office and closed the door by the way.

The police officer in charge kept Song He's reminder in mind, and waited until the door was closed before speaking: "Wang Heqiang, we are from the Hulin County Police Station in Hengcheng, Ling Province. Do you know why we are looking for you?"

"I know." Wang Heqiang nodded, hesitated after swallowing his saliva, "Officer, can you give me a few minutes to arrange the company's affairs?"

The police officer leading the team remembered that Song He said that he must give Wang He Qiang face, so he nodded calmly and said, "Half an hour."

(End of this chapter)

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