Chapter 666
In the night sky, Song He's private jet flew westward, passing cities of various sizes.

In the cabin, everyone had a brief rest for a while, and then gathered to discuss the case. Song He also participated in it, but he was still paying attention to the murderer system for a moment, so as not to miss Greer that might appear.

"Sun, there are still two hours until the final landing point." Yegor suddenly looked at Song He, and reminded him: "And if you want to change the landing location, we need to call in advance."

"And there are not many airports ahead. If the landing location you choose does not meet the landing conditions, we need to land in the nearest city that can land."

"I know, Yegor." Song He saw the pressure he was under from Yegor's extraordinarily solemn eyes, and he was grateful and relieved at the same time: "I am simulating Greer's escape speed, it should be very fast There will be results."

Under pressure, Yegor also talked more, and he took the initiative to speak to relieve the burden in his heart: "Which step is it? Tell me, maybe we can help you think about it."

"That's good." Song He nodded. Anyway, it doesn't take much energy to stare at the murderer system, and it happens that everyone is in the quiet cabin, brainwashing them and perfunctory, so as not to explain it later.

After making up his mind, Song He cleared his throat to attract everyone's attention, and said slowly: "In the previous investigation, we didn't find any other obvious whereabouts of Greer except that he bought the train ticket and boarded the train to leave Yecheng. .”

"As for the identity documents he bought, there are all kinds of them, and there is no problem in using them abroad, but they also don't have any records of using them in China. Therefore, there are only some unofficial ways for him to escape."

"Assuming that he has been in the shadow world of Yecheng all year round, it is very likely that he has some escape channels, and after the incident, he will choose the safest and most secret one to escape the police's pursuit."

Oleg nodded and said: "We checked the people he had been in contact with and found that he did have some escape channels, but after tracing from these aspects, we did not find his whereabouts."

"That's why he chose the most secret and safe one." Song He explained: "We checked all the records about him, including call records and bank accounts."

"But the result is that there is no abnormality in the call records, and the salary in the account will be withdrawn by him every time it is paid. Even for the new identity he bought, there is no dime in the bank account."

"At the same time, I found a safe fixed to the wall in his home. When I opened it, I found that there was nothing in it, but the residual smell indicated that it was used by him to store his belongings."

"That is to say, he took all his belongings with him on the way to flee. Considering his character and the fact that he was going to flee abroad, what he should be carrying is a large amount of cash, not someone who was not caught by us. The bank card found."

Everyone nodded, and Anton's voice sounded at the right time: "There is also the money stolen by those Southeast Asians. After salvaging the truck, I found that those Southeast Asians didn't have any coins on them."

"That's right, now it seems that those Southeast Asians are just a tool for him to cover up his real purpose and temporarily save the stolen money." Song He sneered:
"However, we can also know that Greer, who is carrying a lot of belongings, in order to avoid being killed and robbed of his money on the road, on the one hand, he will arm himself well, and on the other hand, he will try to act alone as much as possible."

"And acting alone will inevitably lead to slowing down, so he didn't escape abroad after a day passed..."

Listening to Song He's self-consistent logic, everyone slowly began to put themselves into Greer's thinking under his guidance, imagining Greer's current position and situation.

Song He, on the other hand, used implicit analysis to confine everyone's thinking to an invisible framework that he carefully crafted, so that they could accept his own interpretation.

Half an hour later, not long after everyone reached the result that Song He wanted them to reach, an A-level task suddenly appeared in the task list of the murder-hunting system!

A-level mission: Cold-blooded lone killer (to be completed)!

Song He thought about it, and clicked to receive it without saying a word.

Click on the task details, and when Song He saw that the target of the task was Greer, his heart skipped a beat and he heaved a sigh of relief, his slightly narrowed eyes flashed a cold light: I finally found you!

And the reason why he was so excited was because there were too many A-level missions in the murder-seeking system, which made Song He give up after receiving them many times, exhausting his energy.

Seeing Greer's appearance, Song He directly exchanged his location information, glanced at it and memorized it, and announced to everyone: "I have almost estimated Greer's location, and it should be within [-] kilometers ahead."

"Are you sure?" Yegor's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Song He in disbelief.

"I'm sure." Song He really wanted to tell the detailed address, but he suppressed the impulse: "Look for the nearest airport and land."

Seeing that Song He was determined, Yegor communicated the route and landing point with the pilot.

Not long after, the plane landed at a small airport, and a group of people looked at Song He fixedly after getting out of the plane.

"Finish." Yegor shrugged and said, "Tell me what to do next. I don't know what to do now except trust you."

Song He saw that everyone had the same expression as Yegor, so he bit the bullet and explained: "No matter how much we attach importance to Yecheng's case, it will not attract the attention of the local police in a small city. Not to mention a large-scale search."

"So if you want to gain something, you must narrow down the scope of Greer's possible hiding, and this also depends on the previous character profile."

With the basis of brainwashing on the plane, everyone now agrees with Song He's words quite highly, and listens carefully.

"In the process of profiling Greer, I also made corresponding speculations about his habit of choosing residence, aesthetics of clothes and food preferences." Song He tried hard to justify himself: "From daily life, he eats really well. It is a traditional food of Mauritius.”

"However, he is actually more used to Ding's food. Of course, there are people who like foreign food in every family, but Greer's favorite is Ding's food system, so his background is also clear."

"And we all know that a person's willpower is limited. If he has to act cautiously in the process of fleeing and ensure a high-intensity anti-reconnaissance state, then when faced with his favorite food, his self-control will inevitably be stretched..."

"I see!" Anton, who was brainwashed by Song He most thoroughly and with the most outstanding effect among the group, suddenly said, "So we have to screen nearby restaurants that sell Dingguo food!"

"That's right." Song Hele had a supporter to share the pressure for him, and said firmly: "The same phenomenon also appeared in his choice of accommodation and clothing, so on the way to escape, his subconscious will let him He tends to have footholds and disguises with Ding Guo charm!"

(End of this chapter)

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