Chapter 675
Not long after Hao Jinlai entered the interrogation room of the police station, under the questioning of professional interrogation police officers, he revealed all the details of the casino in Nan Province.

At this point, the investigation into illegal casinos in Southern Province quickly entered the normal investigation process after Song He took off.

But Hao Jinlai didn't know that although he looked like a victim, the punishment he would face was comparable to that of a casino operator.

"Do you know how much it costs to reform a criminal?"

After hearing what Song He had done to Hao Jinlai, Wu Xuerui thought for a while and asked back.

"I know." Song He nodded, and said seriously while thinking: "Not to mention the related work of the police, prosecution and law departments, the prison alone consumes an astonishing amount of food, accommodation and related facilities during the detention of a prisoner. financial resources, not to mention the price paid on regulators."

"If it is all calculated, every criminal who enters the prison will consume at least tens of thousands of yuan worth of material resources."

"That's right." Wu Xuerui nodded, looked at Song He seriously, and said slowly: "And the longer this person lives, the more resources he will consume in prison."

"Then answer me a question now. In the case of Hao Jinlai, what is the real reason why you deliberately extended his sentence?"

"Xiaoxue, talking about this during the date, isn't it a little..." Song He looked around casually, but when his eyes returned to his girlfriend's face, he found that Wu Xuerui was very serious, and he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Wu Xuerui just looked at Song He with such a serious expression, quietly waiting for his answer.

Song He tilted his head and explained: "I want him to return to a normal life as much as possible. After all, he still has a wife and children. If he continues to gamble after he comes out, many people will be implicated."

"No." Wu Xuerui shook her head and sighed, looking at Song He with softer eyes than ever before, full of distress: "Song He, you haven't noticed until now that your state is a bit wrong."

"Status..." Song He was puzzled: "...wrong?"

Wu Xuerui took the initiative to hold Song He's hand and said softly: "When you were dealing with Hao Jinlai's matter, you used the reasons you said to convince yourself, thus increasing the punishment for the crime and sentence."

"Now think about it carefully, when you faced Hao Jinlai, did you have any sympathy or pity for him in your true feelings?"

Song He felt the warmth that Wu Xuerui conveyed to him through the palm of his hand, thought for a moment, and suddenly found that when he faced Hao Jinlai, he only had pure disgust!

Moreover, in the subsequent arrangements, many of his measures were not actually helpful. Instead, he used the rules and his own connections to impose many punitive measures on him!

Seeing that Song He realized the problem, Wu Xuerui felt relieved a little, and said softly, "I don't deny that long-term detention and psychological counseling can indeed help Hao Jin to get rid of the poison of gambling to a certain extent."

"But if you deal with it according to what you said, the punishment he may receive in these three years will be far more than the help you give him."

Song He nodded, and said in a deep voice: "When dealing with this matter, my hostility seems to be a bit heavier."

"It's good to find out." Wu Xuerui's voice was pleasant, with a little joke in her tone: "At least it proves that you are still a living person."

Song He Wenyan asked thoughtfully: "Has this happened in the police force?"

"Yes." Wu Xuerui explained with a flash of her eyes, "And the more people who deal with major cases frequently, the easier it is for similar situations to happen."

Song He understood it as soon as he heard it, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect negative emotions to accumulate in my heart."

"You may be better than ordinary people, but you have been involved in far more vicious cases than ordinary people." Seeing that Song He had understood the reason, Wu Xuerui was completely relieved: "And you haven't relaxed for a long time."

"So take a break and adjust your mentality."

Song He took a deep breath and let it out, nodded and said: "It should be adjusted, but there is still one thing to do."

"I'll go with you." Wu Xuerui was extremely clever, instantly guessing what Song He was going to do, and took the initiative to take Song He's arm.

"Apologize?" Fang Shengjie looked at Song He and Wu Xuerui who came to the house suddenly, feeling a little confused.

Song He scratched his head and explained the whole story.

"That's right." Fang Shengjie adjusted his glasses, and smiled nonchalantly: "Let's punish him harder. At worst, your aunt will help him take care of his wife and children."

Song He said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Uncle Fang, I made a serious move."

"No wonder Hao Jinlai's wife said that his back molars fell out!" Fang Ming who was at the side suddenly said, "You've been playing hard for a long time!"

"Did I strike so hard?" Song He stroked his forehead and sighed: "It seems that I really need to rest for a few days."

"Rest?" Fang Ming rolled his eyes: "What's the plan?"

"No!" Song He refused without hesitation.

Fang Ming stared: "I haven't said where I'm going yet!"

"If you don't go, you won't go." Song He said decisively: "It's just a fighting match. You will definitely buy front row tickets. It's noisy, sweaty and smells bad. If you get beaten by someone in the ring again, Blood and saliva spattered, it's disgusting to think about it, and I'm not interested."

"That's blood boiling!" Fang Ming argued angrily, "That's the kind of sports that men should watch!"

"You're right." Song He waved his hand: "But I don't think I'm a man enough, so I won't accompany you."

After leaving Fang Ming's house, Wu Xuerui asked, "Have you thought about the vacation?"

"I originally wanted to go to Qindu Police Academy for two days of classes, but now it's summer vacation." Song He thought about it, looked at Wu Xuerui with malicious intentions, and said with a smirk: "Let's just go on a honeymoon."

"Get out! I'm not as free as you!" Wu Xuerui blushed instantly.

Two days later, after all the work in the case team had been settled, Song He put on a full set of riding equipment, rode a mountain bike bought at a high price, chose a direction at random, and left Yucheng leisurely along the road.

And just when he chose to use riding to relieve the anger in his heart, Sarah Boris, who had been rescued from a crisis by a mixed-race man, was walking on the streets of New City, Weiguo, and walked into a sales office after a while. Inside a handicraft shop.

"Hey, where's your boss?" Sarah Boris asked, grabbing a clerk.

The clerk looked at her, pointed to the workshop in the back of the shop nonchalantly, and then walked away.

Sarah Boris didn't hesitate, and went straight to the workshop.

Dudu knocked on the door, and it took a while to hear a man's voice: "Come in."

Sarah Boris walked into the door, but saw a white-haired thin old man carving something in the bright light, his expression was focused, and he didn't even look at the beautiful police officer who walked into the room.

"Hello, is this Mr. Eddie Lockhart?" Sarah Boris stepped forward and asked.

"If I say no, can you leave my studio?" The old man put down the unfinished sculpture in his hand, looked over the top of his reading glasses, and stared at Sarah Boris with a frown.

(End of this chapter)

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