Chapter 68 tit for tat
"His father is my comrade in arms. According to his seniority, he should call me uncle." Shen Jianghe explained.

"It turns out that Old Zhao and Uncle Shen are acquainted." Song He hit the snake with the stick.

Shen Jianghe didn't correct him either. He smiled and waved his hands and said, "Before coming to Yuancheng, he still contacted me and asked me to take care of you. I wondered why it wasn't that talented little policewoman who came here this time." .”

"You're talking about Xiaoxue." Song He smiled kindly: "Now we are in charge of the case analysis of the police station together."

"Not bad, not bad." Shen Jianghe looked at Song He, only to feel that the more he looked at him, the more he hit it off, and then he glanced at Song He Kongkong's shoulder and asked, "Would you like me to say hello for you, the status of a consultant is somewhat inconvenient. "

Song He was surprised, he never expected Shen Jianghe to mention this question in the first conversation, but he had thought about this question a long time ago, so he replied: "No need, I still have my own plans in the future."

Shen Jianghe looked at Song He's expression, and sighed: "Do you think there are too many rules and restrictions?"

Song He Wenyan was noncommittal at first, then hesitated for a while, and nodded.

"The military and police industry is the most important weapon of the country and one of the most important forces of the country." Shen Jianghe nodded to express his understanding, and explained: "But the stronger the power, the more strict and even strict rules are needed to restrain it."

"You're right, let me think about it." Song He could feel the faith and persistence behind Shen Jianghe's life as a police officer.

"Let's not talk about this." Shen Jianghe accepted his emotion, and asked with a smile: "Is there any question you want to ask in this training, and I'm not too hungry, so hurry up and ask."

Song Hewenyan's eyes lit up immediately!


When Song He returned to the hotel, it was already eight o'clock in the evening, and it was more than an hour before Ma Xuexian came back.

"The spirit is good." Song He, who has gained a lot, looked at Ma Xuexian a few times, and said with a smile: "It seems that there are gains."

"We and the Yuancheng police raided a pyramid sale den." Ma Xuexian was elated, and suddenly remembered that Song He was left by Shen Jianghe to clean up, so he couldn't help asking: "Consultant Song, you haven't been made things difficult, have you?"

"How could it be possible to make things difficult?" Song He waved his hand, looked at Ma Xuexian and said, "Why do you still call me Consultant Song? Liu Hui and the others already call me Xiao Song."

Ma Xue was taken aback for a moment, thinking: That means they don't know what you have done.

"How about this. We are about the same age, you should call me Song He or Xiao Song." Song He suggested.

"Ah?" Ma Xue was taken aback for a moment, and just about to decline, seeing Song He's expression of not being able to refuse, he changed his words in embarrassment: "Uh, Song He."

"Well, that's right." Song He smiled.

"I want a life in full bloom."

The mobile phone that Song He left aside suddenly rang, and after glancing at the number, Song He picked it up in bewilderment.

"What's the matter, Erbang?"

"Oh, just catch it."

"You're welcome, just go back and treat me to dinner."

"Greeting Xiaomi's parents well."

"alright, bye."

After hanging up the phone, Song He and Ma Xuexian chatted for a few words, then took out a book and read for a while before taking a rest.

In the next few days, the training continued as usual, and under the guidance of Shen Jianghe's carrot and stick throughout the training, all the participating police officers always maintained the best learning status.

In every random assessment, the police force is full of swords and swords, and the smell of gunpowder is extremely strong!
In order to maintain Yucheng in the top three positions in the daily assessment, it often takes Song He and his companions to do their best to be able to do so.The only difference is that Ma Xuexian and others go all out to deal with the assessment, while Song He works hard to maintain the standard and prevent Yucheng from surpassing others too much.

"Professor Shen, according to several photos of this case, we can know that although the victims were killed in different places, they have similar characteristics, they are all young men, and they all have the common feature of blond hair. At the same time, the criminal The modus operandi is also extremely cruel, in which the intention of deliberate torture is obvious, and the motive of vendetta is hardly covered up. The scars on the deceased can also indicate the height and general shape of the criminal. So I speculate that the criminal is a woman, and there is a high probability of experience being hurt by a blond man."

"I have a different opinion, Professor Shen. Although Consultant Kang Chengxiao's speculation is closer to the truth, there are still some shortcomings. First of all, judging from the state of the victim in the photo and the traces of the scene, the place where the deceased was was not the scene of the first crime. , was transferred there after being detained by the criminal. Although the criminal is a woman, judging by her height, she does not have the ability to quickly transfer the victim to a location far away from home. Judging by the landmarks of the location of the crime , they are far apart, so there should be more than one criminal. It is very likely that they are blood relatives of the criminal, because only they will condone the criminal's behavior out of sympathy, and then assist to a certain extent."

"Professor Shen, I think Consultant Song's idea is reasonable, but it lacks evidence to support it. First of all."

Ma Xuexian stared dumbfounded at the confrontation between Song He and Cannes case consultant Xiao Chen, and their confrontation on case profiles had occurred nearly ten times in the last five days of training!
Often as long as Yucheng speaks, Cannes will follow closely behind and confront each other!
Similarly, if Kang Cheng takes the lead, Song He will find loopholes in the opponent's profile as quickly as possible and counterattack!
In fact, there are still many police teams like Yucheng and Kangcheng who are targeting each other. The reasons for competing with each other are also varied. , and even several police teams were targeted by more than one opponent.

Among them, the one targeted by the most teams is Yucheng!
Ma Xuexian once made statistics. Since Shen Jianghe promulgated the assessment reward and punishment rules, Yucheng has been targeted by Kangcheng, Hecheng, Wencheng and the host Yuancheng at the same time!

As for the other police teams who were keeping a close eye on Yucheng, even if Ma Xuexian didn't count them, he could still point out more than five, which also caused him to sigh several times: This training is so scary!
In fact, I don’t blame others, who made Yucheng get the rewards every time, but all the police officers who participated in the training focused on the three rewards, not against Yucheng or anyone!

At this time, Song He was trying his best to control the rhythm of the profiling, maintaining his level of performance at a position higher than that of Xiao Chen, arguing with the opponent without giving an inch.

"Stop, this assessment is over."

Shen Jianghe looked at the two people who were not giving in to each other, nodded with great satisfaction, and then released the details of the case and the whole story on the projection, for all the participating police officers to judge.

"It's Yucheng again!"

"There are only two details missing!"

"This is the fifth time, Song He is so lucky that he exploded."

The whispers of the police officers did not escape Shen Jianghe's ears, but he did not stop them, on the contrary, he was very happy.After all, the feedback from the training in the past few days has been unprecedentedly good, so he doesn't mind relaxing a little bit.

"Okay, now that the results are out, the quotas for the three local police joint operations today will belong to Yucheng, Kaesong and Yancheng respectively." Shen Jianghe stood up and said, "Okay, today's training is over, Song He stays to clean up. Disband!"


Shen Jianghe watched all the police officers disperse one after another, while Song He came to him with cleaning tools, and said with a smile: "The acting is very good, no one can see your true level."

Song He glanced at the classroom and saw that everyone had left, so he put down the cleaning tool and denied, "I don't know what your old man is talking about, but that's my real level."

"Pretend in front of me? Is this necessary?"

After a few days, the old and the young cooperated tacitly, which made Shen Jianghe appreciate Song He even more, and used the excuse of supervising Song He's cleaning every day to give him a small stove.

Song He was quite moved at first, until he found out that the small stove was over, Shen Jianghe still threw the hygienic task as an excuse to himself, euphemistically saying: In order to prevent others from finding out, it is necessary to do a fake show and do it for real!
As a result, the respect for Shen Jianghe in Song He's heart instantly turned into complaints, while secretly criticizing the old man in his heart, while listening to the old man Shen Jianghe's lectures with fascination.

(End of this chapter)

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