Chapter 681
"Whether it's Wang Xiaohong, Xu Dashan or the others, while serving as bait, they are also fish that will run away at the slightest alarm!"

After several days of observation, Song He analyzed the behavior of all members of the criminal gang, and came to a conclusion helplessly: no matter who is arrested, the rest of the gang will be alarmed.

"So, if you want to be arrested, you have to be arrested at the same time." Song He frowned and scratched his head: "The problem is that unless you catch the current one, you will not be connected with the case at all, and in the end you will have no choice but to let him go."

"Made! You are so rigorous! Do you think you are doing scientific research?"

After I don't know how many times he uttered powerless curses, Song He decided to divert his attention for the time being, and focus on other people who are easier to deal with.

It took half a day to perfect the plan, and Song He called Liu Yun.

"Liuyun, help me." Song He cut to the chase.

"Boss, pay the bill." Liu Yun was also unambiguous.

"You are really a Pixiu!" Song He snorted helplessly, and after paying off the previous auxiliary fees, he said, "It's still the people who sent you the previous ones, help me to find out if they have computers at home that can access the Internet."

"If there is any, no matter what is in the computer is useful or not, don't leave a single letter behind, steal it all from me!"

"Also, I will give you the information of several people and stop their officially registered mobile phone numbers. It doesn't matter what method is used, as long as it can be stopped for a few days. Then I will monitor the communication records of these people's families and contact their families. Dig out all the communication records of all the strange numbers!"

After discussing more details of the operation, Song He decisively left the observation point, bought a second-hand motorcycle and hid it in the ring, then hid on the roof near Xu Dashan's residence, quietly observing.

One day later, Xu Dashan, who was sleeping at home, suddenly received a call from Wang Xiaohong.

After writing down what Wang Xiaohong said, Xu Dashan immediately picked up his daily mobile phone and called his brother.

However, he had just turned on the phone, and before he could dial the number, the phone turned off automatically.

Dazed for a moment, Xu Dashan immediately tried to turn on the phone, but the phone still couldn't be used. As long as he was about to dial, the phone would automatically turn off the screen.

"Have you got a virus?" Xu Dashan frowned and thought for a while, and suddenly remembered that he seemed to have saved a few pictures and videos when browsing a certain website, and couldn't help wondering: "Could it be that there is something wrong with these things?"

Unable to figure out why, Xu Dashan cursed secretly, took out the mobile phone used to communicate with Wang Xiaohong, and skillfully dialed a number. Song He is grinning coldly.

At the same time, in the residence of a certain community, Xu Xiaoshan had just had breakfast when he saw the mobile phone he used to communicate with Wang Xiaohong rang. He glanced at the number and saw that it was Xu Dashan, so he picked it up without hesitation. .

"Brother, what's the matter?" Xu Xiaoshan asked, after listening to Xu Dashan's words, he nodded and said, "I'll tidy up, and it's over."

After that, Xu Xiaoshan hung up the phone, changed into some inconspicuous clothes, and started to pack his bags.

Half an hour later, brothers Xu Dashan and Xu Xiaoshan appeared outside the bus station in different clothes, stopped halfway and boarded a bus that had just left the station.

On the side of the road outside the bus station, Song He sent Liu Yun the mobile phone number that Xu Dashan used to contact Wang Xiaohong, and told Liu Yun to check all the related mobile phone numbers before putting on the blackout helmet and starting the motorcycle , left Ducheng unhurriedly in the direction where the bus disappeared.

On the bus, the Xu Dashan brothers didn't know that about two kilometers behind them, a motorcycle maintained the same speed as the bus, chasing them relentlessly, without relaxing for a moment.

More than ten hours later, when the bus passed through a small county town, the two brothers Xu Dashan got off the bus, looked around casually to identify the direction, and headed in one direction.

Not long after they left, the two brothers walked into an auto repair shop. They looked at it as they walked, and when they reached the innermost auto repair shop, they walked in without hesitation.

There was a black car parked in the repair room, and there were two men sitting in the car. Seeing the Xu Dashan brothers coming in, they looked at each other and got out of the car and asked, "Express delivery?"

Xu Dashan nodded without saying anything and stretched out his hands.

The two men were also unambiguous. They put the car keys and a thick kraft paper bag in Xu Dashan's hands respectively, and left straight away.

Xu Dashan weighed the paper bag, nodded in satisfaction, and then began to look at the car in front of Xu Xiaoshan.

"Brother, it's okay, automatic transmission." Xu Xiaoshan put on his hat, gloves and mask, then opened the car door and got into the passenger seat.

Xu Dashan nodded, also put on the full set of equipment, sat in the driver's seat and started the car, and drove the car out of the auto repair shop very skillfully.

When the car was gone, Song He in casual clothes went around from the roof of the auto repair shop to the back of the auto repair shop, looked at the video recording equipment in his hand proudly, stepped on the motorcycle and drove towards Ducheng.

In the next ten days, Song He tried every means to track every member of the gang and collect video evidence. He didn't feel a little relieved until he collected all the transport videos of everyone.

Then, he sorted out the call records collected by Liuyun. First, he determined the anonymous mobile phone number Wang Xiaohong used to contact the gang members, and then confirmed the anonymous mobile phone numbers in the hands of each gang member, and finally completed A cobweb-like contact relationship map centered on Wang Xiaohong.

"Only these strengths are not enough. The key is to launch them at the same time."

Song He counted the evidence in his hands, scratched his head helplessly, took out his mobile phone and called Shen Jianghe.

"Stinky boy! Haven't you had enough rest yet?" Shen Jianghe's angry voice came from the receiver, which warmed Song He's heart.

"Master, to tell you the truth, I only took one day off!" Song He yelled, and then reported his discovery with a slight modification: "In short, this is the situation, what should you do, old man?"

"Do you think it's difficult?" Shen Jianghe pondered: "Send the things and I'll study them. If there is really nothing to do, we can only start with the person who entrusted them to transport them."

"Heroes see the same thing!" Song He laughed, and said while sending a message: "Master, you don't know, you should be able to dig up information about a lot of criminal gangs from this gang, and the most powerful one should be A gang that sells illegal drugs."

"Forget that your vacation is not in vain, wait for my news." Shen Jianghe nodded in Qindu, hung up the phone and began to study what Song He sent.

Not long after, Shen Jianghe's eyebrows frowned. Not to mention the contact map full of anonymous mobile phone numbers, nor the extremely professional anti-reconnaissance methods in Song He's video, it was just Li Zhendong's understanding of the transportation network. After three years of operation, he felt that things were much more complicated than he imagined!
Two hours later, Shen Jianghe dialed Song He's mobile phone, and before Song He could speak, he said in a deep voice, "I'll take over the matter, you go back to Yucheng now!"

(End of this chapter)

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