While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 719 Analysis of the Case

Chapter 719 Analysis of the Case
Although it was expected that Hayato Ishikawa would appear in O Country, but meeting him as soon as he got off the plane was still beyond Song He's expectation.

"Ishikawa, it seems we are going to be partners again." Song He agreed with Ishikawa Hayato. When he saw the other person walking towards him, he smiled and greeted him, and gave Ishikawa Hayato a polite hug with open arms. .

"The Oguni police are too mediocre." Hayato Ishikawa was obviously very happy to work with Song He again: "Compared to those with mediocre talents, I would rather work with outstanding people like Mr. Sun."

"Ishikawa, what you say makes me think that your vision is very accurate." Facing Ishikawa Hayato's praise, Song He didn't have the slightest expression of embarrassment on his face: "Because you know me so well, what will happen after you find the murderer?" I won’t get involved in the subsequent handling.”

Ishikawa Hayato's eyes lit up and he smiled meaningfully: "Mr. Sun's acumen is as amazing as ever."

"That's natural." Song He shrugged proudly, and Hayato Ishikawa randomly chose a taxi parked at the exit of the airport, and took the taxi to the New City Police Station together.

When they arrived at their destination, they explained their purpose to the police officer at the guidance desk, and soon met the reception police officer and were taken to an office.

In the office, a tall man from the Wei Kingdom sat behind the desk, with brown hair and brown eyes, a muscular build, a light gray shirt on his upper body, dark gray trousers on his lower body, and a dark blue tie, which made him look Quite calm.

However, both Song He and Ishikawa Hayato could see that with the character of this police officer, it was impossible to choose and wear such a suit, which was not chosen by him.

Sure enough, when the seemingly calm police officer saw Song He and Ishikawa Hayato, he immediately made a surprised expression.

"Wow! You two really look alike! By the way, who is from Qin Xia? Who is from Sang?"

Song He and Ishikawa Hayato glanced at each other, confirming that neither of them felt the meaning of discrimination from the tone of the police officer of the Ukrainian State, and then revealed their identities one after another.

After seeing the relevant identification certificates of Song He and Song He, the police officer from Weiguo took a closer look at the two of them, and said after confirming that he could barely distinguish and remember, "I am the police officer in charge of this case. You can call me Sergeant Brill."

Song He and Hayato Ishikawa nodded, and then Officer Brill continued: "To be honest, I don't want to share this case with you, but who made your background strong."

In the blink of an eye, Song He and Ishikawa Hayato put several labels on Brill in their hearts, and the most striking one was "low emotional intelligence".

After complaining, Officer Brill handed over the prepared two documents to Song He and Ishikawa Hayato, and began to explain the case sentence by sentence.

Listening to Brill's not-so-organized explanation, Song He shook his head slightly in his heart while focusing more on the case information.

Five days ago, a girl named Deng Rouxin hadn't appeared after attending a party, and a pair of twins named Uchida Mizuki and Uchida Mei disappeared at the same time as her.

According to follow-up investigations, the three of them left the party together after midnight and were not accompanied by others.

At the same time, there was no trace of their return in the apartment they shared, so it was explained that they disappeared on the way.

After confirming this, the New York police searched from the meeting place to the apartment they shared, but found no clues related to them, not even the vehicle they were driving.

According to those who also participated in the rally, the three girls drank a large amount of alcoholic beverages before leaving. Although they were not drunk to the point of unconsciousness when they left, it cannot be said that they were in a sufficiently sober state. state.

"That is to say, it is possible for someone to go for a drive after drinking and fall into the river." Song He finished reading the information, said something casually in the international language, and began to look through the list of tasks to be received in the criminal pursuit system, trying to find a case that matches the characteristics of the case. task.

However, there are too many criminals who have not been arrested near New City, and there are no less than [-] tasks related to the disappearance case alone, which makes Song He feel dizzy for a while, and can only check one by one.

After listening to Song He's words, Ishikawa Hayato also put down the case materials in his hand. While despising the police officers who compiled the materials for not being careful and meticulous, he also echoed in the international language: "When a person is drunk, his behavior will indeed show varying degrees of uncontrolled state."

Seeing the two speak, Brill shrugged and said nothing, just listened quietly, trying to see what they could say.

"According to the data, although the personalities of these three girls are not quite the same, the differences are limited." Song He analyzed: "They should all be well-behaved in front of their elders, but without parental restraint, they It will reveal some character traits that you don’t normally see.”

"According to the description of their room during the investigation, Deng Rouxin is a little more vain, and the first thing she considers when doing things is her own face. As for the Uchida sisters, the elder sister Uchida Mitsuki is unruly and willful, a little arrogant, and the younger sister Uchida Mei is a little blind and incompetent. The brain is the lubricant in the relationship between three people."

"Mr. Sun's analysis is very accurate." Ishikawa Hayato nodded in agreement: "I have communicated with their classmates, and most of the evaluations are consistent with Mr. Sun's analysis. At the same time, they also said that Uchida Mizuki and the three like it very much. Going to parties and getting a little wild after drinking."

"And judging from the way they left the party, there was a high likelihood that they had behaved inappropriately on their way home, so it might have attracted the attention of some passers-by."

Song He glanced at Brill who was a little surprised but couldn't get in the way, and continued to analyze calmly: "Misbehavior after drinking, and the traits in the character are magnified, which will inevitably lead to problems in their coping when they encounter things. "

"Based on their state at the time, facing ordinary emergencies or people who appeared suddenly, they would definitely be more restrained than usual. But in the end, not only were they missing, but even their cars were lost."

Ishikawa Hayato looked at Brill with a disdainful but polite face, and said calmly, "So, if they encounter something unexpected, it is an event that can make people and cars disappear at the same time."

"And if it's people, not acquaintances, it's people who they can still maintain a suppressive advantage after drinking. This suppressive advantage is either psychological or behavioral, or even both at the same time. They can maintain their dominance.”

At this moment, Brill's mouth and even his eyes were wide open.

Song He ignored the stunned Brill and followed Hayato Ishikawa's words and said: "New City is densely populated, and the incident that can make people and cars disappear at the same time is nothing more than falling into the surrounding rivers and lakes. Check it out. The traces should not be difficult to determine.”

"If it is a human being, it can maintain an advantage over them after drinking. Either there are many people, or they have weapons, or they are special occupations. As long as one of these three conditions is met, the three girls can't resist or even dare to fight. Create a rebellious mind.”

(End of this chapter)

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