While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 726 is not very honest

Chapter 726 is not very honest
"3D printing material?"

Although the squad leader was a little confused after hearing this, he felt happy when he saw the opportunity to solve the dilemma quietly. He immediately nodded and said: "No problem! I knew I was right to find you!"

"Let's talk about it first after finding someone." Song He shook his head with a smile, and said seriously: "Squad leader, you'd better take it easy when it comes to guaranteeing such a large amount of reception in the future."

"Oh, who knew this would happen." The squad leader said helplessly, "My friend is usually a good person, he has no bad habits, and his behavior is reasonable. Who knew that he would suddenly run away with money?"

Song He thought about similar cases in the police system, and shook his head again: "There are many such cases."

After a while, two debt collectors handed a document to Song He. Song He looked through it carefully and found that it was a man's loan agreement and related identity information.

After checking the details of the agreement and confirming that there was indeed no violation of laws and regulations, Song He directly took a photo of the information page, then hid in the monitor's study to avoid the crowd, sent the information to Liu Yun, and stated that he would get this person All communication, banking and traffic records.

Liu Yun was already familiar with it at this time, and it took only half an hour to find out what Song He wanted.

"Boss, this man has a lot of talent." Liu Yun's voice was filled with joy: "I can't find out where he is now, but the traffic information shows that he left Yucheng by train a month ago."

"Judging from the ticket purchase information at the time, his destination was Huicheng, Kesheng, but I don't know if he got off there."

"As for the bank information, all the bank cards processed using his identity information were empty, and they were all withdrawn within a short period of time two months ago. Since then, no money has been deposited into any card. Pass."

"It seems to be premeditated." Song He Wenyan sneered, and said to the phone: "Send all the information you found, and you don't need to analyze the rest. It's so slow, it's a waste of time."

"Boss, you're having fun killing donkeys, crossing rivers and demolishing bridges!" Liu Yun complained, but still obediently packaged and sent all the materials: "Remember to pay!"

After hanging up Liuyun's phone, Song He thought about the monitor who would pay for him, and couldn't help but feel happy physically and mentally.

Without leaving the study, Song He directly turned on the squad leader's computer, downloaded and read the messages sent by Liu Yun.

Soon, he discovered that this man named Deng Songyu had something fishy going in and out of his personal account.

Since Liuyun's service has always been reliable, and information must be tracked as comprehensively as possible, the information obtained by Song He can be traced back to three years ago.

In this way, Deng Songyu originally deposited a large amount of money in his personal account every year, and suddenly several large-scale expenditures in a short period of time became extremely conspicuous.

"Each account has no record of deposits since half a year ago, and it is obvious that I have withdrawn all my money two months ago." Song He read a few words and sighed: "Squad leader, Your friend is not very honest."

After writing down all the information, Song He deleted all the information downloaded to the computer, and then walked out of the study.

"Song He, how is it?" The monitor asked eagerly.

Looking at the monitor and the two debt collectors with expectant eyes, and then looking at Fang Ming's curious eyes, Song He shook his head and said, "He has gone to another province, and this person may have a more serious problem."

Everyone was stunned, Song He continued: "The problem now is that if you want to chase him back, it is impossible with your ability, and you must use more powerful tracing forces."

"Call the police?" a debt collector asked tentatively.

Song He was noncommittal, and moved his eyes to the monitor, as if waiting for his opinion.

The squad leader's face changed, but he didn't expect that he would end up with the option he was least willing to choose, and his expression suddenly became tangled.

"You two." Song He saw what the squad leader was thinking, looked at the two debt collectors, and said sincerely: "I think you are all reasonable people, otherwise it would be impossible for my squad leader to dissuade you from calling the police."

"Now he is indeed in some difficulties. If the court enforces it, his company is likely to go bankrupt, and those who eat with him will inevitably lose their jobs. Not to mention how many companies will have a hard time."

"However, I also know that when the matter has developed to this point, it is you who are really hurt, so you are the most wronged party. After all, you have been cheated out of money for no reason."

Song He's words made the squad leader and the two debt collectors look a little better, and they all waited quietly for his next words.

"Now, I actually hope that both of us will not suffer losses, and we can deal with this matter." Song He looked at the squad leader and the two debt collectors, and suggested: "Theoretically speaking, Deng Songyu and the two debt collectors last month And this month, if you pay it back on schedule, you should pay back [-] to [-]."

"As for this part of the money, you, the monitor, can still get it together. And as the guarantor, you should bear part of the responsibility, so first find a way to cover this part."

"As for me, I promise to help you find Deng Songyu as soon as possible and let him repay the loan. What do you think?"

The two debt collectors looked at each other, then at the thoughtful squad leader, and nodded.

Seeing that the two debt collectors approved of Song He's plan, the squad leader felt that this was indeed the best solution at present, so he nodded in agreement.

In this way, the two debt collectors quickly communicated with the company, drafted an agreement and signed it with the monitor, and then left the monitor's home.

"Oh, that's terrible." The monitor looked at the debt collector leaving, closed the door and sighed, "I will never be a guarantor again."

Song He smiled: "Introduce more customers to this lending company after the business is over. It's very rare to be compliant and legal."

The squad leader shook his head and smiled bitterly, looking at Song He gratefully: "Then I'll leave it to you to find someone."

"Don't worry, it shouldn't take long." Song He's tone was extremely reassuring.

After chatting for a while and saying goodbye to the monitor, Song He and Fang Ming left the monitor's house.

"You can handle this kind of thing?" Fang Ming kept glancing at Song He.

"It's okay." Song He replied casually, but when he saw Fang Ming rolling his eyes, he became wary: "What are you going to do?"

Fang Ming chuckled, and said shyly, "Many workers under my command were owed wages by some foremen before they worked here. You should think of a way."

"You are a good boss." Song He thought for a while and said, "Call the police first, then I can help. I can't help those who can't save face and call the police because the foreman is a fellow villager."

"Okay! I'll go back and do their work right now!" Fang Ming smiled happily, feeling like he had solved a big problem for him.

Song He smiled, and directly asked Fang Ming to send him to the Nancheng District Police Station, and then directly rushed into Zhao Congjun's office.

"Old Zhao, I can..."

"Calm down!" Zhao Congjun interrupted without waiting for Song He to finish speaking, "Say, what's the matter?"

"Help me investigate someone." Song He sat down directly opposite Zhao Congjun, and told Deng Songyu's matter: "There is something wrong with this person, can you let the economic investigation team investigate?"

(End of this chapter)

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