While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 738 Ishikawa Returns

Chapter 738 Ishikawa Returns
"It's not stupid." The mixed-race man leaned back in the chair with his legs crossed, and the corners of his mouth slightly turned up: "I'm not afraid that she's smart, but I'm afraid that she's stupid enough to make me feel bored. Send an invitation letter to that address today."

Uncle Zhong understood the mixed-race man's thoughts as soon as he heard it, and smiled and said, "I'll arrange it now."

In New City, Sarah Boris was sitting on the sofa in her home during the vacation, watching TV while glancing at the small display screen on the table from time to time.

And what was displayed on the display screen that she had always remembered was a vast manor from four perspectives.

Suddenly, Sarah Boris's eyes narrowed, and she saw a car appearing in the surveillance camera at the entrance of the manor. It only stayed at the door for a moment, and then drove in through the automatically opened gate.

She quickly recorded the car number and sent it to a friend, asking the other party to help with the investigation, while she stared intently at the display screen, hoping to get more information from it.

About 15 minutes later, the car drove out of the manor and went far away, and the gate of the manor was closed again, and the calm as before was restored.

Not long after, Sarah Boris' cell phone rang. Seeing that it was a friend calling, she immediately picked it up: "How is it? Did you find it?"

"So urgent? Does this damn car have a grudge against you?" A female voice came from the other end of the phone: "This is a car registered in the name of the Coleman Group, and it is only used to serve the highest-level customers. This car will be dispatched only when the time comes.”

"The Coleman Group? The Coleman who engages in tourism and transportation?" Sarah Boris exclaimed.

"Is there a second Coleman Group?" The female voice on the phone was full of impatience.

"Dear Elena, can you do me another favor?" Sarah Boris's voice suddenly became gentle: "Help me check the dispatch record of this car, okay?"

"Is this car really against you?" The woman's voice became very upset: "Do you know how many resources this will use?"

"I remember you liked a Prada suit, didn't you?" Sara Boris' voice was full of temptation.

"Really?" The female voice on the phone suddenly became a little excited: "How do you want to take revenge? I'm very professional!"

When Sara Boris exchanged a set of expensive Prada suits for a detailed information from a friend, Song He was frowning and looking at the computer screen in front of him, reading the numerous information word by word.

"Loki...why did this name appear in Ishikawa Hayato's investigation materials?" Song He muttered solemnly, and instantly found the same name from a sentence from Xing An in his memory.

"What is the identity of the guy behind the criminal gang?"

After a while, Song He finished reading the information, feeling somewhat heavy in his heart for no reason.After a little thought, he deleted all the data in the computer, and warned Liu Yun to completely delete the information stolen from Ishikawa Hayato's computer.

After doing all this, Song He made up his mind to bury these things deep in his heart, and at the same time he muttered depressedly: "Ishi Chuan, Shi Chuan, what kind of guy's tail did you drag?"

More than ten days later, when Song He, who had returned to work, left Ishikawa Hayato and his investigation behind, the mobile phone used to communicate with Ishikawa Hayato vibrated again.

"Mr. Sun." Hayato Ishikawa's voice on the phone was a little weak: "Please delete the information you took from me."

"Don't worry, I not only deleted it, I also forgot it for you." Song He felt relieved when he heard Hayato Ishikawa's voice, and asked after a joke, "Have you achieved your goal?"

"Unfortunately, not." Ishikawa Hayato smiled bitterly: "Not only did he fail to achieve his goal, but he also made himself very embarrassed. It's a bit embarrassing."

"It's better than losing your life." Song He comforted, and the curious beast in his heart began to be unable to hold back: "What is going on with this event you participated in?"

"Hehe, now it seems that I am still too immature to accept the invitation hastily." Ishikawa Hayato said with a smile: "This is an entertainment event organized by many chaebols and group controllers, and the place is in a luxury boat. On the cruise ship."

"Eight days ago, I was invited to board this cruise ship, and there were invitees and organizers from many countries who also boarded the ship, a total of more than 100 people."

"Since you once invited me to be your assistant, it means..." Song He Ruo thought: "...the actual number must be more than that, right?"

"That's right, the organizer can bring security personnel, and the invitee can bring an assistant." Ishikawa Hayato continued: "I observed it, and I was the only one who boarded the boat alone. I'm afraid this is why I was targeted. one of the reasons."

"Hey, don't blame me!" Song He protested: "I declared in advance that I would not participate in this kind of thing!"

"Things on the boat are actually very interesting." Ishikawa Hayato said with a smile: "After boarding the boat, the organizer and the person holding the invitation letter will get a coin, and the coin can be exchanged for some interesting things when getting off the boat." prize."

"It seems that none of those prizes can be exchanged for a coin." Song He figured out the key in an instant, shook his head and asked curiously: "What kind of prizes are there?"

"I only know a few things," recalls Hayato Ishikawa: "The only things that were shown to us were five coins or less, and they were all big cash, top jewelry, out-of-print art, and things that would make me live my whole life." industry."

"As for those that can only be exchanged for more than five coins, it's just a price. But looking at the posture of those guys collecting coins from others, I'm afraid the more coins are needed to exchange, the less simple it will be."

"Is it so exciting?" Song He imagined the situation facing Hayato Ishikawa, and felt a little yearning: "There should be certain rules for collecting coins, otherwise it will easily turn into a chaotic fight."

"But judging by your appearance, I'm afraid that fighting each other is allowed to a certain extent."

"That's right." Hayato Ishikawa nodded and said, "In fact, the rules on the ship not only restrict the use of violence, but also encourage everyone to use their brains to solve problems."

"However, the original text of the rules limiting violence is: During the collection of coins, anyone is strictly prohibited from using violence. Once found, their qualifications will be revoked immediately and all their coins will be confiscated."

Song He Wenyan sneered: "In other words, as long as you don't get discovered, you'll be fine, right?"

"Mr. Sun is right." Ishikawa Hayato said helplessly: "There are many blind spots for monitoring on the ship. In these places, if you are prepared, you can completely leave no evidence."

"And without resorting to violence, simple theft is also possible. But on the fourth day, I was blocked by three gangsters in the blind spot of surveillance and took five coins from me."

"It's really a rich and colorful experience." Song He said with a little envy, and then asked: "Then who is the final winner of this event?"

Ishikawa Hayato said with admiration: "It's a young man of male mixed race who is a bit weak, and he got nearly fifty coins!"

(End of this chapter)

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