While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 749 Arriving in Wencheng

Chapter 749 Arriving in Wencheng
In the Wencheng Police Station in Jian Province, Feng Ruiliang, the deputy captain of the criminal police team, had a dark and square face full of disbelief, the more he looked at the information in the computer, the more shocked he felt.

"The investigation ability of a county police station in Lingzhou is so strong?" Feng Ruiliang sorted out the context of the case through the materials, but he also felt a little puzzled: "Looking at the monitoring angle and conditions, the coverage rate should not be high. ?”

"But if this kind of case is let me... bah bah bah, put a shovel! It's not working, it's not working, and now the stolen money and the suspects have gone to Wencheng!"

While he was talking to himself with lively eyebrows and eyes, there was a knock on the door suddenly, and a male police officer pushed the door in: "Captain Feng, four comrades from Che County, Yancheng, Ling Province are here."

"Cough cough." Feng Ruiliang coughed lightly, dropped his local accent, and said in standard Mandarin, "Take them to the meeting room, I'll go there right away, you prepare the materials, and pick two people to discuss the case together. "

Listening to Feng Ruiliang's emphasis on some weird Mandarin, the male police officer tried his best to hold back a smile and replied, "Yes."

After saying that, the male police officer felt that his smile was about to be completely uncontrollable, and he quickly closed the door and left before raising the corners of his mouth.

Soon, Song He, Fan Guojun and others who had just landed after flying in the sky for a long time walked into the meeting room of Wencheng Police Station, and saw the dark Feng Ruiliang.

After revealing their identities, Fan Guojun noticed that Feng Ruiliang was looking at Song He frequently, so he took the initiative to explain the investigation process and said: "This time, it is thanks to the action of Police Officer Song from the Yucheng Case Center in Lingzhou Province that we were able to confirm it in such a short period of time. The whereabouts of the suspects and the stolen money."

"I have to get it!" Feng Ruiliang's Mandarin stand that he held on to for less than 10 minutes suddenly collapsed, but it seemed that his seal was broken: "If I didn't read the information you sent me, I wouldn't have known there was such a thing. Cunning criminal!"

"Fortunately, you were quick enough to catch up. Otherwise, if he makes a big case out of me, then I won't be at ease!"

Feng Ruiliang's abrupt language style not only made his subordinates laugh, but also made Fan Guojun stunned for a moment. He didn't know how to deal with it, but Song He smiled and said, "Team Feng is learning Mandarin recently?"

"How does Police Officer Song know?" Feng Ruiliang gave Song He a surprised look, adjusted his state and said in Mandarin slowly: "Uh, recently some outstanding police students who were newly assigned from other places said they couldn't understand me well, I Just try to change it."

"It's okay to speak slowly now, but the truth will be revealed if you speak quickly."

"Actually, there is no need." Song He said with a smile: "The language of Wencheng is uniquely charming. People from other places will be assimilated in less than two weeks, so there is no need to worry about the inconvenience of communication. Anyway, sooner or later It's all the same accent."

"I know this too, but I still think it's better to adjust it." Feng Ruiliang nodded, and then asked: "In this case, how do we need to cooperate?"

"The top priority is still to trace the stolen money." Song He said seriously: "During the investigation, we found that the fake Zhu Zipeng was accustomed to using fake identities. Every time he traced an identity, a part of the police resources were used."

"So we only invested less police resources in this part, because compared to cash that is not easy to transfer, fake Zhu Zipeng, who is flexible and has strong anti-reconnaissance awareness, is obviously not that easy to catch."

"Well, I'll let someone take you to investigate the delivery records of the relevant courier company." Feng Ruiliang nodded in agreement with Song He's thinking, and immediately arranged for the police to take Song He and his party to the relevant courier company.

Song He nodded in thanks, and then left the police station with Fan Guojun and a group of Wencheng police officers, and went straight to the destination.

This time the investigation took a lot of effort compared to the previous one. Xu Zipeng unconsciously relaxed his vigilance when he saw that the stolen money had been safely transferred out of Che County.

Therefore, although he also disguised himself when he went to the courier company to withdraw money, judging from his behavior during the surveillance, he was no longer as cautious as before.

During the monitoring, the fake Zhu Zipeng only made a simple disguise. After picking up the goods, he loaded seven boxes into a small truck, and then he sat in the co-pilot and left.

"It seems that we are not far away from catching him." While Song He looked at the surveillance screen, he glanced at the motionless task target in the murder-chasing system, and began to think about how to expose the fake Zhu Zipeng to Fan Guojun and others as soon as possible. middle.

Fan Guojun and several Che County police officers also felt that the fake Zhu Zipeng had indeed relaxed a little vigilance, and one of them nodded excitedly: "I hope he can be caught soon."

Coming out of the courier company, everyone quickly found the vehicle and the owner's information, but they didn't contact them rashly.Instead, after confirming that he is a freight driver, and that there is no abnormality in communication and economics recently, I found him for inquiry.

And when the owner of the car faced six or seven police officers who were eyeing him, he honestly confessed that the fake Zhu Zipeng had paid him to deliver the goods.

"Jiang Hua, including the various records of the express company, is already No. 20." Song He sighed with laughter and tears: "When we catch him, we must find out all his fake identities."

According to the freight driver's recollection, Song He and others confirmed that the fake Zhu Zipeng asked him to place seven boxes at a freight station, then paid the fare and let the freight driver leave.

And when everyone found the place where the fake Zhu Zipeng got off under the guidance of the freight driver, they suddenly felt a toothache.

"It's another monitoring blind spot!" Fan Guojun sucked his teeth, looked at the bustling square in front of the freight station, and said through gritted teeth: "He dared to come to this place, how bold! I'm not afraid that the money will be lost!"

The Wencheng police officer in charge of the guide was about to ask what to do when he saw a Che County police officer pointing in one direction and saying: "Consultant Song, if he wanted to transfer cash, he should have gone there."

The Wencheng police officer was stunned, and couldn't believe that the other party came to a conclusion so quickly.

Unexpectedly, Song He and Fan Guojun nodded and said, "That's right, it should be in that direction."

"Officer Song, why?" Wencheng police officer couldn't help asking curiously: "Can we determine his whereabouts before we check the surrounding surveillance?"

"It's a personal style of committing crimes." Song He shook his head and smiled: "This fake Zhu Zipeng is very good at using surveillance blind spots to transfer stolen money. The surveillance coverage in Che County is not high enough, and it took a lot of effort for us not to lose him."

As he said that, Song He told what Zhu Zipeng had done in transferring the stolen money, which shocked the Wencheng police officers so much that they couldn't close their mouths.

"Wencheng's monitoring coverage rate is reasonable, so although there are blind spots, they are not too many." The police contacted the police station and at the same time retrieved the monitoring coverage area near the freight station Hu, and drew the monitoring blind spots to Song He and said: " The main roads are covered, but the side roads are barely there."

Song He finished looking at the rough map drawn by Wencheng police officers, thought for a while, looked around, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "It's them!"

Everyone looked up and saw a group of men gathered on the side of the road near the freight station. They were either squatting or standing talking and laughing. The bamboo pole is held in the hand.

(End of this chapter)

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