While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 758 Combined Analysis

Chapter 758 Combined Analysis
"At the same time, all the cigarette butts are of the same brand, which matches the cigarette packs in the trash." Song He also took out the transcripts of the family members who were killed and bought them that year and the visit records of the corresponding surrounding shops:
"The family members of the murdered buyer said that he was quite addicted to cigarettes, and he smoked one pack a day. And the surrounding shops also said that the murdered buyer bought cigarettes from him, basically one pack a day."

"With the correspondence between the two sides, we can almost be sure that the cigarette butts in those ashtrays and trash bins are indeed from the cigarette cases purchased by the murdered."

"But there is another question here, that is, when the murdered person went out that day, didn't he smoke a cigarette? Or when he went out to do errands, didn't he pass cigarettes to others?"

"If he smoked or passed cigarettes when he went out, why can the cigarette butts left in the room still have the right number?"

Cheng Jie thought for a while and guessed: "Did the murderer and the purchaser smoke the same brand of cigarettes?"

"Yes." Song He pointed to the cigarette butt in the photo: "We all know that everyone's smoking habits are actually different. And this difference is reflected from the moment the cigarette is lit."

"As for the cigarette butts in the photos, we can roughly see three personal style habits."

Everyone looked at each other in confusion after hearing this, only thinking that these cigarette butts looked almost exactly the same, there was no difference.

"You don't study these after seeing it." Song He saw this expression a lot, and smiled indifferently.

Zhou Kai on the side sneered when he heard the words: "Ordinary normal people don't study these things."

Seeing this, Cheng Jie and others couldn't help chuckling a few times, and all focused on waiting for Song He's next words.

Song He clicked on the pictures of cigarette butts on the projection, and explained: "Generally, smoking is roughly three stages of lighting, smoking and extinguishing. From these cigarette butts, we can't see the traces left by this stage. But it can still be analyzed in terms of pumping and extinguishing."

As he spoke, he deliberately enlarged a cigarette butt, and analyzed: "This cigarette butt, the filter part is relatively well preserved, indicating that the person who smoked it did not press it hard when it was extinguished."

"At the same time, the remaining tobacco leaves of this cigarette are longer, and the saliva marks on the filter part are shorter, so people who smoke this cigarette should hold the cigarette with the root of the index finger and middle finger. "

"And I noticed that the root of the index finger and middle finger of the purchaser had been burned by cigarettes, so this cigarette butt should be left by the purchaser who was killed."

After that, Song He enlarged another cigarette butt and said: "The remaining part of this cigarette butt is shorter, and when the smoker puts out the cigarette, he pinches the filter tip with two fingers and presses it out hard."

"Although the traces of saliva are similar to those purchased, judging by the length of the residue, he should be used to pinching cigarettes with the fingertips of his index finger and middle finger."

As he spoke, Song He magnified another severely twisted cigarette butt: "This one is more violent when it is extinguished, and it was extinguished by someone pinching it with three fingers."

"In addition, the remaining length is the shortest compared to the other two. The person who smokes it is likely to pinch the filter tip with the tip of the thumb and index finger in the end, and take the last sip before pressing it out."

Everyone observed carefully according to the details Song He said, but they still could only see a few traces, and there was no way to distinguish them in detail. While admiring them, they couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

"Three smoking habits, three personalities." Song He said with a smile: "Compared to the deceased's calm smoking style with stable income and not too frugal, the two murderers seem to be more stingy."

"However, we need to pay attention to the number of cigarette butts collected in the garbage bins and ashtrays, but the number of cigarette butts belonging to the deceased is not the largest."

"On the contrary, the murderer who smoked the most stingy way left the most cigarette butts on the scene, which is very intriguing. Because all the cigarette butts on the scene belonged to a brand with a mid-range consumption level, and they didn't come and disposing of stolen goods for money.”

"Therefore, there is a high probability that this murderer usually likes to buy this kind of cigarettes as a prestige, so we can also see that he is a person who is greedy for enjoyment and saves face, and has a heavy cigarette addiction."

"As for the other murderer, he left the least number of cigarette butts, only a few, but you can see that he left the least amount of saliva on the filter tip among the three."

"So when he smokes, he probably seldom puts it in his mouth. He is the kind of person who doesn't care much about lighting it up. People like this kind of people who don't have a heavy addiction to smoking and still pretend to smoke, either have better living conditions. Don't care about the cost of cigarettes."

"Either it is the character of following the crowd and obeying orders. If others give it, it doesn't matter if others don't give it. But it is obvious that he is the latter."

Song He wrote the personalities of the two on the whiteboard, and released a video.

This is a surveillance video from a shopping mall. Looking at the time and location, it is obviously the same shopping mall where the gold and jewelry theft occurred in Liquor City more than 20 years ago.

In the video, two masked and gloved men trot into the mall and head straight for the jewelry counter.

Among them, a slightly fatter man took the lead, holding a claw hammer, smashed the glass of the cabinet with a swing, grabbed the gold jewelry inside, and put it into the bag in his hand.

Although the other thinner man was a step slower, he also quickly approached the fat man and reached out to grab the gold jewelry.

However, at this moment, the fat man seemed a little unhappy. He swung a hammer and smashed open another counter next to him, then pushed the thin man over, and pointed at the counter next to him with a claw hammer, as if telling him not to Get close to yourself.

Seeing this, the thin man obediently began to pack the items from the counter next to him into his bag, showing no temper at all.

"The two suspects in the video are the two murderers who killed the hotel owner's family and the roommates." Song He pressed the pause button, and after freezing the screen, he pointed to the fat man and the thin man above and said: " In both cases, the fat one should be the mastermind, while the thin one should be the accomplice."

"At the same time, judging from their performance, the fat suspects are irritable and carefree, domineering and like to command others. As for the thin suspects, they just happen to obey others and have no assertiveness, which just allows the fat suspects to command."

"Due to the age of this video, the recording equipment is a little outdated, so what can be shown is only the process of handling the case, and it is difficult to show some details."

"However, we can still get something out of it."

Song He said, zooming in on the images of the two people in the video respectively, and then pointing to their shoes, he said: "In the case of the murder of the hotel, the footprints left by the two murderers were judged to be two pairs of sneakers, and the characteristics are basically similar to theirs. The shoes in the video match."

"That is to say, after they finished the robbery case, they fled from Wine City immediately. They didn't change their clothes along the way. At the same time, their behavior of still carrying claw hammers and daggers also shows that they have been in the same place since they left Wine City. On the run."

"Then, did they escape in the direction of Gui County? Was it a well-thought-out and pre-designed escape route? Or did they come here in a panic?"

(End of this chapter)

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