While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 762 Reporters come to the door

Chapter 762 Reporters come to the door

"The wounds of all the deceased are consistent and were caused by the same murder weapon." Song He looked at the photos taken by the investigation team and said quickly: "The location of the wounds is confusing. Obviously the murderer has no experience."

"And judging from the amount of bleeding, even in the face of the deceased who obviously didn't struggle much, the murderer's first knife rarely hits the vital point accurately. It can be determined that this is the first time he has killed someone."

"Novice?" Xiao Liu rolled his eyes: "Is that easier to catch?"

"You should say that it's easier to find." Song He shook his head and said, "It's the first time to kill someone like this. When you arrest him, you must take good safety precautions before you go."

"Indeed, no matter which direction you look at it, the murderer is a very dangerous person." Zhou Kai nodded after hearing this.

Song He continued his analysis: "The merit box is intact, the money inside has not been touched, and the key to open the box has not been touched, which shows that the murderer went to kill people. Therefore, the possibility of vendetta or other purposes is very high big."

Saying that, Song He looked at the photos of the six deceased people carefully and sighed: "All of them had puncture wounds, the wounds were flat, but the amount of bleeding was huge. It can be seen that it was a sharp instrument with a blade length of more than ten centimeters." , possibly a double-edged knife."

"The abbot died on the bed with five wounds on his body. He should have been killed in his sleep. The wounds on the two monks' bodies were messy due to the escape and struggle. Four died by the door and seven in the corridor. After falling one, I rushed to chase the other, so the monk who escaped far had many wounds on his body."

"As for the two cleaning staff, they were also killed without a struggle, but their wounds were eight and ten respectively, which was nearly twice as many as the abbot's. This is a bit intriguing."

When Xiao Liu heard this, he pointed at the photo of the incense administrator and said in surprise: "Then this person..."

"Yes, this guy is the worst." Song He looked at the photo of the incense keeper, shook his head and sighed: "I was caught up while running away. He was stabbed twice in the back first, and then fell down and was killed by the murderer. Overpowered and brutally killed.”

"Look at the wounds on his body, there are more wounds on his body than those of the two cleaning staff combined. Many of the wounds are located very close to each other or even overlap. Obviously, the meaning of venting anger is much more serious."

"Based on the circumstances of their deaths, it is likely that there was some kind of grudge between this person and the incense administrator. At the same time, the two cleaning staff also provoked him. As for the abbot and the two monks, they may have had an intersection with the murderer, but there is nothing wrong with them." good luck."

Xiao Liu thought for a while, then a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he blurted out: "Pilgrim!"

"It should be." Zhou Kai nodded and said: "The incense administrator is generally responsible for the order of offering incense and worshiping Buddha in the temple and some related management work, while the cleaner is responsible for cleaning and preventing some destructive or immoral behavior. "

"Combined with the deaths of the abbot and monks, I am afraid that the murderer has put everyone in this temple on the opposite side."

"It's a pity that the abbot of this temple is almost [-] years old, and he has encountered such a thing." Song He sighed softly: "Based on the current clues, it should be that the murderer did something during the process of offering incense. What was allowed was stopped by the incense administrator."

Xiao Liu also felt a little unbelievable, and couldn't figure out what it might be because of, so he pointed to the blood-stained shoe print in the data and asked: "Officer Song, we compared the deceased's shoes with this shoe print, and they didn't match, so it should be murderer's."

Song He glanced at it and analyzed: "The texture of the sole is monotonous, simple and featureless, and the shoe print is clear without even a slight deformation. This means that the material of the sole has poor elasticity and high hardness. It is likely to be a casual shoe from a roadside stall."

"The outside of the heel and the sole of the foot are severely worn, and the lines are almost gone, which shows that the murderer has a tendency to walk with a splayed figure, and the murderer often wears these shoes. Combined with the selling price of this pair of shoes, it is obvious that his financial conditions are not very good. .”

"The shoe size is 41. Based on the murderer's right-handedness and the location of the wounds of the six deceased, the murderer is 1.7 to 1.7 meters tall and weighs about 75 kilograms."

"Three of the six dead were caught up and killed while fleeing. Although there were two monks who were not young, there was also the youngest incense administrator among the six, so the murderer should be in good physical condition. probably physical labor."

After all, Song He put the information in his hands aside, and said with burning eyes: "Based on the above analysis, it can be confirmed that the murderer is a young and middle-aged male who is engaged in physical labor but does not have much income. He is usually superstitious. There have been conflicts between monks and incense administrators."

"As for the content of the conflict, it is likely that he wanted to do something during the process of burning incense, but was stopped by the incense administrator and two cleaners. In this way, there must be witnesses who saw something. After all, this The incense in this temple is quite strong, and there are many pilgrims during the incense-burning time.”

Xiao Liu immediately wrote down what Song He said, and then looked at Song He expectantly, waiting for the next sentence.

"It's good to have these, what are you waiting for?" Song He scolded with a smile: "The investigation report and autopsy results haven't come out yet, you want me to send the murderer to your police station right now?"

"Hurry up and go to your team Cao to do an interview and investigation. That reporter is here. This is the time for him to show his face. Also, tell you team Cao, don't call the reporter. I still want to live a peaceful life for a few days."

Xiao Liu patted his head in embarrassment, and ran out again holding the materials in his answer.

When the door was closed, Zhou Kai glanced at Song He, and asked doubtfully, "You didn't say something, did you?"

"It's all about details and psychological analysis, and it won't affect the progress of the investigation." Song He scratched his head helplessly and said, "Looking at Cao Hua's appearance, he has nothing to do with that reporter. However, some investigative methods cannot be released by reporters. Stop talking."

Zhou Kai thought for a while after hearing this, nodded and said: "Criminals have become more and more clever in recent years, and it is indeed related to the openness of our investigation methods."

"Who says it's not?" Song He shrugged.

In the conference room, Cao Hua was studying the limited information with his police officers, and at the door of the conference room, a stylishly dressed woman was listening carefully, and a man with a video camera beside him was filming The camera is facing the meeting room.

Just when Cao Hua felt annoyed but helpless about the camera facing him from afar, Xiao Liu squeezed a man and a woman past the door with the documents, rushed to Cao Hua and whispered a few words.

Cao Hua was taken aback when he heard this, but he understood that Song He intended him to attract the firepower of the reporters. While being the head of Yan County Police, he also preserved the secrecy of the case team.

After thinking about this, Cao Hua made an instant decision and walked towards the man and woman who were still guarding the door.

Seeing Cao Hua approaching, the woman hurried up and asked, "Captain Cao, is there any progress in the case?"

"That's right." Cao Hua nodded, and said with a serious expression: "I can promise you to videotape the process of case analysis, but you must ensure that we will not announce it until we arrest the suspect."

"Otherwise, if the suspect escapes because he read your reports, or even commits another crime and kills innocent people, I will definitely hold you accountable!"

(End of this chapter)

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