Chapter 766
In the next two hours, Lei Jinhu, who was opened by Song He, quickly explained his criminal history, and after listening to what he said, everyone's expressions were quite complicated.

Because none of them thought that the case that killed six people in the temple was caused by an inexplicable divination.

A few years ago, Lei Jinhu was still a person who was slightly superstitious but not obsessed with it. At that time, he ran a motorcycle repair shop he opened, and his income was not too much, just enough to supplement his family.

Since I can't save much money for a long time, the economic situation is naturally not much better. Sometimes I dare not go to the hospital when I have a headache and brain fever, so I can only bear it.

Later, when he was going to the market, he took his wife and son shopping, and an old man who set up a fortune-telling stall in the market stopped him.

"He said at the time that he saw that I had something on my mind, so he didn't want money to show me." Lei Jinhu said while recalling: "He said that I don't have the life to accumulate wealth, and I can only rely on windfall to get rich..."

Judging from Lei Jinhu's description, he can still fully recount the scene at that time, and clearly recall every word the old man said.

And after the old man gave him a divination, he told Lei Jinhu to go to the lottery betting station before twelve o'clock noon, choose a lottery that will be drawn that day, buy a machine to select numbers, and wait until the lottery.

The old man also said that if he won the lottery, it meant that Lei Jinhu still had hope of making a fortune, and he could go to the market at the same time the next day to find him.

If he doesn't win the lottery, then Lei Jinhu doesn't have to hope to get rich, he can honestly run a motorcycle repair shop, and can only pin his hopes on his son.

Lei Jinhu was tempted when he heard it, thinking that a lottery ticket is not expensive, so he simply bought a lottery ticket, and waited until the lottery.

But the result made him overjoyed, because he won 1000 yuan with that lottery bet!

Lei Jinhu was ecstatic after receiving the bonus, and immediately bought a lot of things for his wife and son. Then, remembering the old man's words, he went home and survived a night of excitement and sleeplessness. The next day, he hurried to the market and found I met the old man who was interpreting dreams.

"The old man showed me the way, and of course I have to pay him back, so I gave him 200 yuan." Lei Jinhu was very convinced by the old man: "Later, he told me about my fate. Ge, and also helped me make plans..."

After the old man received Lei Jinhu's money, he told Lei Jinhu a lot of mysterious and mysterious things, making him feel as if he was in a dream falling into the clouds. The method, one is to move the grave, and the other is to worship Buddha.

Therefore, Lei Jinhu first asked the old man to watch the day and watch Fengshui, and moved his parents' graves.Then he went around looking for temples with strong incense, and kept praying to God and worshiping Buddha, hoping that he could make a fortune repeatedly.

Later, Lei Jinhu, who was obsessed with lottery tickets, won several small prizes, which really made him happy. He became more and more sure that what the old man said was true, and he kept visiting temples to worship Buddha, and at the same time, he kept buying lottery tickets.

Finally, when he was out on a trip, he heard that the temples in Yan County were full of incense, which was quite effective, so he came to worship Buddha from afar, and learned that he could build a stone tablet of his parents and ancestors, and put it on the prayer platform to receive blessings from eminent monks.

"Later, I asked the old man to get me a stone tablet, and spent money to put it on the prayer platform." Lei Jinhu said with a bit of sigh: "Who knows that since then, I won't win the lottery. Almost got into a car accident..."

Lei Jinhu, who felt that life was not going well, found the old man again, and the old man confirmed through divination that the direction of the stele of parents and ancestors placed by Lei Jinhu on the blessing platform was wrong, which caused Lei Jinhu's fate to go against the trend , can only be changed if it is placed in the right place.

In this way, Lei Jinhu, who believed in the old man, took the old man directly to the blessing platform in the temple of Yanxian County, and found a location with good geomantic omen for the stele of his parents and ancestors, and that location was the one Zhou Kai discovered. Locations with traces of ground breaking.

However, Lei Jinhu, whose life was a bit tight, couldn't afford the money to change the location of the stele, but felt that it was urgent to change his luck, so he secretly moved the stele without paying the money.

As a result, not long after the stele was moved, it was discovered by the host and the incense administrator. Not only did the two parties have a verbal conflict, but the stele was moved back to its original position by the incense administrator and two cleaning staff.

It is also because of this that Lei Jinhu became enmity with the other party, and after buying two lottery tickets and failing to win a cent, he was so angry that he committed this tragedy.

After finishing the transcript, Song He was speechless for a moment, and everyone in the observation room was also quite indescribably angry.

"Captain Cao, I think that old man who bewitched Lei Jinhu should also investigate." The female reporter suddenly said, looking at Caohua with a little trust and expectation in her eyes: "Lei Jinhu has today, and he has an unshirkable responsibility." .”

Cao Hua also felt that the old man who spread superstitious ideas also needed to bear a certain responsibility in this case, so he said firmly: "We will verify and investigate based on what Lei Jinhu said, and investigate the relevant personnel. The illegal acts will be investigated.”

The female reporter heard the seriousness in Cao Hua's words and nodded with satisfaction. She couldn't help but feel more favorable to him and asked with a smile: "What about the interrogation materials..."

Cao Hua knew what the female reporter was going to say as soon as he heard it, and said quickly: "We will intercept some of the interrogation images to use as material for your series. After all, some things are not very convenient for disclosure. Please understand this."

"Understood, thank you, Captain Cao." The female reporter replied with a smile, which made Cao Hua a little surprised how she became easy to talk.

In the interrogation room, Song He took the transcript and asked Lei Jinhu to sign and press his fingerprints, and then said softly: "Cooperate well with the investigation, and don't cause trouble for your wife and children."

When Lei Jinhu heard the words, his heart fluctuated again, but when he looked up, he found that Song He and Zhou Kai had left the interrogation room.

So far, this temple murder case involving six lives was successfully solved in less than a day after the incident.

Song He and Zhou Kai didn't stay long after completing the case, they simply took a rest, and said goodbye to Cao Hua and other police officers early the next morning.

"To be honest, this case is still a bit disturbing." On the way to the next aid application unit, Song He shook his head and said, "Although Lei Jinhu, who can make such a killer, has nothing to do with the word innocent, But it was indeed lured into the fire pit by that old man."

Zhou Kai nodded, then glanced thoughtfully at Song He suddenly, and said indifferently, "I think if you hadn't entered the police station, you would probably be the same as that bewitching old man when you get old."

"And the social harm you can cause is much greater than him."

Song He Wenyan thought for a while, then smiled embarrassedly: "Brother Kai, I will be proud if you praise me so much."

Zhou Kai suddenly became angry: "Am I praising you? You are so proud!"

"I want a life in full bloom..."

The familiar ringtone of the phone interrupted the joke between the two of them. Song He glanced at the phone and connected it directly. He said with a playful smile, "Master, you finally remembered that you still have an apprentice like me."

"Pull the ivory out of your dog's mouth!" Shen Jianghe started with a familiar laugh and curse, and then said: "I saw from the police station system that you just closed the case in your hand, are you free now? "

"When did you ever worry about whether I was free or not?" Song He asked with a smile after making complaints: "Just say what time, what to do, and where you need to go."

Shen Jianghe didn't hesitate, and said directly: "Leave within a week, be a bodyguard, Austrian country Kancheng."

(End of this chapter)

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