While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 781 Source of Strong Acid

Chapter 781 Source of Strong Acid
Obviously, the clues found by Song He instantly relieved a lot of burden from Chai Wendong's heart, which made him a lot happier.

When a group of people arrived at the home of Tian Wei's friend who worked in the electroplating factory, Chai Wendong quickly got into the mood, explained his purpose and started asking about things related to Tian Wei.

"He's a guy, I think he's quite honest, there's nothing wrong with him, he's just a little withdrawn." Tian Wei's friend was quite surprised that the police came here to ask about Tian Wei, but he answered very cooperatively. Chai Wendong's question.

"I knew him because before he opened the waste collection station, he always collected waste near our community, and we gradually got to know each other..."

"Later, he opened a purchasing station and asked me if anyone would collect the waste from our electroplating factory. I communicated with the factory and introduced him to collect some cardboard boxes from the factory..."

Judging from the description of Tian Wei's friend, he and Tian Wei are just ordinary friends, but Song He keenly found that when Tian Wei's friend described some communication and relationship between him and Tian Wei, he would always use some hints to compare them. Alienating tendencies.

Looks like there's something hidden there that we don't want us to know...

Song He's eyes narrowed slightly, and when Tian Wei's friend stopped talking, he asked Chai Wendong one step ahead of him: "Mr. Chen Liang works in the logistics department of the electroplating factory, right?"

"Uh... yes." Chen Liang, Tian Wei's friend, paused for a moment, nodded and said, "Actually, he's just a small employee who can't say anything. It's our leader who makes the decisions."

Chai Wendong on the side did not show any performance because of Song He's grabbing the words, but handed over the dominance of the inquiry.

"When we confirmed some things with Tian Wei a while ago, he said that he bought some from you, uh..." Song He frowned, pretending to remember: "...what is it called sour?"

Chen Liang looked at Song He suspiciously, but his small pupils and small movements of licking his lips did not escape Song He's eyes.

"Look at my brain, I can't remember things." Song He smiled embarrassedly: "What kind of acid do you usually use in your electroplating factory?"

"We strictly control those strong acids and alkalis." Chen Liang swallowed his saliva to emphasize, then wrung his hands together, and said in a strict manner: "There are nitric acid, hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid, and..."

"Yes, yes, nitric acid and hydrochloric acid!" Song He observed Chen Liang's reaction when he mentioned the key words, pretending to be recalling, and said while tapping his fingers on the table, "He said he bought Yes! And he said he also bought sulfuric acid, all from you."

"That's impossible!" Chen Liang squeezed his nose, and firmly denied: "Those things are so strictly controlled, it's impossible to sell them to him privately."

"Huh? That's not right!" Song He's complexion was complete, and he stared at Chen Liang's eyes full of exploration and suspicion. While observing Chen Liang's reaction, he adjusted his words: "He said that within the last year, he will still be with you. bought it."

"He can't remember the exact time, but it must have been half a year ago, about seven, eight, nine... yes! Nine months ago!"

Listening to Song He's words, Chen Liang's heart began to beat faster and he tried hard to control the expression on his face.

However, the more he tried to manage his expression well, the more his facial muscles got out of control, and he exposed more and more thoughts in his heart to Song He.

"He said he bought quite a lot. Of course, it must be a very small part compared to the amount used in your factory. The total is..." Song He pretended to be trying to remember, and then laughed at himself: "Look Look, I forgot again."

After all, Song He didn't look at Chen Liang, whose face turned pale, and turned to Chai Wendong and asked, "Team Chai, when we talked with Tian Wei, how much did he say? Ten liters or twenty liters? "

Chai Wendong had seen Song He's mind-reading skills. At this time, he knew how to cooperate to dig out the information from Chen Liang's mouth, and he thought: "I remember it was either sixteen or seventeen liters or twelve or three liters. I also remember the specific number. It’s not clear anymore.”

From the corner of Song He's eyes, he kept staring at Chen Liang. After Chai Wendong finished speaking, he shook his head slightly, tapped his fingers on the table and said slowly: "No, I remember it was twenty liters, it seems to be 23? Yes! It's 23 liters." !"

When Chen Liang heard the number in Song He's mouth, his soul suddenly trembled. He didn't even realize that his forehead was soaked in sweat, his eyes widened in horror, and he didn't know what to say.

Seeing this, Song He immediately knew that the time was right, so he looked at Chen Liang and asked, "Mr. Chen, is there such a thing?"

Chen Liang wanted to deny it dry-mouthed, but the timing was so precise that it shattered his luck in no time!

"Yes..." Chen Liang felt dizzy for a while, and said weakly, "I did sell him part of the acid that was not needed in our factory."

Song He gave Chai Wendong a wink, and Chai Wendong immediately understood, and asked in a serious voice, "How many times has he bought from you?"

"Uh..." Chen Liang hesitated for a moment, but saw Song He staring at him with eyes that seemed to be able to pierce his heart. The last trace of luck in his heart disappeared, and he confessed: "Five or six times."

"Tell me about the time." Song He took out a pen and paper and prepared to record: "Let's see if we can match what he said."

Chen Guangming nodded and explained Tian Wei's private purchase of strong acid from him.

After leaving Chen Liang's house, Chai Wendong flicked the inquiry record in his hand happily, and said with satisfaction: "It's almost there, we can basically start arresting people."

"It's a pity that the tank is gone, otherwise there would be another clue to hang him." Song He felt a little regretful.

"It's already very good." Chai Wendong shook his head, then nodded and said: "It is enough to have this thing, and if the interrogation encounters obstacles at that time, you will have to do it."

Song He smiled: "Don't worry, I won't lose the chain."

One day later, in a waste collection station somewhere in Rui Province, the boss Tian Wei was sorting out a batch of freshly returned cans.

"Boss." An extremely authentic local dialect of Rui Province suddenly sounded, hoarse and thick, which immediately attracted Tian Wei's attention: "Do you collect scrap iron wire and scrap copper wire?"

Tian Wei stood up and looked, but saw two men each pushing a tricycle into his waste collection station.

Looking carefully, the person in front had old and dirty clothes, an old-fashioned peaked cap, and a dusty black mask on his mouth, but at this time he dragged it to his chin for the convenience of speaking.

The clothes of the person behind were somewhat similar to that of the first person, and they were also not very clean, but they were wearing a jacket that didn't fit well, which was obviously taken from someone else.

"Where did you get the copper wire and iron wire?" Tian Wei saw that the two of them were dressed like this, and their skin was dark and rough, so he knew that they had been collecting junk all year round, and warned: "Don't come from a wrong place."

The first person grinned and showed his smoke-stained teeth, and smiled flatteringly: "I promise it's okay, it's all others don't want."

"Let me take a look." Tian Wei stepped forward and looked at the tricycle piled up with cardboard boxes and plastic foam, but he didn't see what he said, so he asked, "Where is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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