While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 790 The Suffering of Flesh

Chapter 790 The Suffering of Flesh
Sai Jin and another black man frowned at the white man's words, and they were both puzzled and a little annoyed at the same time.

Twenty days ago, when they learned that Adlers, a high-ranking leader of the separatist gang, had died in one of his secret hideouts, it was already the second day after Adles' death.

Since they are always in the stage of secretly paying attention to the independent trafficking gangs, they can only send people to take over the case secretly as soon as possible, so as to conduct a secret investigation while avoiding the detection of the independent trafficking gangs as much as possible.

However, after carefully investigating the scene, they soon discovered that Adles was accidentally killed by the burglar during the struggle after encountering the burglar.

At the same time, they also found that in addition to a large amount of cash and property missing at the scene of the crime, there was also a laptop computer that was missing!
Unwilling to give up any clues, they immediately began to trace the whereabouts of the laptop. On the other hand, they arranged for two undercover agents to pretend to be the murderers of Adles and go into exile abroad, fabricating a case of theft and assassination with an ulterior motive and making it public.

Afterwards, the Lunguo anti-narcotics police, who seemed to have concluded the case but were actually investigating in secret, quickly found Ander through various traces at the scene of the crime, and began to secretly search for his whereabouts.

However, it is a pity that at this time Ander had already copied and hid the data in the laptop, and he fled to Qinxia himself, planning to hide there forever.

However, with the passage of time, Ander thought he had escaped the pursuit and relaxed his vigilance, but was sent to the police station because of his arrogance, and met Song He.

As a result, the anti-narcotics police who were at a loss in Lun Kingdom soon learned that the thief who probably held the evidence of the independent trafficking group had been exposed because he harassed a female student of Qin Xia!

"So if we want this fool to spit things out, do we need to assign people to protect him?" Sai Jin muttered dissatisfiedly, but did not express any objection.

Because when he doesn't know what's in the laptop, he can care less.

But after the phone call with Andel, they already knew that those things were key evidence, and they could not give up those materials no matter what.

"Change your negotiation strategy and don't show that you care about those things." The white man pondered for a moment and said slowly: "Put on psychological pressure little by little. With his character, there will always be times when he can't stand it anymore."

"At the same time, try secretly. If you can find out where he hides things without paying any price, this guy is useless."

Another black man nodded and asked, "What if there is no result in a short time?"

"We are indeed more impatient than him." The white man glanced at the door of the interrogation room with a burning gaze and said solemnly: "But we have to create the illusion that we have obtained other evidence to make him impatient..."

While the three were discussing how to dig out the key evidence of the separatist gang from Ander, Ander in the interrogation room inevitably fell into chaos, with various thoughts in his mind one after another.

they're gone...

Don't care about my evidence...

Or put pressure on me on purpose...

what do I do……

After thinking wildly for a long time, Ander calmed down a little bit, and suddenly remembered that Song He had analyzed the situation he might encounter, and hurriedly tried his best to recall.

Not long after, Ander finally remembered that Song He once said that if the situation just happened, it means...

"I'm safe for the time being!" Ander was overjoyed between doubts, and began to recall Song He's follow-up analysis.

For the next three days, whether it was on the way back to London or when he was detained in the police station, Ander was always in a state of panic caused by the frequent pressure of the three white men, but even so, he still gritted his teeth and did not reveal anything. The meaning of the key evidence about the trafficking gang.

"Bastard!" Saijin looked at Ander who entered the detention room again, and gritted his teeth: "If it wasn't confirmed that this guy is the murderer who killed Adles, I would have thought he was Adles' most loyal lackey!"

The white man was also a little irritable at this time, thinking: "It seems that the verbal offensive is useless, it's time to 'talk'!"

As soon as the words were finished, Sai Jin and the other black man nodded approvingly, and there was a faint light of eagerness in the flashing anger in their eyes.

Qin Xia, on the streets of Yucheng, after Song He told what he did to Ander, he said with a smile: "It is said that the police in Lunguo will use some disgraceful methods when dealing with disobedient criminals. "

"So you did it on purpose." Wu Xuerui looked at Song He with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and when she blinked, the brilliance in her almond eyes flickered: "It's rare to have a dark heart like yours."

"Is there?" Song He shrugged, and smiled disapprovingly: "I don't think that a weasel stealing chickens can have a dog that guards the house as a companion after accidentally killing a wolf stealing sheep."

"Andel's value lies in the key evidence he holds. As for him, he is not a person who can be easily forgiven by us. Therefore, in order to clear his guilt, it is necessary to accept some punishment as the price for safety. "

Wu Xuerui did not refute Song He, but rolled her eyes and said, "So you have a more secure way."

"Of course." Song He nodded and smiled: "Sign some secret agreements and witness protection plans, and then use the materials in exchange for an extension to return to the country, and then go back after the separatist gang is taken away."

"Or simply flee to another country, and then disclose the location of the information, so that the domestic police have no time to take care of themselves. In short, there are many ways, but the implementation process is relatively cumbersome, and none of them can be handled by that idiot."

Wu Xuerui chuckled: "He is also pitiful. Listening to your confession and negotiating conditions under the means of the Lunguo police, I am afraid that the Lunguo police will think that he can't bear the pain of flesh and blood. In this way, the Lunguo police will give up reasoning And speak with your fist."

Song He chuckled and said, "Whoever asks him to play with me, I hold a grudge very much."

"Really?" Wu Xuerui smiled coquettishly: "Then you must have also recorded my black account."

Song He Wenyan trembled in his heart, and swore to the sky: "Xiaoxue is so innocent, cute, gentle and kind, she is so perfect! It is a good memory in my heart, so there is no black account!"

Just when Song He and Wu Xuerui were holding hands on the road, Ander, who was in Lun country, saw stars in his eyes and shouted with difficulty: "Stop...hand..."

"So you only talk when you get beaten?" Sejin removed the cushion on Ander's chest, looked at Ander viciously and said, "I thought you wouldn't take it easy? You've said good and bad things all over the place." , turned out to be an idiot who is afraid of being beaten!"

Ander let out a sullen breath in a dazed state of mind, and coughed twice before saying, "I want you to clear my case...after you get the things...send me to Canada!"

Sai Jin glanced at Ander with a gloomy expression. Although he was upset, he didn't speak, but turned to the white man who had been watching coldly.

The white man weighed in for a moment, nodded and said: "As long as you prove that the key evidence you provided can really help us get rid of the gang behind Adles, I promise you these conditions."

(End of this chapter)

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