Chapter 795
In the early morning of the next day, Song He and his party stayed in the private dining room of the hotel. Hao Yuqing, who seldom checked his mobile phone, looked down at the screen of the mobile phone with interest, and a sentence suddenly came out of his mouth:

"Song Song, you're going to be on fire."

Everyone who was chatting and laughing while enjoying a rich and delicious breakfast suddenly fell silent when they heard this, and looked at the smug Song He and Wu Xuerui with a slightly red cheek, either meaningfully or teasingly.

Hao Yuqing also took a look at the two of them, thought for a while and added, "It's not just the idiot Song, but my sister Xiaoxue is also going to be popular."

Song He Wenyan, who had just swallowed a siu mai, asked curiously: "What did you get from your phone?"

"Your marriage proposal cartoon." Hao Yuqing tilted his head and smiled, took a bite of a snack, and then put most of the rest on Su Wenyuan's plate: "Many passers-by probably videotaped that video yesterday." The video was posted on the Internet, and many of my friends in Lake City also reposted it after seeing it."

"Just now, a friend of mine who is engaged in film and television said that he plans to use this animated short film as a model, find a screenwriter to write a TV series, and then attract a lot of people to invest in the filming."

"Besides, she also implicitly expressed her desire to find the prototypes of the characters in the cartoon, learn about their past and dig deeper into the creation."

All of a sudden, the eyes of everyone looking at Song He became more exciting, as if there was a flame called gossip and curiosity burning in each pair of eyes.

"That's why I draw simple animations instead of realistic sketches." Song He chuckled: "No one can be sure that this is not a fabricated thing. Without real evidence and clues, I will see where they can find me... "

"Wait!" Hao Yuqing's eyes widened immediately, and he looked at Song He in disbelief, and asked the question that everyone noticed at the same time: "You said you drew this?"

"Otherwise?" Song He spread his hands out, his face showing a characteristic smug smile: "Fifteen frames per second, how many pictures I drew, you can figure it out yourself."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. Su Wenyuan had already figured out the answer, and exclaimed in disbelief: "The animation lasts nearly twelve minutes, which is ten thousand simple drawings!"

The first time Zhou Kai met Song He, he looked at him and said, "Ten thousand! Did you break your hand?"

"Fortunately, my body is strong, and I can handle it." Song He recalled the days of drawing stick figures some time ago. Although the painting process was a bit hard to avoid everyone, he was still very happy to recall the past with his girlfriend during the period. .

But just as he was thinking, a soft and delicate palm was already covering the back of his hand, but it was Wu Xuerui with concern and emotion in his eyes.

"Oh, it's time to spread dog food again..."

Just when everyone was quiet and waiting for the follow-up to unfold, a somewhat abrupt voice sounded, but it was Fang Ming, the only single person in the group.

"Shut up!" Hao Yuqing, whose interest was disturbed, scolded unceremoniously: "All of you here are my brothers and sisters, that is, your uncles and aunts! When adults talk, why do children interrupt! Play while you go! "


"Yuqing is right!"

"Fang Ming quickly call Uncle Zhou, there is some candy!"

"Hao Yuqing! I will fight with you!"


All of a sudden, everyone laughed and laughed, and laughter filled the private room, creating a lively atmosphere.

In the next few days, due to the influence of Song He's marriage proposal, everyone more or less wanted to live with each other, so they each made plans for trips with their partners.

Compared with Zhou Kai and Lin Xuefei going to the shooting range to abuse food, and Lin Hui and Gu Xiaole wearing Hanfu to bomb the streets, the dating behavior of other people, such as shopping or visiting grand sights, seems a little more normal.

But in this way, Fang Ming, who had a bunch of uncles and aunts, became alone, and he was too embarrassed to be a light bulb next to any pair of companions, so he simply took the fitness-specific clothes and equipment he carried with him and found Work up a sweat in a fully functional high-end gym.

It's just that what Fang Ming didn't expect was that he, who originally wanted to exercise quietly, would encounter unexpected "disturbances" half an hour after entering the gym.

"Hello." A soft and pleasant voice sounded when Fang Ming was resting between groups, but it was a fair-skinned and beautiful woman.

"Huh?" Fang Ming reluctantly took off the earphones, glanced at the sports watch on his wrist, secretly counting the time he could be interrupted by the other party, and asked with doubts between his brows, "What's the matter?"

The woman showed a sweet smile with a little admiration, tilted her head slightly, and the single ponytail on the back of her head lightly flicked out a graceful arc: "It's not long since I got a fitness card, and I saw that you are very professional in training and can teach me?"

Hearing this, Fang Ming carefully looked at the woman's eyes, only to see that her upper body was wearing a short pink sports T-shirt that exposed her navel, and her lower body was a pair of gray all-inclusive sweatpants.

Regardless of whether it is a sports T-shirt or sports pants, they all outline a woman's graceful body curves very sexy and attractive, especially the looming whiteness of the neckline of the T-shirt and the faintly exposed concave-convex contours wrapped under the sports pants, which can easily make any woman A normal male with dry mouth and rapid heartbeat.

Alas, if it was the Canglong Club, there would be no such inexplicable things...

With a sigh in his heart, Fang Ming withdrew his gaze, glanced at his watch and said seriously: "Wait for me a moment, I have to start the next set."

"It's okay, I watch you practice, just to learn." The woman smiled thoughtfully, showing her understanding.

Fang Ming was also polite, put on the earphones and listened to the music he had specially selected, and began to compete with the fitness equipment according to his own rhythm.

After one set, Fang Ming took off the earphones again, and while adjusting his breathing, he said to the woman with more admiration in her eyes: "Your foundation is too weak, and you have hardly had any systematic training, so if you try something new in a short time , just run and run."

"And if it's a long-term systematic training, I..."

The woman who was listening carefully was overjoyed when she heard it, she smiled like a flower and said expectantly: "Can you help me make a plan and guide me?"

Fang Ming, whose conversation was interrupted, frowned, and said bluntly: "I just want to say that I'm not free, and I'm not a local, so I left after staying in Lake City for two days. If you really want to practice, you can go to the gym coach."

"Although their level is not very good, they should be more in line with your requirements. Sorry, I have to start the next group."

After finishing speaking, Fang Ming turned around and continued to torture himself with the fitness equipment, while the woman stared at Fang Ming who was putting himself into the iron in a daze, and for a moment didn't know how to react.


"You really said that?"

In the evening, in the private room where everyone gathered for dinner, when Fang Ming talked about his experience of the day, everyone looked at him like a fool, with the expression that he deserved to be single.

"Isn't this normal?" Fang Ming said as a matter of course: "Her skin is loose and rough, her muscle mass is extremely low, and she doesn't have any trace of physical activity. How can a typical dieter really insist on long-term exercise?"

"And do you know? It's okay to put on a show, but she actually wears heavy makeup into the gym! The smell of perfume is choking, is this something normal people can do!"

(End of this chapter)

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