Chapter 801
After confirming that the printing factory provided by Song He was indeed suspicious, various secret investigations around the printing factory were launched under the auspices of Wei Kai.

At the same time, Wei Kai also monitored the local gangs in Hecheng who sold counterfeit currency on the Internet, and obtained evidence of their phishing and fraud on the Internet.

"It seems that the arrest can be carried out first." Wei Kai shared the evidence he found with Sun Xiaohai and said, "As far as it is concerned, they have no tendency to go to Gecheng to buy goods."

"At the same time, judging from the time of each purchase and the last time they went to Gecheng, it will take a week at the earliest to go to Gecheng again. So I think we can start first and dig out from these people. After obtaining the evidence, we will cooperate with the Katsuragi police to take away the trafficking den."

"This is the safest way." Sun Xiaohai nodded and said, "However, we also need to consider whether they have any contact with Gecheng that we have not investigated, and we need to minimize their contact with Gecheng during the arrest process to scare the snake away." possible."

Wei Kai smiled mysteriously: "We already have a plan for this..."

That night, the lights gradually came on, and when it was close to [-]:[-] pm, the whole city entered a relaxed state unique to night.

And in an apartment, several men and women with different appearances were sitting in front of several computers placed side by side, looking at the bright display screen intently, chatting with the strangers in the dialog box above. .

Behind them, a middle-aged man was sitting on the sofa, and put a bunch of red bills into cheap pirated books. The amount of banknotes in the clip is sorted and put aside.

"Boss, I'm starving to death." A slightly tired male voice suddenly came from the balcony: "What time is it, has the takeaway arrived yet?"

The middle-aged man who was putting the banknotes into the pirated book frowned when he heard this, glanced in the direction of the balcony, and said impatiently: "I told you to stare outside. You talk so much nonsense, just eat, eat, eat! You can forget about it until you die." !”

Several men and women who operate computers smiled at the same time when they heard the words, and continued chatting with the stranger on the other end of the network after a few jokes.

However, not long after, a man operating a computer suddenly snorted in surprise: "Huh? No internet?"

The rest of the people were taken aback when they heard the words. The middle-aged man put down the book in his hand and frowned and came to the computer, only to see that several other men and women who were operating the computer also stopped their work.

"There is really no internet!"

"what happened?"

"Could there be a power outage somewhere?"

"Scream!" The middle-aged man was very upset when he heard the noisy noise from his subordinates, and took out his mobile phone and began to rummage through the address book.

After a while, the middle-aged man pulled out a number, ready to notify the other party to come over to find out the reason, and said while dialing: "Go and pack your things, I'll send someone to come over and take a look."

Everyone left the computer obediently and began to clean up the counterfeit banknotes and pirated books on the coffee table.

At this moment, the police officers who entered the community from various entrances and exits in batches after disguising had already assembled in a hidden location, quietly waiting for the next action order.

A moment later, Wei Kai, who was sweating profusely and dressed in yellow work clothes, drove into the community on a motorcycle. When he passed a hidden location, he gave a wink to more than a dozen police officers in plain clothes waiting there, and then snapped He parked the motorcycle city at the door of a certain unit.

After locking the car and wiping the sweat from his forehead, Wei Kai, wearing a bright yellow helmet, skillfully took out two large packages of takeaway from the delivery box, walked into the apartment building without saying a word, and seemed not to notice that he was following behind him A group of plain-clothed police officers.

When he got to the third floor, Wei Kai struggled to carry two large bags of takeout with one hand and knocked on the door with his free hand.

Tuk Tuk Tuk.

In the room, the middle-aged man was looking at the mobile phone in his hand that had no signal in bewilderment. Just as he was wondering why the mobile phone that was working just now suddenly couldn't make calls, he heard a knock on the door.

"Who?" The middle-aged man guessed that it would be a takeaway, but he still asked subconsciously.

Wei Kai outside the door shouted: "Takeaway!"

"Go, open the door." The middle-aged man glanced at his companion who had already tidied up the house, put his mobile phone in his pocket, and planned to think about the computer and mobile phone after eating.

"Here we come!" The man who was watching the wind on the balcony immediately walked towards the door with a smile on his face, unlocked and pushed the door with one hand, and stretched out the other hand to pick up the takeaway before the door was fully opened.

However, when he just opened the door with a gap, a pair of big hands firmly grasped the edge of the door, and with a sudden pull, the door opened!

The man was taken aback, but there were countless footsteps suddenly heard, and then a group of men shouted loudly and rushed into the door, rushing towards everyone in the room with lightning speed!

"Don't move!"

"Hold your head and squat down"


The sudden explosion of shouts scared a group of middle-aged men out of their wits, and before they could react, they were knocked to the ground by the stern police officers, even the women among them were no exception!

"Captain, I found it!" A police officer opened the cardboard boxes stacked in the living room, and saw the counterfeit money hidden inside and the pirated books used to hide the counterfeit money.

Wei Kai glanced at the police officer who had controlled all the suspects with satisfaction, came to the cardboard box, glanced at it, shook his head and sighed: "It's not good to do something serious, I have to do this. Search it carefully and take it back!" "

Everyone suddenly agreed, and the search, photographing, questioning, and escort began in an orderly manner.

Because the stolen goods were obtained together, the middle-aged man and his group had no intention of denying it at all, and showed a very cooperative attitude on the way back to the police station, which really relieved Wei Kai and Sun Xiaohai, who had always been paying attention to the progress of the case.

"All our counterfeit money comes from Katsuragi." The middle-aged man sitting in the interrogation room had a resigned expression on his face: "I bought counterfeit money before, and I knew a few ways, so I found them."

The police officer sitting behind the interrogation table nodded and asked again: "Where is the place where the counterfeit money is made?"

"A printing factory near Gecheng Passenger Station." The middle-aged man's words immediately lifted the spirits of Wei Kai and Sun Xiaohai who were standing in the observation room. His name is Kong Yundong, and he has done this kind of business in his early years."

"Kong Yundong?" The police officer in charge of the interrogation was stunned for a moment, thinking that the name was inexplicably familiar, and was about to think about it carefully, but the police officer in charge of recording let out a low exclamation.

The interrogating officer who realized that this name had a story nodded calmly and asked nonchalantly: "We have been looking for him for a long time. What do you know about him?"

The middle-aged man seemed not at all surprised by the interrogation of the police officer, and said in a straightforward manner: "When counterfeit money was rampant more than ten years ago, this man worked with a counterfeit gang, and later that gang was arrested, but he Ran."

"A few years ago, this person recruited a group of people and became the boss by himself. He also dumped counterfeit money. It was quite realistic and the price was cheap. He was quite famous in our circle."

"Then the country cracked down hard, and he suddenly disappeared for a few years. It is said that he ran abroad and didn't return to China until half a year ago."

(End of this chapter)

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