While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 806 Confirmation

Chapter 806 Confirmation
Just when Song He and his party left the police station and got into a taxi, the round-faced man in the pickup truck had been driving around Katsuragi for half an hour, and he began to feel that something was wrong.

Because, 5 minutes ago, he found in the rearview mirror that a somewhat familiar car appeared 100 meters behind him in the pickup truck.

Although the car disappeared after driving for a while, it still made the round-faced man feel a little uneasy.

Depend on!You won't really be caught by the police...

Thinking of this, the round-faced man became more suspicious, and observed the car behind the pickup truck more attentively.

Ten minutes later, the pickup truck driver parked the car on the side of the road under the instructions of the round-faced man, and the round-faced man pretended to be in a hurry to urinate, and immediately hid in the field by the roadside to release water after getting off the car, while secretly watching Vehicles passing behind a pickup.

It's just that even though he was so cautious, he still didn't notice that in the oncoming car of the pickup truck, a taxi carrying three men passed by at a constant speed. Skimming the pickup parked on the side of the road and himself hiding in the wild.


It's a test!
Guan Yong showed his flaws in the process of rehearsal...

Song He, who was sitting in the co-pilot, watched the pickup truck disappear from his field of vision, his heart sank, and he immediately began to think about how to remedy it.

"Master driver." Song Hexin said resolutely while turning the phone on: "Just put us down in front."

Upon hearing this, the driver secretly glanced at the meter, glanced regretfully at Song He who changed directions frequently along the way, and stopped the car on the side of the road after saying yes.

When Xue Liang and Yan Tao, who were sitting in the back row, heard this, they immediately understood that Song He had determined that the arrest operation designed by Guan Yong would go awry, and while they were dissatisfied, they also had a hint of expectation and excitement.

After getting out of the car, Song He signaled Xue Liang and Yan Tao to wait for a while, then he walked to the side of the road, quickly took out his mobile phone, and skillfully dialed a number: "Liuyun, urgent mission."

"Boss, tell me." Liu Yun on the other end of the phone sat in front of the computer that was turned on 24 hours without saying a word, putting his hands on the mouse and keyboard with full concentration.

"Help me find the owner information of a car as quickly as possible." Song He spoke very quickly: "Then tell me the owners of all the numbers in his communication records today, and then I need you to block a mobile phone number. I don't care what means, speed comes first!"

Liu Yun took a deep breath: "The license plate number!"

"Remember clearly, the license plate is..." Song He hung up the phone and returned to Xue Liang and Yan Tao who were waiting for him to speak.

"Arranged?" Xue Liang asked, seeing Song He nodding, he also nodded and said: "Explain, we are still a little confused now."

"The pickup truck parked on the roadside just now came from the printing factory." Song He glanced at the time, estimated the speed of Liu Yun's investigation, and explained faster: "Looking at the license plate number, it should be a It is a local vehicle, and judging from the tire pressure, it is likely to be pulling something heavy."

"The cargo box was covered with a dust-proof cloth, and because the binding was not perfect, two well-sealed cardboard boxes were exposed. I'm not sure what was in them. But if it is a car that is going out to pull raw materials for printing counterfeit money, it is unlikely to pull these Things. And if it’s a cargo, it’s not secret enough.”

"At the same time, the driver is an ordinary freight driver, because although he is vigilant, he is very light, and his expression is relaxed when he parks on the side of the road. He does not have the sense of urgency of pulling counterfeit money and the sense of embarrassment of engaging in illegal activities."

"In this way, the person who released the water in the field by the side of the road is likely to be the suspect who made the pickup truck go around in circles. If he doesn't go out to pick up goods, and it's not delivery, then there is only one purpose left for him to go around in circles. "

Xue Liang and Yan Tao looked at each other speechlessly, and they were basically sure that Guan Yong had revealed his secrets during the rehearsal process.

"What should we do now?" Xue Liang asked.

As soon as the words fell, before Song He could answer, the mobile phone that Song He held in his hand sang: "I want a life that is in full bloom..."

"Hey, is there a result?" Song He glanced at the number and immediately picked up: "Who is the person who is in contact with the driver?"

Thousands of miles away, Liu Yun looked at the computer screen, read a series of names, and said: "There is another number whose owner's information cannot be found. I have never contacted the driver before. I only made a call at noon, and the call lasted 3 hours. minute."

Song He, who was driving the murderer system, had finished comparing the names Liu Yun said, and said with a sneer, "That's the number, block it immediately! By the way, check the communication records of this number in the past three months!"

After hanging up the phone, Song He looked at Xue Liang and Yan Tao who were stunned, and explained calmly: "The technical support personnel are still easy to use."

"No wonder you're so efficient in checking people." Xue Liang gasped in admiration, but he didn't know that Song Hezheng added in his mind: the premise of being easy to use is that the money is in place...

In less than 3 minutes, a picture was sent to Song He's mobile phone, followed by several pictures, which were the communication records of the mobile phone number that Song He asked Liu Yun to block, and the phone number that Song He had contacted with. Communication records of several numbers.

In this way, Song He squatted on the ground with Xue Liang and Yan Tao, and started discussing around a mobile phone, and quickly identified several suspicious mobile phone numbers.

"From the point of view of the related network..." Xue Liang has rich experience in handling cases. After looking at it for a moment, he pointed to a number and said, "This should be the mobile phone number used by Kong Yundong."

"Hmm..." Yan Tao thought for a while, and pointed to a number and said, "Then the user of this number should belong to the person in Kong Yundong's gang who is in charge of contacting those who buy counterfeit banknotes."

Song He nodded, pointed to an anonymous number that had only been in contact with Kong Yundong and another number and said: "Judging from the call cycle, this person should be a raw material supplier."

Xue Liang continued to scan the numbers on the phone, and suddenly asked, "Do you want to share these things with Guan Yong?"

"He doesn't need us, and he won't listen to us." Song He shook his head: "Besides, we made it clear at the beginning that we would not interfere in other people's actions, but now we rashly intervene and point fingers, not saying whether the other party can accept it, but only the source of information and motivation It’s not easy to explain, but it will cause trouble.”

"However, it is impossible for Guan Yong, who sent his subordinates to watch the printing factory, not to find out what we can find out. The only difference between him and us is that he is more irritable than us in terms of coping attitude."

"But it's just this little difference that has already exposed him in the process of advancing aggressively. But fortunately, the pickup truck is still wandering around all over the street, which shows that although the people in the car have doubts, they are not 100% sure yet. They've been stalked."

"And I blocked that person's cell phone number, which should delay Kong Yundong's decision to be targeted by the police."

"Officer Song, it's just that these are not enough?" Yan Tao felt that Song He still had follow-up actions.

"Of course not enough." Song He Yao looked in the direction of the printing factory, and said slowly: "If Kong Yundong really wants to escape, the three of us must stop Kong Yundong after Guan Yong fails!"

(End of this chapter)

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