Chapter 824
At Song He's suggestion, the young police officer quickly took Song He to a town near the crime scene.

"Officer Song, where should we investigate?" After walking all the way, the young policeman was still a little cautious.

Looking at the young police officer who was still a little bit clingy, Song He patted him on the shoulder and smiled, "It's simple, let's just find the telephone poles one by one."

The young police officer was stunned for a moment, then remembered something, and even you nodded quickly: "Yes, yes! There is a small advertisement on the telegraph pole!"

After negotiating a way to find out, the two quickly found a concrete utility pole.

And Song He walked around the telephone pole, and found several phone numbers from it.

"You register, I'll call." Song He said to the young police officer, and then took out his mobile phone to dial.

When the young police officer picked up the notebook and pen and got ready, Song He had already dialed the phone, and spoke in the very authentic Kun County dialect: "Hey, it's Hu Mingyue Clinic..."

After a while, Song He hung up the phone, shook his head in the surprised eyes of the young police officer and said, "Exclude this family, prepare to write down one."

In this way, the two found a telephone pole and stopped for a while to make calls. Many times, passers-by looked at them strangely.

But no matter how weird the look in his eyes was, Song He took it calmly.And after six phone calls, I finally met a clinic that didn't answer the phone.

"It's time to check." Song He hung up the phone, glanced at the small advertisement with only the name of the clinic, business content and phone number, Song He looked at the young police officer and said, "Notify the brothers in the bureau to check this clinic." The location of the clinic."

"Okay, Officer Song!" The young police officer quickly contacted the Kun County Police Station. After asking for his name, he quickly got the location information of the clinic: "Officer Song, it is a pharmacy that can provide infusions. No. Far, 10 minutes walk.”

"Let's go! Make the rest of the phone calls on the way, and find out about this clinic first!" After Song He finished speaking, he signaled the young police officer to lead the way without delaying at all.

The young police officer didn't dare to dawdle, so he immediately led the way, and it didn't take long before Song He was brought outside a small closed clinic. Behind the mesh rolling shutter door of the clinic, there was a piece of white paper with the words "Going out on business" written on it. .

Seeing that the clinic was closed, Song He asked the young police officer to visit the shops on both sides, while he got closer and observed carefully.

From the outside, this is a small two-storey clinic.Green paint on the walls, white paint on the windows, nothing out of the ordinary.

However, Song He, who has a keen observation ability, still found that this two-storey house is quite deep, and it is very likely that there is a row of rooms hidden behind the front house.

After confirming this point, Song He observed more carefully, and soon saw through the window of the clinic that most of the counters in the clinic were relatively neat, only the places where gauze and hemostatic bandages were stored were a little messy, as if they had been tampered with Same.

At the same time, Song He also found that the reflection of the terrazzo floor inside the clinic was a bit abnormal. It seemed that there was a faint drag mark extending from the back room to the gate of the clinic, as if someone dragged something from the back room to the outside of the clinic!
And looking at the width of the drag marks, it seems to be as wide as the shoulders of the female corpse on the river bank!

It's here!

Song He's heart moved, he heard the sound of footsteps behind Hu Hu, and turned his head to look at the young policeman who had finished visiting the surrounding area.

"Officer Song." The young police officer's expression was a little solemn: "The owner of the small shop next to him said that the doctor sitting in this clinic is the owner of the clinic. It has been closed for two days, and people disappeared without warning."

"And the owner of the small shop secretly told me that the clinic would occasionally let some women with unknown origins stay here overnight. As for why they said their origins were unclear, the owner of the small shop was vague and couldn't explain why. "

"This is already very useful information." Song He nodded and said in a deep voice: "Check the details of this boss and pay attention to his whereabouts. Don't let all the transportation departments let him go!"

"At the same time, investigate the communication records of the clinic owner. Within half a month, all the information of the people who had phone calls with him will be checked to see if there is anyone who matches the deceased!"

Upon hearing this, the young policeman replied solemnly: "Yes!"

With Song He's endorsement, the investigation results were quickly sent to the hands of the young police officer.

The investigation results not only included the record of the clinic owner buying train tickets two days ago, but also the information of a woman who had contacted the clinic owner four days ago and had no communication records since then.

"Judging from the restoration of her appearance and the comparison of the woman's ID photo, there is no doubt that she is the deceased." Song He sighed softly: "Inform Xiao Liu that they can be arrested."

The young police officer immediately complied, and found that Song He was standing there thoughtfully. He couldn't help being curious, but he didn't dare to ask rashly.

"Just ask if you're curious." Song He said something suddenly, and then he took the initiative to ask: "Do you think there is still one person missing in this case?"

The young policeman thought for a while, then suddenly realized: "The father of the deceased's child?"

"Hmm." Song He frowned and said, "When you mentioned that the owner of the small shop next door said that there are always women with unknown origins in the clinic, I subconsciously thought that the deceased was one of them."

"However, the deceased's information shows that although she is a foreigner, she has her own legitimate job in the local area. Moreover, before she came to the clinic, she asked for leave from her unit on the grounds of being sick. In this way, she came to a black clinic to do medical work. Who did the surgery?"

"Thinking about it further, did this person accompany her? If he came, did he know the situation and current situation of the deceased? And the deceased did not show up for three consecutive days, did he investigate?"

After Song He's words, the young police officer was stunned.

"It's just that I feel a little worthless for the deceased." Song He shook his head and sighed, and then calmed down: "You can watch and deal with it in the future. The case is now clear, and the only thing left is to arrest the clinic owner."

Hearing the displeasure in Song He's tone, the young police officer couldn't help but tremble. Although he didn't know what to say for a while, he quickly decided to tell Xiao Liu and the captain of the criminal police team about this matter, and discuss the follow-up solution .

After helping the Kun County police to investigate the case, Song He went back to the guest house and waited for Wu Xuerui, who was still outside to arrest the suspect.

And three hours later, in a simple single room in a cheap hotel in Yangcheng, Ling Province, a middle-aged man with small eyes was sitting on the edge of the bed and sighing.

"Why did you bleed profusely... oh..."

Suddenly, the man frowned and sighed, let out a long breath, stood up and paced back and forth in the room, and the anxious appearance with bent waist and slumped shoulders was like an ant on a hot pot.

A few minutes later, the man stopped, sighed again, put on a hat and mask, walked out of the room, and went to the street to buy water.

And when the man walked past the counter, he was vigilant and suddenly noticed that there were two sloppy men standing in front of the counter, talking to the teller awkwardly, seeming a bit embarrassed.

Seeing this, the man assumed that the two were about to check in. After looking at it twice, he stopped looking and walked out of the hotel quickly.

Just 30 seconds after the man left the hotel, the two scruffy men suddenly asked with serious faces, "Is that him?"

(End of this chapter)

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