While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 856 1 hands and 1 feet

Chapter 856

When Tang Xu, who was always at a loss after boarding the ship, found his life goal and worked hard for it, Song He and Wu Xuerui in Yacheng had spent most of their honeymoon and were about to embark on their return journey.

In the evening, wearing cool and comfortable summer clothes, the two came to the famous Coconut Dream Beach in Yacheng, and walked slowly along the coastline with bare feet.

As time passed, the sun set and the sky gradually dimmed.

Song He, who was holding Wu Xuerui's hand, looked at the time and said with some regret: "It's time to go back, but I really don't want to go back."

Wu Xuerui laughed coquettishly when she heard the words, and pulled Song He to run two steps after the receding waves.

When the sea water gently and softly came up again, she gently raised her clean feet, kicked the sea water that spread to her feet, and let out a series of cheerful laughter as she watched the splash of water flying up.

Song Heren, who had a doting smile on his face, was dragged by Wu Xuerui to run and laugh on the beach, until he couldn't run anymore before stopping, watching the sunset in the distance and taking a deep breath.

"Suddenly I understand the stupid king who was lustful and misled the country." Song He stood beside Wu Xuerui, put his arms around her waist, and said with a smirk, "It's all because my wife is so beautiful."

Wu Xuerui blushed and turned Song He's eyes: "Understood? Do you still want to have a harem beauty?"

Song He chuckled, and said in a cheap and strange voice: "I don't have that physical strength, you alone are enough for me..."

"Get out!" Wu Xuerui interrupted Song He's words in embarrassment.

But when she was about to reprimand again, she saw Song He frowning slightly and looking solemnly at the distant sea, stunned for a moment, subconsciously followed Song He's gaze.

On the sea in the distance, two things that were far apart were conspicuously floating on the sea under the setting sun, rising and falling with the waves.

"What is that?" Wu Xuerui knew that her eyesight was not as good as Song He's, but Song He's solemn expression only appeared when encountering certain cases. Putting on this expression at this time obviously showed that those two things were not simple.

Thinking of this, Wu Xuerui's heart skipped a beat, and she said worriedly: "No way..."

"I'm afraid that's true." Song He smiled bitterly: "It seems that the hands and feet were brought here by the current. And judging from the frequency and speed of the waves, they will be washed ashore in another 10 minutes."

After Song He finished speaking, he pointed to a certain location on the beach.

Wu Xuerui had 100% trust in Song He. When she saw this, she walked in the direction Song He pointed and took out her mobile phone to call the police: "Hey, hello, I'll call the police..."

Song He looked around and saw that there were many tourists on the beach. He sighed softly and followed Wu Xuerui to the location he inferred, preparing to protect the scene and prevent the appearance of such hands and feet from causing panic to the surrounding tourists.

Not long after, the pale and swollen severed limbs washed up on the coast. Song He and Wu Xuerui guarded each other, covering them with the T-shirt that Song He himself tore in half to prevent the surrounding tourists from seeing them.

After a while, the Yacheng police arrived at the scene. Because Wu Xuerui reported her and Song He's identities when calling the police, the police immediately dispatched elite police forces to disperse the surrounding tourists and began to investigate the scene.

"Two police officers, please describe the process at that time." After seeing the police ID cards of Song He and Wu Xuerui, a police officer politely invited them to the police car and asked about the process of discovering the severed arms and legs.

"We were taking a walk at the time..." Song He described the process in detail, then paused and said: "It is not yet certain whether the victim has been killed, but the severed hand should have been sawed off for about [-] hours."

"If within [-] hours, there are no similar patients in Yacheng and surrounding hospitals, then the possibility that the owner of the severed hand has been killed is extremely high."

The police officer who was in charge of the inquiry was stunned for a moment, recalled the information on Officer Song He's certificate, and asked in surprise, "Officer Song, did you say to saw it off?"

"The traces of the broken hand show that the suspect saw off the victim's hand." Song He pointed to the location of the broken foot: "At the same time, the traces of the broken foot and the broken hand are highly similar. The scars are very obvious."

"So I judged that the suspect should be the same person. And the cuts of the severed arms and legs were even and neat, which proved that the victim was in a state of being unable to resist at that time."

"And I restored the body of the deceased from the severed hands and feet, and after comparison, I found that they probably came from the same person."

After all these words, the police officer in charge of the questioning was already dumbfounded. Not only did he fail to record a word of analysis, but he also looked at Song He with his tongue gaping, his eyes seemed to be stared out of their sockets.

Seeing this, Song He sighed in his heart, looked around, but couldn't find a police officer at the captain level, so he couldn't help frowning and asked, "Where's your captain?"

The police officer suddenly woke up and suddenly remembered that the two police officers in front of him, a man and a woman, had higher police ranks than the captain. He couldn't help but panic: "Captain Wang will be here soon..."

"Then let's talk about it when he arrives." Song He waved his hand and walked aside, took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Hey, Liuyun. Don't gossip, help me check the currents in the sea area near the Coconut Dream Corridor in Yacheng right now Regularity and monsoon information, by the way, check the surrounding hospitals..."

Wu Xuerui glanced at Song He, smiled at the nervous police officer, and said in relief: "Don't worry, he's just in a bad mood because he suddenly encountered this case. When your team Wang arrives, just let us know. "

The police officer calmed down a little, and quickly nodded in response.

Wu Xuerui thanked the police officer, and seeing that the other party intends to call Captain Wang, she turned her head and walked to Song He who had just finished the call, and said softly, "It's uncomfortable to encounter such a thing during the honeymoon?"

"It's so depressing." Song He smiled bitterly: "I was in the right mood, but this is what happened."

"What are you depressed about?" Wu Xuerui reached out and touched the top of Song He's head with a gentle smile, "I'm glad you saw these two corpses. Tourists who play cause panic."

Feeling the soft texture from Wu Xuerui's palm, Song He enjoyed it and at the same time his mood improved instantly. He raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Then help them win this case before leaving Yacheng."

"That depends on whether they are willing to let you help." Wu Xuerui withdrew her palm with a coquettish smile, and looked at the confident smile on Song He's face, feeling inexplicably at ease.

A few minutes later, when Song He ended the call with Liu Yun again, a plainclothes man with thick eyebrows and big eyes rushed to the scene.

"Captain Wang!" As soon as the police officer in charge saw the man, he immediately went up to meet him, whispered a few words, and led him towards Song He and Wu Xuerui.

Dui Wang strode up to Song He. After saluting, he stretched out his hand and said sonorously, "The captain of the criminal police of the Huang District Police Department in Yacheng, Wang Jihai."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Team Wang." After saluting, Song He announced his family name and shook hands with Wang Jihai.

"Officer Song, Xiao Zhang told me your analysis." Wang Jihai said straight to the point: "To be honest, I also asked someone to find out about Officer Song and Officer Wu, and the result shocked me."

"Since this case has fallen into the hands of the two of you, let me ask you bluntly, what did Officer Song find?"

"It's just a small gain." Song He, whose mood was calmed down by Wu Xuerui, said modestly and calmly: "It's just that the location of the suspect's discarded body parts has just been determined."

"Corpse?" Wang Jihai raised his eyebrows and said, "Officer Song is sure the victim is dead?"

Song He was not polite, pointing to the sea and said: "According to the monsoon and current conditions in the past two days, the severed limbs came from the cliff area. However, within [-] hours, the hospitals in the cliff area and the surrounding areas were not Speaking of similar medical records, it means that no amputation has been done.”

"If the victim had survived, it would have been impossible for him not to seek medical treatment. And the suspect's behavior of abandoning the victim's hands and feet also proves that the owner of the hands and feet is probably in danger."

(End of this chapter)

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