While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 858 The method is unknown

Chapter 858 The method is unknown
"If the time of death is early in the morning, then he will be missing all day." Wang Jihai nodded repeatedly: "So what Officer Song means is to investigate the missing persons during this time period."

"It would be the best if we can investigate." Song He pondered, shook his head slightly and said, "But I am worried that no one has reported the case so far. If this is the case, I am afraid we will have to expand the scope of investigation."

"Until now, we are not sure whether he is a local resident or a foreign tourist, so once the deceased cannot be matched from the reported missing persons, the difficulty of investigation will rise sharply."

After Song He finished speaking, Wang Jihai frowned, and suddenly realized that what Song He said was indeed true.

"There is another way." Song He's words once again attracted everyone's attention: "The toenails of the deceased's severed feet have been trimmed recently, and according to his size, it is more difficult for him to cut the toenails."

"But I also saw that the edges of his recently trimmed toenails were very neat, the arc was very smooth, and the traces of careful trimming were extremely obvious."

"This kind of curvature cannot be cut with nail clippers, because nail clippers can only cut the nails section by section. No matter how careful you are, you will leave an unsmooth nail edge."

"At the same time, the nail groove of the deceased's big toe was very deep, and the toenail of the big toe showed signs of deep nail groove, which was highly consistent with the symptoms of paronychia."

"Combined with the unnaturally smooth curvature of the deceased's toenails, I suspect that the deceased had sought treatment for paronychia shortly before he was killed."

After listening to Song He's analysis, Wang Jihai understood that Song He had provided him with a new screening direction, and couldn't help feeling grateful, nodded heavily and began to arrange the screening work.

Song He looked up at the sky, saw that it was going to be completely dark, and he and Wu Xuerui couldn't get involved in the specific investigation work, so he bid farewell to Wang Jihai and the police officers, left the beach and returned to the hotel.

Not long after returning to the hotel, Song He's cell phone rang.

Song He picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar number, remembering that he had left a phone number in the record of interrogating the police, he immediately answered with a sense of comprehension: "Hello, hello."

"Officer Song, this is Xiao Zhang." The voice of the inquiring police officer came from the receiver of the mobile phone, and he said excitedly: "When a colleague and I visited a foot massage shop, we found that there was a body that was very similar to the body of the deceased you restored. Customers came here! Just two days ago!”

Song He was refreshed when he heard this: "What did he do at the pedicure shop?"

"Cure paronychia!" Xiao Zhang said excitedly: "That man is a regular customer of this pedicure shop. He comes here every two weeks on average, and he also has a regular technician!"

"And the technician said that when this man came here two days ago, he kept sending messages with his mobile phone. He seemed to be in a good mood during the chat, and would burst out laughing from time to time."

"The technician asked him a few questions casually while chatting with him, and the man said she was the girlfriend he was chatting with online!"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Song He's mind, and suddenly he smiled and said, "Xiao Zhang, your luck is no one else."

"Officer Song, what's the next step?" Xiao Zhang asked excitedly, "Are you going to investigate the woman who chatted with him?"

"Calm down first." Song He asked, "Did that man leave his contact information at the foot bath shop?"

"No." Xiao Zhang thought for a while and replied, "There is only one name left, which is Hu Yu."

"Then check the monitoring." Song He thought: "Let the technician recall the time when Hu Yu entered the store, and then check the surrounding monitoring. After finding his residence, confirm his specific identity and mobile phone number, and confirm whether he is the deceased. ..."

"Next, you need to call this person's number pretending to be his friend, and make an excuse to pay him back the money. If you can't get through, send a text message. If you get through, ask the other party to issue the card number, because the suspect is probably still holding his mobile phone. ..."

"At the same time, you have to investigate his communication records, confirm who the person who is in frequent contact with him is, and then launch a targeted investigation..."

"And you have to confirm whether the deceased's home is the first crime scene. Whether it is or not, you have to check the surrounding surveillance to confirm the whereabouts of the deceased or the whereabouts of the suspect..."


After a while, Song He hung up the communication amid Xiao Zhang's grateful voice of thanks, and sat down with a sigh of relief.

"Such detailed teaching is rare." Wu Xuerui looked at Song He with a smile: "What? I'm afraid the case won't be solved before I leave?"

"Otherwise?" Song He shrugged and said with a smile: "All the big talk has been released, so it won't start well and end well."

"Listen to your nonsense!" Wu Xuerui saw through Song He's real intentions at a glance, snorted lightly and said, "You are just curious about how the suspect disposed of the parts other than the hands, feet and head of the deceased!"

Song He didn't mind Wu Xuerui's pointing out her real purpose at all, and said bluntly: "In the traditional dissection case, even if the body parts are scattered, they can basically be found back."

"But this case is different. We can only see the hands and feet of the deceased, and nothing else has been seen so far. What about the bones? What about the internal organs? What about the muscles and skin of the upper and lower limbs?"

"If these things washed up on the shore with the hands and feet, I wouldn't be bothered. But if they are treated separately, it means that the murderer thinks his modus operandi will prevent us from tracking these things, which is not a good sign. .”

Wu Xuerui frowned slightly: "You mean..."

"That's right, the murderer's method is probably worse than the traditional method of dismembering corpses." Song He sighed softly: "In my opinion, among the traditional methods of destroying corpses and traces, the best way to cover up traces is to burn them into ashes. But this The operability is very low, and few people adopt it.”

"Afterwards, it will be sunk in rivers and seas or buried, tied with stones and thrown away or buried in a place where no one is around. As long as the suspect is not exposed, whether the police can find it depends on luck."

"After the above, the dismemberment of the body is done. The reason is that dismemberment requires relatively comprehensive tools, undisturbed time and a suitable place for operation. Coupled with the abandonment of the body in the later period, there are too many links for the suspect to reveal his flaws."

Song He's words aroused Wu Xuerui's imagination, and immediately reminded her of the methods of committing crimes that were covered in various cases that cannot be disclosed, and her face suddenly became ugly.

"You can tell what you're thinking at a glance." Song He smiled bitterly: "I hope Wang Jihai and the others can understand and really take this case seriously."

While Song He was discussing the case with Wu Xuerui, Wang Jihai was leading people to follow the clues Xiao Zhang visited to find out the details of Hu Yu.

And when they confirmed through the surveillance of Hu Yu's community that Hu Yu left home last night and went to a certain hotel, the case suddenly became clear.

"Captain Wang, the communication records have been found!" Xiao Zhang, who has made great achievements all night, handed a piece of information to Wang Jihai: "It's a woman named Han Min! Checked in!"

"This woman..." Wang Jihai took the file and scanned it, and suddenly found that there were two people's information on the file, and asked suspiciously, "Who are these two?"

"It's Han Min's boyfriend, Chen Gui, and Chen Gui's sister, Chen Fang." Xiao Zhang explained with glowing eyes: "Before the deceased was killed, the three of them were in frequent contact!"

Wang Jihai raised his head in surprise when he heard the words, punched Xiao Zhang and praised: "It's not in vain to let you communicate with Officer Song! You're actually enlightened!"

"Hey!" Xiao Zhang scratched his head, feeling a little more admiring and grateful to Song He.

Afterwards, Wang Jihai led people to the hotel where Han Min stayed to check the surveillance, and found that Han Min, Chen Gui and Chen Fen left the hotel with four huge suitcases one hour after Hu Yu entered their room !
But Hu Yu disappeared!
"Find out where they are going!" Wang Jihai knew without guessing that the four suitcases contained Hu Yu, and said in a deep voice, "Call the investigation team to come and screen that guest room!"

After a while, Song He learned about the progress of Wang Jihai's criminal investigation.

But when he learned from Xiaozhang that he had found the first scene of dismemberment, he sighed and shook his head: "It's not there."

"Huh?" Xiao Zhang was a little puzzled: "What did you say, Officer Song?"

"I mean that's not the place where the body was dismembered." Song He thought for a while and stopped the words to explain: "Let's put it this way, where they killed Hu Yu and completed the first process of dismembering the body, that is, Roughly dismember Hu Yu into four pieces."

"Then, they took Hu Yu to the place where they prepared the corpse. Do you understand what I said?"

(End of this chapter)

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