Chapter 866
After roaring in a low voice as if to vent, George Crump took a few rough breaths with a sullen face, then put away the white paper, threw the stone on the ground, and took out his cell phone to call the police.

When the police car appeared at his door with its siren blaring, more people in the surrounding villas were awakened. At the same time, people hiding behind the windows also wondered why George Crane, who never trusted the police, General will call the police.

Not long after, under the guidance of George Cramp, the police who characterized the incident as a prank left the villa, and the surrounding windows were also darkened, but they did not know whether the pairs of prying eyes behind the windows were closure.

Half an hour later, the lights in George Cramp's house were also turned off, but it was predictable that George Cramp and his wife would hardly be able to sleep.

At the same time, Song He, who didn't care about the quality of George Crump's sleep, had returned to the hotel where he was staying. After enjoying a delicious late-night snack, he fell into a deep sleep with peace of mind.

However, when Song He was dreaming his dreams, Bethel Pat, who learned what he had done, was not happy at all.

Because in his opinion, Song He's series of behaviors showed that he was a greedy and impatient person.

At the same time, the impetuous and unscrupulous behavior of throwing stones into other people's homes made Bethel Pat think that Song He was not only easily angered, but also easily lost control in a state of anger!
Realizing this, Bethel Pat couldn't help but feel a little depressed, pacing back and forth in the study slowly and gracefully, muttering words.

"In the second note that was thrown into the window, not only were several words misspelled, but the word order was even more chaotic..."

"It is not very likely for such a person with little culture to buy a serious newspaper, let alone find out from the published content that George Cramp bought other countries' confidential documents..."

"Combined with his familiarity with the underground garage of the newspaper office, there is a high probability that there are insiders of the newspaper office behind him, and it is unlikely that he himself is an insider of the newspaper office..."

"In this way, he is so eager to trouble George Cramp, it is very likely that his purpose is not to extort money..."

"So, maybe he remembered the wrong account number, but it was an opportunity!"

In an instant, Bethel Pat, who had a new idea, picked up the phone again, dialed George Cramp's number, and began to talk about his plan.

At six o'clock in the morning of the next day, Song He opened his eyes on time, ate his breakfast in good spirits, left the hotel in a disguise, and ambush near the newspaper agency.

When the time came to 07:30, George Crump, who had been tossing and turning all night, drove to the newspaper office. He paused briefly at the entrance before driving into the underground garage.

Song He, who was watching from a distance, pretended to be a pedestrian. After watching the car drive into the underground garage, he narrowed his eyes slightly and turned to go to the hiding place.

A moment later, Song He reappeared wearing a sweater on his upper body, a pair of loose slacks on his lower body, a hood, sunglasses and a mask on his head, and walked into the underground garage while avoiding surveillance.

Soon, Song He, who had been here once, went all the way familiarly, and found the car parked by George Cramp deliberately avoiding the monitoring.

"With the car window so wide open, your intention to plot against me is too obvious." Song He put on his gloves and went straight to the car. He reached into the car window and turned on the safety. He opened the door and took out a bag from under the rear window. Stack of banknotes.

Rubbing his fingers and counting the banknotes, Song He saw that there were [-] euros, and Song He was happy: Have you given up the research account?That's right, the longer it takes, the more outrageous my behavior may become.

Putting the banknotes into his pocket casually, listening to the faint sound of dense footsteps coming from the garage, Song He took out a mobile phone prepared in advance and pretended to dial a number.

"Hey, I already got the money."

"Don't worry, I will continue to trouble him."

"I hope you can keep your promise!"

After yelling a few words without hesitation, Song He accelerated his steps, whistled, and retreated along the same road while avoiding surveillance.

However, when Song He with a happy face walked to a fire exit, dense footsteps suddenly sounded from the corner in front and the hidden corner in the back at the same time. Just by hearing the sound, he could tell that there was more than one person!
Song He sneered in his heart but stopped in feigning surprise, scanning the passages in front of and behind him vigilantly, tensing his body in a defensive posture.

A few seconds later, two burly men appeared at the corner in front of Song He and at the hidden corner behind him almost at the same time, approaching him slowly!

Seeing this, Song He quickly pretended to wake up, took out his mobile phone and threw it on the ground, smashing the pretending mobile phone to pieces!

However, his move did not make the four sturdy men slow down or speed up their pace. They came to stand firmly in front of Song He, and one of them said directly: "Follow us."

Song He clenched his fists tightly, as if he wanted to resist, but immediately a hesitant and tangled expression appeared on his face, and his eyes kept turning around.

Seeing this, the burly man who spoke raised his hand to grab Song He's shoulder, but Song He raised his hand in surrender and said, "I'll go with you..."

Seeing that Song He was soft, the burly man who spoke pointed in the direction of the garage, signaling Song He not to dawdle.

Song He naturally didn't want to dawdle, and walked towards the garage surrounded by four people with a happy face and a depressed face.

A few minutes later, a commercial vehicle that can accommodate seven people drove out of the underground garage of the Guardian Newspaper Office and sped away.

In the car, Song He, whose disguise was not removed by the burly man, sat obediently in the back row, observing the situation inside the car while memorizing the route to identify the direction, and soon found that the car was driving to the outskirts of Luncheng.

If the road is too far, it will be difficult to go back...

Song He had inexplicable thoughts in his mind, secretly sizing up the four tall and silent men, and complained in his heart: This method of exerting psychological pressure seems to be outdated...

Thinking about it, Song He secretly laughed, and faintly looked forward to the upcoming meeting.

Half an hour later, the car suddenly slowed down, drove into a farm garage, and turned off the engine.

Then, four burly men took Song He out of the car and walked towards a four-story masonry building beside the farm.

And after the four burly men walked into the porch of this building, Song He's eyes suddenly lit up, and a magnificent, luxurious and comfortable space like a castle was displayed in front of Song He!
The quaint wine cabinet placed against the wall is full of old and elegant red wine, the brown pure wooden sofa exudes a refreshing woody aroma, and the warm-colored velvet carpet covers every inch of the floor under your feet...

In an instant, Song He suddenly realized that his eyes were not enough, and he also had a new understanding of luxury and comfort in his heart!

"I rarely bring people here." An elegant and magnetic voice sounded, and the handsome Bethel Pat, tall and well-proportioned, appeared in front of Song He with red wine: "Because there is a place I don't like here. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Bethel Pat took the lead in walking in one direction without waiting for Song He to respond, and the four burly men surrounding Song He also motioned for Song He to follow.

So, Bethel Pat walked gracefully in front, Song He and four burly men followed behind, walked around for a while, and came to a dark and dry room.

"Torture room?" Song He glanced at the simple furnishings in the room and realized the purpose of this room.

"That's right." Bethel Pat nodded gracefully, and winked at the burly man behind Song He.

A burly man understood, and decisively closed and locked the door, while the other three pushed and pushed Song He, forcing him to sit on the wooden chair in the middle of the torture room.

"You are very honored." Bethel Pat looked at Song He who was sitting obediently on the chair, stretched out his hand and took off the sunglasses on Song He's face and said with a smile: "The people who came here before are all older than you. A much nobler man."

Song He was noncommittal, and continued to watch Bethel Pat talking to himself.

"Since you can see the purpose of this room, you must also know what you may encounter." Bethel Pat leisurely reached out to take off the mask on Song He's face, wanting to see Song He's appearance .

With a soft sound, Bethel Pat was stunned, because the hand he had just reached to the edge of Song He's mask was suddenly grabbed by Song He's wrist!

(End of this chapter)

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