Chapter 905
At eight o'clock in the evening, the city of Los Angeles outside the port was about to enter that other bustling and noisy night, and the Game of Gods, which had been docked in the port, slowly sailed into the sea after honking its whistle.

Song He, who was in the guest room, naturally also heard the signal to sail, and at the same time, he also heard a slightly familiar voice from the PA equipment throughout the ship.

"Dear passengers, welcome to board the Game of Gods. I am the itinerary director of this journey, and it is a great honor to serve you."

"Now I have a piece of news to inform everyone that the welcome event specially prepared for you will open on time at nine o'clock tonight in the 270-degree viewing hall at the stern of the fifth floor of the Game of Gods."

"We will announce some regulations for this trip during the event, and you can also use your invitation letter and boat ticket to exchange for exclusive coins for this trip during the welcome event."

"Of course, if you don't want to participate in the event, you can also watch the live broadcast of the event in the guest room, and we will also send someone to your door to exchange coins for you."

"In short, my colleagues and I will serve you wholeheartedly and wish you a pleasant journey."

Some words were spoken in five mainstream languages ​​in turn, and then the PA equipment fell silent.

But Song He who was sitting in the guest room smiled happily, because the first time the voice sounded, the image of a man with a pair of smiling eyes appeared in his mind.

"Tang Xu?" Song He rubbed his chin, tilted his head and looked out of the window, and smiled meaningfully: "In just half a year, this is a promotion and salary increase, ready to climb to the pinnacle of life?"

After all, Song He, who lamented the wonders of the world, got up and came to the balcony. He leaned over the fence and watched carefully, and found that the balconies of the guest rooms with lights were well arranged, and the adjacent balconies above, below, left, and right of each room were all black lights. Apparently no one lived in it.

"That is to say, there are no people living next to each other, no matter whether they are up or down or left or right." Song He chuckled and said eagerly to himself: "But this also shows that each room is relatively isolated."

"And this balcony, which is not difficult to climb, can be done by one person..."

While talking, Song He suddenly noticed a figure flickering on a certain balcony, he quickly retracted his protruding body, hid in the shadow and listened intently.

Soon, Song He caught a sound of clothes rubbing and climbing from the sea breeze at night. It was obvious that someone was using the terrain to do what Song He wanted to try.

"There are too many smart people." Song He sighed, quietly took out the drone equipped with a high-definition camera from the ring, and directly launched it into the night sky.

Then, Song He's remote-controlled drone flew on the side of the cruise ship at the same speed as the cruise ship, sat in a deck chair on the balcony in a calm and breezy manner, and remotely controlled the drone to take pictures.

But in the remote transmission picture of the drone, a black figure climbed in and out of the balconies with his vigorous and swift skills, and installed exquisite and compact devices in some balconies with lights.

"Look at this style, you have a background in espionage." Song He grinned, watching the black figure, while taking as many brightly lit rooms as possible into the camera, carefully observing every move of the residents in the house.

As time passed, as it was approaching nine o'clock, the black figure was still shuttling between the balconies, and had no intention of turning around the room, as if he wanted to install monitoring equipment in every passenger's balcony.

Seeing this, Song He shook his head, controlled the drone to fly and recovered, then made a mark on the balcony and locked the door, changed into a casual suit and went out, identifying the direction towards the observation hall at the stern.

And on the way to the observation hall, Song would see male and female passengers from time to time, either alone or together, and whenever they met, they would always glance at each other with appreciative eyes, as if it was a specific etiquette on board generally.

At the same time, after inspecting Song He, many of them would chat with him in a friendly manner, and at the same time probing him with words, clearly conveyed to Song He the intention of wooing and forming an alliance.

"Careful, vigilant, rational, with a clear purpose but cunning thoughts." When Song He performed the "watching ceremony" with more than 20 people, and talked with half of them, he thought to himself:

"From the current point of view, except for a few people who want to take the initiative, most people should be on the sidelines. After all, according to what Ishikawa said about the last event, at least [-]% of the people were eliminated."

"Although these people have a high probability of forming an alliance with others in this event, they will definitely choose their allies carefully so as to maximize their own interests."

"What's more, as a newcomer, I can get so much kindness, do you think I'm stupid?"

With a flash of thought in his mind, Song He stepped into the viewing hall that Tang Xu mentioned in the broadcast with full of expectations.

But as soon as he entered the hall, there were no less than twenty eyes cast on him.

But Song He didn't care, and looked at the viewing hall intently on his own.

This is a hall with an area equivalent to the entire stern of the ship, roughly looking at more than a thousand square meters.And this viewing hall is not only large in size, it occupies the space of the fifth and sixth floors of the two-story cabin, making it look particularly spacious.

The vast space has been divided into three parts by an unknown but obviously whimsical designer.

They are the central circular dance floor, twelve separate leisure spaces with different shapes and styles around the dance floor, and the crescent-shaped second-floor leisure space.

Song He looked around, but saw that there were many tables, chairs and sofas in every leisure space, and there were many men and women of different ages, shapes, and clothes sitting in line.

"There are quite a few people here." Song He glanced at everyone in the observation hall without hesitation, and soon saw Hayato Ishikawa who came one step ahead.

However, Song He's gaze did not stay in the direction of Ishikawa Hayato for a second longer, but stayed in the other two directions with interest for a while.

In the two positions that Song He was concerned about, there were Bethel Pat, who was still acting like a gentleman, and Sarah Boris, who was drinking lightly from a glass and pretending to be calm.

Soon, Song He's gaze caught the attention of the already sensitive two people, but Bethel Pat twitched his eyes when he saw Song He, raised his wine glass to salute Song He Yaoyao with an awkward expression, and then He turned his face away, avoiding Song He's sight.

Compared with Bethel Pat, Sarah Boris was much more at a loss. After all, she had only met Song He once, and Song He had also put on a little disguise at this time, so she couldn't recognize this staring star at all. The man who looked at him was a police officer whom he had seen at Songcheng Police Academy.

"It's only natural for Bethel Pat to come here, and his ability is beyond doubt." Song He's thoughts turned, and he looked away from Sarah Boris while wondering: "But why was she invited?"

After thinking for a moment, Song He, who couldn't figure out why, went straight to Bethel Pat, and sat opposite him carelessly.

"Dear Bethel! We meet again!" Song He said familiarly, with a sincere and sincere smile on his face: "Let me just say, how could you own that castle? It seems to be the spoils of a certain event gone."

Bethel Pat looked around and saw that many people were paying attention to him, so he couldn't help but glanced at Song He: "Mr. Sun, I hope you will not act too ungentlemanly this time."

(End of this chapter)

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