While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 911 Night Action

Chapter 911 Night Action
"Ms. Lena, you have the curiosity of a cat and the revenge of a wolf..."

"You are greedy, impulsive, easily blinded by interests, unable to see how powerful your opponent is..."

"But fortunately, you have another advantage, that is, strong execution ability. It's a pity that this advantage matches your personality, which will make you appear reckless..."


The heart-piercing words on the note made the woman in black named Lena jump into a rage!
But she, who has been suffering under Song He's hand one after another, dared not seek her again, she could only sulking in embarrassment and sulking alone.

However, her mind still retained a trace of clarity after all, she did not tear up the note in her hand and threw it away, but just glanced at each sentence quickly to protect her ravaged self-esteem.

And thanks to her calmness, she saw the last few words of the note:
"...Being able to see this shows that you can still control your emotions to a certain extent. Then I am willing to give you a chance, a chance to come back."

"So, just stay by the walkie-talkie quietly, otherwise this last chance will slip through your fingers."

Lena, who was so angry with the first half of the note that she almost lost her mind, was startled when she saw these words, and she couldn't help feeling a little anxious. She put her face close to the note and read it back and forth several times before she was sure. I read it right.

As a result, Lena, who was still flustered just now, suddenly became a little at a loss, and this drastic change made her brain unable to react for a while, and it was difficult to think effectively amidst distracting thoughts

And just as she was guessing the meaning of Song He's words, a clear and pleasant male voice suddenly came out of the walkie-talkie in her hand: "Please make some noise and tell me that you are still alive, or the walkie-talkie hasn't been smashed by you .”

Lena was startled by the sudden voice, took a deep breath to calm down her thoughts and pressed the call button: "Who are you?"

Song He Wenyan, who was sitting leisurely in the guest room, sneered and said, "You dare to attack me without knowing who I am? I really don't know whether to say you are lucky or unlucky."

After all, Song He glanced at Bethel Pat who was still sitting opposite him, grinned and said, "Remember, I am the deputy leader of Qin Xialong's team, Sun Xiaohai."

Bethel Pat, who looked like an elegant gentleman, heard the words, his eyes flickered and his lips squirmed, and after Song He let go of the walkie-talkie button, he said in a complicated tone: "It seems that I need to congratulate you Promoted, Mr. Sun."

"To each other." Song He chuckled: "If it wasn't for Carlo's information, I wouldn't even know that you have become an official member of the Royal Legal Corps."

The corners of Bethel Pat's eyes twitched, and he said calmly but a little unwillingly: "Compared to the confidentiality work of Qin Xialong's team, we have not done enough."

nonsense!It's no wonder you can investigate the dragon group supported by Lao Tzu alone by fooling around!
Complimenting in his heart, Song He waved his hand calmly, indicating that this is an ordinary operation.

At this time, Lena's doubtful and cautious voice came from the walkie-talkie: "What do you need me to do?"

"Smart, it seems that you are not so stupid that there is no cure." Song He praised, and said in a tone full of temptation: "In the next seven days, I will ask you to help me with some things. The reward for everything is a coin."

"And besides doing what I've asked you to do, all you have to do is to stay in the guest room obediently and not contact anyone other than me."

After Song He finished speaking, the walkie-talkie was silent for a moment, and then Lena's still puzzled voice came out: "Why should I trust you?"

"Because you have no choice." Song He said calmly, "I know you are unwilling, but you don't have a single coin on you now, and you don't even owe the capital to turn the tables."

"And once we announce this matter, even if you can form an alliance with others, you will be squeezed to the extreme by the rewards."

"Also, I am far more generous than you imagined. Because if you can execute my instructions perfectly, your harvest will be far more than three coins, understand?"

Lena noticed the words Song He deliberately used, and asked a little uneasy: "You said... you?"

"That's right." Song He Xin said, "A six-member alliance, of course, including you, there will be seven."

As soon as the voice fell, Song He released the call button, and the room was once again quiet.

However, whether it was Song He who was leisurely looking out of the window, or Bethel Pat who was drinking lightly with a glass of wine, they all knew that Lena on the other end of the walkie-talkie had already fallen into a entanglement that tormented her.

Tens of seconds later, there was a rustling sound from the walkie-talkie, apparently Lena pressed the call button.

After a few seconds, Lena's tentative answer sounded out of Song He's expectation: "I promise you, but I want to..."

"No, but, Ms. Lena." Song He's attitude was very firm: "You are not the only one who can do the things that are going to be entrusted to you. I can find more people to implement the same conditions, and at the same time they don't bargain."

"And the reason I'm looking for you is that I don't want to expose other alliance members, not because you are indispensable, understand?"

Lena, who was squeezed seven inches, swallowed a breath full of depression and unwillingness, clenched her fists and promised: "Understood, I will follow through, I hope you will not break your promise."

"Very good." A satisfied smile appeared on Song He's face, and his determined tone also added a little gentle flavor: "I believe you will not regret today's decision, beautiful Ms. Lena."

After finishing the call, Song He stretched his waist firmly, looked up at the wall clock in the room with a thoughtful expression.

"It's midnight in 10 minutes." Bethel Pat gracefully shook the glass in his hand, and then drank it slowly: "It's less than two and a half hours before two o'clock in the morning. , The action time should be controlled within two hours."

Song He Dun patted Bethel Pat on the shoulder in surprise and smiled, "Bethel! Look, this is the power of a team. I don't have to kill my brain cells alone!"

Bethel Pat, who has become accustomed to Song He's style of words and deeds, continued calmly: "So far, in the alliance of the four of us, each of us is responsible for a piece of content."

"But the real core content, Mr. Sun, you have never disclosed to any of us."

"What?" Song Hezhen got up and stretched his legs, looked at Bethel Pat with a smile, and asked in an ordinary tone: "Do you want to know, Bethel?"

"As a member of the alliance, of course I want to know." Bethel Pat also stood up, calmly arranged the expensive clothes on his body, and said with a serious expression: "But, Mr. Sun, I must warn you again."

"If you really want to achieve the greatest results, you must not only control each of us, but also not easily trust any of us."

After finishing speaking, Bethel Pat walked out of the room, leaving Song He with a chic and dignified back.

"What are you doing..." Song He looked at the closed door amusedly, shook his head and laughed: "You say that, except for making me trust you more, it has no other effect at all, okay?"

And after Bethel Pat left for more than ten minutes, Song He locked the coin that others cherished so much that he never left it in the safe of his guest room.

Then he changed into a bloated clothes to cover his figure, put on a mask and hat, and quietly walked out of the guest room.

Since it was already midnight, many people on board had already rested, and Song He also deliberately avoided others, so although he went around all the way, he didn't see a single person.

Finally, Song He came to the service desk where he used to use the tablet computer, took out five [-]-yuan Euros and handed them to the waiter, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Someone is here to check on Sun Xiaohai's news." ?"

After receiving the banknotes, the waiter replied in a low voice: "There are four groups of people who have come to inquire about Mr. Sun Xiaohai and Mr. Bethel Pat. They are Mr. Carlo..."

Not long after, the waiter told him all the information he knew.And when he stopped talking, Song He put [-] euros into his hand again: "Just pretend I haven't been here."

Rao is the waiter who is used to wind and waves, and was still surprised by Song He Kuochuo's attack at this time, his complexion changed slightly and he nodded in response: "Okay, sir."

"By the way, I want to ask you one more thing." Song He stared at the waiter's eyes through the hole where the eyes were located on the mask, and said in a deep voice, "I want to know the location of some people. "

The waiter, who was still happy about making a small fortune for himself, suddenly felt a tremor in his back, swallowed and said, "Who do you want to know the location of, sir? I can't tell you the location information of many people."

"It's okay." Song He sneered, and whispered slowly: "You don't need to say it, just listen to my question obediently."

At one o'clock in the morning, Tang Xu, who was born with a pair of smiling eyes, was sleeping in a luxurious guest room of the Gods Game.And looking at the expression on his face, it was obvious that what happened in the dream made him very happy.

And just when the smirk on Tang Xu's face was about to expand further, a bloated figure wearing a mask suddenly appeared on the balcony of the luxurious guest room, easily and quietly pried open the door lock, opened the door and walked in.

The bloated figure closed the door gently, then moved a chair in front of Tang Xu's bed, and sat down freely without making a sound.

"I haven't seen you for so long, and I still look so stupid." Glancing Tang Xu's eyes, the bloated figure shook his head and muttered, then took out a pen from his pocket and threw it on Tang Xu's face, teasing: "What are you pretending to do? Do you think I'm deaf, blind or fool? Get up!"

"Ahem..." Tang Xu, who was jolted by being hit on the nose by the pen, coughed twice in embarrassment, opened his eyes and sat up straight, and said with a flattering smile, "What does this gentleman have..."

"Sir, sir! You don't know who I am?" The bloated figure interrupted Tang Xu with a curse, pointed at his nose and shouted: "Take out the siren in your ear! Throw the gun under the pillow on the ground!"

"Officer Sun has a clever plan!" Tang Xu quickly flattered him, then obediently took out the anti-intrusion alarm hidden in his ear, and then unloaded the bullet from the gun under the pillow and threw it on the ground, saying with a flattering smile: "You look for me Is there something wrong?"

"Buy you." Song He raised his legs and said leisurely: "If you don't buy you, you won't be coerced, or else you will be silenced."

Tang Xu shrank his neck and said with a sneer: "Officer Sun really knows how to joke."

"The following is not a joke." Song He said with a serious tone: "Tell me, what is the way of this event?"

"This..." Tang Xu rolled his eyes in embarrassment: "Officer Sun, it's hard for me to say."

"Tang Xu, you are a smart person." Song He suddenly said earnestly: "You know what is called the back road, and you also know what is called long-term plan. You have to live another 50 years in this life. Don't have any ideas?"

Song He's erratic words immediately made Tang Xu inevitably start thinking about the future, and before he turned the corner, Song He said persuasively: "Your current boss is my good friend, why don't you leave the way on both sides?" Wouldn't it be easier to walk?"

"Besides, haven't you ever thought about why I got on this ship?"

Feeling a little hot in the head, Tang Xu subconsciously followed Song He's words and asked, "Why?"

"To tell you the truth, I didn't get on the boat to play games with these fools." A triumphant smile appeared on Song Hezang's face behind the mask, and at the same time he said mysteriously: "I got on the boat to catch a people."

(End of this chapter)

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