While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 927 Finding the Trace

Chapter 927 Finding the Trace
The documents coming towards him didn't land on Song He's face as he wished, instead, Song He, who was easily caught, laughed out loud.

"Master, you are still so angry." Song He respectfully put the documents back on Shen Jianghe's desk, but his face when he came to the desk looked like he wanted to be beaten.

"Why hand it back?" Shen Jianghe slapped the document Song He handed back on a thick stack of documents at hand: "It's all yours!"

The smile on Song He's face froze immediately, and then turned into a wry smile: "Master, even a big animal, you can't handle it like this."

Shen Jianghe, who was always immersed in his work, heard the words, slowly raised his head and asked seriously: "Are you an animal?"

"Of course not!" Song He replied confidently and resolutely.

"Then isn't it normal for me to order you like this?" After saying that, Shen Jianghe raised his hand and patted the stack of documents heavily: "Hurry up, there will be new ones if you delay!"

Seeing this, Song He had no choice but to go forward and hold the documents in his arms, and sat next to him to read them one by one.

Just like that, both Song He and Shen Jianghe buried their heads in the documents in their hands, and there was no other sound in the whole office except for the rattle of flipping paper and the rustle of writing.

I don't know how long this special silence lasted. When Shen Jianghe raised his head and moved his stiff neck, his eyes subconsciously swept across Song He who was quietly reading the documents.

In an instant, the eyes of an old man and a young man met each other, making Song He's sneaky gaze a little more unnaturally awkward.

"Master, hehe..." Song He pointed to the document in his hand, and said with a flattering smile, "I just finished reading it."

"Just now? Listen to your nonsense!" Shen Jianghe glared at Song He, leaned back in his chair, pointed to the document in Song He's hand and asked, "Do you understand everything?"

"Understood." Song He didn't dare to be negligent, nodded and said: "They are all security level assessment reports, the data looks okay, there is nothing outstanding or out of the ordinary, quite satisfactory."

"Hmm. It seems that you have read it carefully." Shen Jianghe said thoughtfully: "These reports were randomly retrieved from the database recently. They are relatively new, and I don't think there is anything wrong with them."

"But tell me the truth, if these things are put in front of you, will you believe everything in them?"

Song He Wenyan's heart trembled, and he wanted to make a joke to fool him, but he saw Shen Jianghe's serious eyes, sighed inwardly, and slowly exhaled: "I don't believe it."

"How about the security level of a place, we really can't just look at the data." Shen Jianghe nodded and said: "But these data can indeed reflect some problems."

"No way, it's a real problem." Song Hewen shrugged and said, "In many places, the locals themselves, and sometimes they don't know the actual level of security where they live, let alone those of us who haven't done field research."

"Yes." Shen Jianghe sighed, and said casually, "Pack up your things and go."

"Ah?" Song He was stunned, with a bad feeling in his heart: "Where are you going?"

"Go there!" Shen Jianghe pointed to the document in Song He's hand again: "Choose a few places and help me go to the field to have a look. See which places are credible and which places are not, and make a report on each. "

"Remember, the report must be detailed and true, and there should be no subjective things such as partiality, cover-up and over-exaggeration. Otherwise, you are the only one to ask except for the consequences."

"Master, your sudden attack is too much..." Song He blinked innocently, but seeing Shen Jianghe's attitude was very firm, he turned to ask helplessly: "...then do you have a time limit?" ?”

"Two months, you can arrange the time and itinerary yourself." Shen Jianghe calculated the time during the trip: "With your ability, you can get a general understanding in two months."

Hearing this, Song He turned over the documents in his hand again, curled his lips and took out half of it and said to Shen Jianghe: "Then these are the ones."

Shen Jianghe took it and glanced at it briefly. Seeing that the places in the document were all over the country and not limited to a small area, he couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction: "It's pretty sensible."

"Don't I dare not understand..." Song He muttered, chatted with Shen Jianghe for a while, and then left.

Not long after he left, Chai Wendong rushed into Shen Jianghe's office in a hurry.

"Song He...huh?" As soon as Chai Wendong spoke, he found that Shen Jianghe was alone in the room, and he couldn't help being surprised: "Master, where is Song He?"

"Just left." Shen Jianghe pointed outside the door nonchalantly.

"Gone?" Chai Wendong's eyes widened instantly: "He's really gone!"

"Otherwise." Shen Jianghe sighed softly in his heart, but said calmly on the face: "He is too smart, much smarter than you."

"Because he is smart, he can see things that others can't see, and he can think of things that others can't think of, so he won't trust anyone except himself when dealing with many things."

Chai Wendong paused when he heard the words, and subconsciously wanted to refute: "But Song He..."

"Accommodating? Reasonable?" Shen Jianghe guessed what Chai Wendong wanted to say, and sighed softly: "Wendong, recall carefully, does he usually handle the things I entrusted to him by himself? Or in partnership with others? How much time?"

"And among those things that must be dealt with with others, is he more often in the lead? Or is it more time to jointly agree on countermeasures?"

"Master, this..." Hearing this, Chai Wendong frowned and thought for a moment, then swallowed and admitted, "Song He is indeed very lonely."

"It's good to understand." Shen Jianghe nodded and said: "To be honest, Song He will sit higher than you in the future. Although the things he faces require him to hold a heart that will not easily trust others, he must also understand what Stuff is believable."

"He can handle it now because I'm here, and he doesn't have to take full responsibility. But what about the future? If he still has this mentality, he won't be able to go far."

"These reports are screened out by you yourself. Those reports that seem vaguely problematic to you have obvious problems in his eyes."

"And those places that are honestly not problematic in the report are also untrustworthy in his opinion. So you see, those places that he didn't choose, he will also go by the way."

Chai Wendong, who understood Shen Jianghe's intentions, scratched his head and said, "Master, isn't time a little tighter?"

"Not afraid." Shen Jianghe remembered Song He's efficiency, and suddenly smiled: "I feel that he is given too much time."

When Shen Jianghe and Chai Wendong were chatting about Song He, Song He, the lone ranger they were talking about, had bought a ticket to Feiyu City as quickly as possible, and was anxiously waiting for the boarding time in the waiting hall.

Two hours later, Yucheng.

A black off-road vehicle with police plates drove into the community where Song He and Wu Xuerui lived, and parked steadily in the parking space below a unit.

The car turned off, and Wu Xuerui, who was dressed in a police uniform, got out of the car with her lips slightly raised, locked the car, and returned home happily.

After entering the door, the well-known policewoman from Yucheng glanced at the house that was left unattended because her husband was away, and began to clean with a blushing face.

After a while, the house became tidy under Wu Xuerui's swift actions, which also made Wu Xuerui's mood more joyful.

Putting down the vacuum cleaner, Wu Xuerui glanced at the time, and was about to make some lunch when she heard the sound of the door lock opening suddenly.And from the sound of unlocking the lock, it was obvious that the person who unlocked it was still very anxious.

Wu Xuerui, who knew who was outside the door, had a happy smile on her face, and walked slowly to the door, just in time to see Song He hurriedly opened the door and rushed in.

"The plane is not late." Wu Xuerui joked, and was about to say something more, but saw Song He in front of him, leaning forward with fire eyes, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Hey! What are you going to do..."

However, before the exclamation was fully uttered, Song He immediately picked up Wu Xuerui, strided towards the bedroom and said with a smirk: "Your husband, I am young, strong and vigorous, plus Xiao Biesheng is newly married, guess what?" What should I do!"

"Song He, you rascal! It's daytime..." Wu Xuerui, whose cheeks were instantly flushed with crimson, let out a coquettish cry, and was carried into the bedroom by Song He!


"close the door!"

"My police uniform!"

Immediately afterwards, Wu Xuerui's shy and annoyed shouts sounded one after another, but in the blink of an eye, all the voices were replaced by a muffled groan that seemed to be sealed...

At two o'clock in the afternoon, there was a strange gurgling noise suddenly in the quiet residence, followed by a sneer.

"Laughing fart!" Wu Xuerui walked out of the bedroom while buttoning up, and rolled her eyes at Song He who was busy in the kitchen: "It's not all your fault!"

"Hey, it'll be ready soon!" Song He smiled triumphantly, turned the frying pan in his hand twice, then dumped the dishes on the dinner plate, and served them courteously in front of Wu Xuerui who was already sitting at the dining table.

"You wait for my old lady!" Wu Xuerui, who was still a little embarrassed, glanced at Song He again, smelling the appetizing aroma of the food, picked up the bowls and chopsticks and focused on enjoying lunch.

"Okay, I'll wait for the day when you ask me to beg for mercy." Song He laughed strangely, and sat beside Wu Xuerui with a bowl in his hand.

"Get out!" Wu Xuerui's neck was once again stained with crimson.

After the meal, the contented Wu Xuerui smiled slightly, propped her cheek with one hand, picked up the phone with the other hand, and took a video of Song He who was cleaning the dishes.

"Is my wife investigating and collecting evidence?" Song He was busy with his hands, turned his head and smiled at the camera of the phone in Wu Xuerui's hand.

"Yes." Wu Xuerui chuckled, looking at Song He who was working hard on the phone screen, her brows and eyes curved like a moon: "See if you have faithfully fulfilled the letter of commitment you signed."

Song He heard that he was thinking, and then suddenly showed an admiring smile at the camera: "Xiaoxue, I love you so much."

The sudden show of love made Wu Xuerui's breathing flutter, and she felt her heart beating faster and at the same time, her chest was full of affection, and she even felt a slight suffocation inexplicably.

After a while, Wu Xuerui, who had calmed down a little, wrinkled her nose and said playfully, "Work hard! I want you to look good after breaking the tableware!"

Seeing this, Song He laughed, feeling a warm current rushing through his heart, and only hoped that this kind of time could stay for a while longer.

However, a week later, Song He, who temporarily put down his work and focused on spending time with Wu Xuerui, picked up the job he had promised Shen Jianghe and planned to go to Xicheng in the south for field observation.

In fact, according to Song He's own plan, he could spend three days with Wu Xuerui tenderly and affectionately, and then go on a business trip leisurely.But a sudden phone call forced him to rush to Xicheng as soon as possible.

So, bidding farewell to Wu Xuerui, who was also busy, Song He took a flight and flew to Xicheng thousands of miles away.

"Mr. Sun, your actions are very quick."

Outside the airport pick-up gate, a low-key but expensive car was parked on the side of the road. Carlo, who was driving the car, greeted Song He warmly.

"You actually have a driver's license from our country?" Sitting in his favorite co-pilot seat, Song He looked at Carlo with a calm expression in surprise, and put on his seat belt without hesitation.

"Mr. Sun, I have driver's licenses from many countries. Please trust my driving skills." Carlo scratched his head and started the car skillfully.

"It's quite proficient." Song He observed for a while, and saw that Carlo was indeed proficient in driving, so he relaxed and asked curiously: "Where is Lena?"

"She was investigating in the orphanage." Carlo explained, and said proactively: "The information left by Demara is rather vague, so I left her there for sorting and screening."

Song He nodded and smiled: "It's really courageous for you to trust Lena with such delicate work."

"Mr. Sun was joking." Carlo laughed and said, "Lena is still very professional, although she is much worse than you."

"I accept your compliment." Song He shrugged and asked, "I can't explain on the phone, what's going on?"

"That's right." Carlo said while driving, "We tracked down all the information about the person Demara impersonated back then, and found that there was a person from Wei country with the same name in Xicheng, so we came here to investigate."

"And after visiting almost the entire city, we finally found a little trace of him, that is, we are going to get an orphanage."

Song He, who made a special trip to study the biography of the liar Demara, nodded and said: "I remember that he once worked in the orphanage after he became famous, and although he was fired because of his past deeds, he said that he liked it very much. Get along with the kids."

"Yes, Mr. Sun." Carlo nodded and said, "Demara has deceived countless people in his life, but what he seeks when he deceives people is not money, but fame and the respect of others."

"So, the people and professions he impersonated were those with a certain social status at that time."

"The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change." Song He nodded and asked, "What is he doing in the orphanage?"

"From the current point of view, he is likely to be both the sponsor and the dean." Carlo said with a complicated tone: "We found him in the old photos of the orphanage."

"And from the pictures, he's very popular with the kids and he's having a lot of fun."

Song Hewenyan's mood became inexplicably complicated, and he sighed: "I can't even imagine how many people he has deceived in Xicheng in order to be this sponsor and principal..."

When Carlo, who was driving, heard the words, he nodded sympathetically, shrugged and smiled: "At least the ending is good."

(End of this chapter)

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