Chapter 931
When Kelvin woke up completely, he found that he had been tied up and thrown in the back of the car. He quietly tried to struggle, but the plastic restraint belts on his hands and feet told him clearly that everything to get rid of the restraints Efforts are in vain.

Kelvin had no choice but to observe the environment he was in first, but soon he discovered that the car he was driving slowly out of the underground parking lot of the airport was one of the means of transportation for his group.

"Everyone! Evacuate the airport immediately!"

Suddenly, an extremely familiar voice came from the front row of the car, Kelvin recognized it briefly, and instantly realized that it was his own voice!
Kelvin, who was stunned, followed the sound and saw that the place where the sound came from was actually a small ear-hook receiver.What was put together with this receiver was the communicator that was removed from him!
In an instant, Kelvin felt a chill rushing from his back into his mind, and he was so horrified that he unconsciously wanted to refute, but found that his tongue had been firmly sealed!

"Sev Tang has been captured by me..."

"Everyone hides separately..."

"Wait for me to contact..."

A series of commands sent by Kelvin's voice were accurately transmitted to the communicator, followed by a response full of joy and expectation, proving that these commands will be executed by the receiver without any compromise.

"Mr. Kelvin, good evening."

When the communicator stopped responding, the white security guard driving the car smiled and looked at Kelvin, who had panicked eyes, through the rearview mirror.

"Since I got off the boat, you have been chasing me all night." The white security guard took off his sunglasses in a smart manner, showing a pair of natural smiling eyes: "Now that I got what I wanted, how is it? Are you satisfied?"

Kelvin, whose hands and feet were tied and his tongue sealed, was taken aback for a moment, but it was difficult for him to do any unnecessary reactions other than blinking and swallowing his saliva. smiling eyes.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Tang Xu shrugged mockingly: "I forgot that you can't speak now."

After all, Tang Xu felt a little revenge for fleeing in embarrassment, and said with a contemptuous smile in a comfortable mood: "But to be honest, Mr. Kelvin, you don't think that the host of the event is not at all concerned about your conspiracy on the ship. Don't understand?"

Kelvin was shocked when he heard this, could it be...

"It seems that you realize that you really deserve to be invited by the boss to board the ship." Tang Xu, who is good at observing words and expressions, guessed what Kelvin was thinking in an instant, and smiled proudly: "For me, there are no secrets on board."

"That's why I will disembark alone, Mr. Kelvin."

As soon as the words fell, Kelvin's eyes suddenly widened, and his eyes were full of disbelief!
"Hey, why are you looking at me like that?" Tang Xu smiled more happily: "You plot against me, and I plot against you. Isn't this normal? Why can't you just accept the result calmly?"

"Besides, there are a lot of you! In order to lure you to a place like the airport, which is suitable for my counterattack, do you know how hard it took me to succeed?"


Thousands of miles away, Qin Xia and Song He listened to Tang Xu's chatter provoking Kelvin, and while they couldn't laugh or cry, they also realized that Tang Xu might have suffered a lot during his escape.

"It's really pitiful, he's been forced to do this." Song He shook his head and laughed heartily: "But having said that, it's really good to give him time to freely play the task of laying the groundwork."

Twenty minutes later, Tang Xu parked the car in a dark and deserted alley, then turned off the engine and turned off the lights, which plunged the interior of the car into a gloomy and indescribable darkness.

Then, Tang Xu adjusted the communicator of Unicom Song He's computer, and then probed to tear off the tape on Kelvin's mouth!
"Oh! It hurts..." Kelvin frowned and exclaimed
"If you can feel pain, it means you are still alive." Song He's voice, modified by the voice changer, suddenly came out from the communicator. The hoarse voice interrupted Kelvin's exclamation: "Thanks to me, you are still alive." Talk when you get a chance, Kelvin.”

Kelvin's body tensed instantly after Tang Xu did all the "ideological work". He felt as if his heart was tightly held by an invisible giant hand. He opened his free mouth but couldn't speak a word!
"Kelvin, what do you want me to say about you?" In the communicator, Song He's gloomy and hoarse voice was chilling: "I invited you to board the boat so that you can enjoy the journey, but it's true that you repay me like this. Makes me sad."

"Haven't you ever wondered why they didn't dare to investigate themselves, but pushed you out?"

In an instant, familiar words flashed through Kelvin's mind like a thunderbolt, but what Song He said at this moment was far more shocking and frightening than Carlo's exhortation.

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Kelvin, who was so nervous that he couldn't be more nervous, said hastily, begging for mercy: "Sir, I didn't mean to offend! Really! They said..."

"It doesn't matter what they say, and it doesn't matter what you say, Kelvin." Song He interrupted Kelvin again with a sneer: "The key is what you did."

"That's the only criterion I use to judge friend from foe. Very useful and intuitive, isn't it?"

Sweat dripped from Kelvin's forehead and back, he dared not answer this question, he could only keep begging for mercy.

"Don't worry, Kelvin, I won't kill you." Song He said contemptuously: "Because the person who wants to kill you is someone else, so you might as well guess, who will be eager to kill you after you regain your freedom?" Get rid of you?"

Kelvin, who had been swayed by Tang Xu and Song He, suddenly remembered what Carlo said, and murmured involuntarily: "Gavin and..."

"Look, you're still very smart, aren't you?" Song He sneered and said, "Since Gavin and Corey are making small moves, out of courtesy, I'll let them know what they shouldn't do What will it cost."

"It's a pity that you and your companions won't be able to see it. So, you must be careful, otherwise, tomorrow morning will be the last time you will see the sun of this world."

"Sev, let them go. Next, let's wait patiently to see what the final ending of this show will look like."

Tang Xu looked at the terrified Kelvin, sneered pretentiously, opened the car door and dragged Kelvin out of the car, and then stuffed Kelvin in the trunk and also heard the conversation between Song He and Kelvin The two were pulled out and dropped to the ground.

"You are free." Tang Xu smiled, sat back in the driver's seat and started the car, and looked down at the three people who fell on the ground from the car window: "Breathe the air called freedom that you have dreamed of, although you May not need to breathe any time soon."

"But that's what makes them so precious, isn't it? Mr. Kelvin. Hahaha!"

After that, Tang Xu threw a knife and the communicator that originally belonged to Kelvin from the car window, and then drove away!

When the car drove onto the spacious road, Tang Xu couldn't hold back his inner doubts, and was about to speak boldly when he heard Song He's voice coming from the ear-hook communicator abruptly: "Other time Besides, change to a car now."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Xu thought of something in his mind. He stopped the car to the side of the road in shock, packed his things and got out of the car as quickly as possible.

Soon, Tang Xu, who was crossing the street, stopped a taxi, got in the car and bluntly said to go to the port.

And when the taxi drove towards the port without hesitation, Tang Xu let go of his high-hanging heart, turned to the communicator and asked in a low voice in Qin Xiayu: "Officer Sun, what happened?" ?”

"It's nothing, it's nothing wrong to be cautious." Song He's voice came from the ear-hook communicator: "Kelvin and his group were pushed out by Gavin and those business tycoons to investigate you and your lost threat." Young master, whether the investigation succeeds or fails, it will be wiped out by Gavin and the others."

"And what you just drove was the vehicle used by Kelvin and the others. If it is not complete, there will be some tracker or something. So in order to be sure, it is better to replace it."

Hearing the words, Tang Xu praised Song He for his thoughtfulness. At the same time, after he relaxed, his doubts surged again, and he asked, "Officer Sun, what did we mean by what we said to Kelvin just now?"

"Are you going to kill them with your own hands?" Song He replied coldly, scaring Tang Xu even more.

"I know, you feel unwilling to see me letting them go so easily." Song He said solemnly: "But don't forget, our main purpose tonight is to help you get out of danger."

"And the reason why he spends so much time doing things that seem useless on the surface is, on the one hand, to muddy the water, and on the other hand, to make Kelvin cause some trouble to the people behind him, delaying time .”

"Delay... for time?" Tang Xu became more and more puzzled.

"The meaning is to wait for Uncle Zhong to take the initiative to contact you." Song He didn't mean to explain, but said meaningfully: "But before Uncle Zhong contacts you, Kelvin will take action first."

"However, the most important thing you should do now is to return to the Game of Gods as quickly as possible. Because for you, that is the safest place."

After finishing speaking, Song He didn't say anything more, while Tang Xu felt for the meaning of Song He's words, and seemed to have realized something, but felt a little confused, ignorant and unclear.

At the same time, in the alley where Tang Xu had just left, the three of Kelvin picked up the knife on the ground with difficulty through cooperation, cut off the plastic restraint belt, and got rid of the embarrassment of being restrained.

"Kelvin, what should we do?" A man asked tangledly: "Gavin never said that the other party is such a difficult person."

"Not only that, they also concealed more things." Kelvin frowned and thought: "Judging from Gavin's performance on the boat and what the boss behind Sif Tang just said, the relationship between the two of them at that time The relationship between them is not against each other.”

"At the same time, Sif Tang's boss seems to have the strength to make everyone in Gavin extremely afraid. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why they are so cautious."

"But even so, Gavin and the others still want to take the risk of asking us to investigate the other party's details, which proves that the interests that drive Gavin and the others to do so are so great that even if there is a risk of being countered by the other party, they will persist in turning against the other party point."

Hearing this, the other two, who were already smart and alert, vaguely grasped Kelvin's thoughts. After looking at each other, one of them couldn't help asking: "Kelvin, what do you mean..."

Kelvin, who seemed to be determined in his heart, took a deep breath and said, "I don't believe that Sif Tang's boss went out of his way to arrest us here just to chat with us, so what he just did Everything must have another purpose."

"But with today's events, the hostility between the two sides is inevitable, and the possibility for us people to stay out of it is gone."

"Looking at it now, one of them is strong and the other is weak, one side doesn't care about our life and death, and the other side didn't intend to let us live from the beginning. Is there any need to think about how to choose?"

The other two nodded in unison when they heard the words, and one asked: "What about the others? They still don't know that all our actions have failed, let alone the consequences of failure."

"I'll notify them, but..." Kelvin shook his head as he spoke, and then said in a deep voice, "They haven't experienced what we have personally experienced, so I don't think everyone will approve of our decision."

"But that's fine, there are always people who want to use actual experiences to tell others that our decision is correct, isn't it?"

After finishing speaking, Kelvin picked up the communicator that Tang Xu left behind, resolutely left the alley, and the direction he was going vaguely pointed to the port where the Gods Game was docked.

Qin Xia, Xi Cheng.

After confirming that Tang Xu boarded the Game of Gods safely, Song He, who was slightly relieved, cut off the communication, and then tried to contact Uncle Zhong again.

"There is still no answer." Song He, who had been waiting for a blind tone for more than a minute, looked at his phone, calculated the time when Uncle Zhong lost contact, and frowned, "It's been a long time, nothing really happened. something happened..."

After muttering, Song He frowned worriedly, grinned and complained: "I know how to play, play so much, now I'm being watched by someone! I don't know how you provoke those guys!"

After all, Song He suppressed the uneasiness in his heart with some entanglements, picked up the task he had received from Shen Jianghe again, and continued to wander around the streets and alleys of Xicheng.

What he didn't know was that thousands of miles away at the port of Luo City, Tang Xu, who had just boarded the Gods Game and had yet to catch his breath, kicked open the door of the first mate's room.

I saw that Tang Xu ignored the screams of the woman who was entangled with the chief mate and the dissatisfaction of the black first officer, and rushed directly to the bedside of the two with an angry look on his face.

"Hurry up and end! Trouble is coming!"

(End of this chapter)

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